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I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Printable Version

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RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-27-2016

Canceled the date, guys. Moved it to next week. I'm not on my "A" game. When I go out to test DMSI, I don't want to be in the thralls of resistance. When I'm at my DMSI best, I feel absolutely unstoppable, and THAT'S what I want to test.

Not going out feeling like this, just to fail and then have everyone blame DMSI. So... she'll either accept me moving the date until next week, decide not to mess with me again or I'll just test it on #3 on Tuesday.

#3 is happening whether I have resistance or not.

Also, I've got some crazy momentum with my business. Losing that copy client this week kicked me into absolute overdrive. Dawned on me that I let the prospect of "secure money" send me into complacency and I'm pissed off at myself about that. That's why I left the corporate world in the first place -- to be free of that sh*t. I finished one info-product yesterday, polishing off another one last night, and got a third (that's bound to make me some SERIOUS MONEY) on the way. My goal is to generate $10k in one month. I've let the pursuit of women destroy my dreams before -- not gonna happen again. Tonight, I work.

BUT! There's still an opportunity to test DMSI today. I'm going to a friend's cookout for a few hours. Gonna be lots of single women there, so we'll see.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-27-2016

(08-27-2016, 07:57 AM)FluffyBunny Wrote: So far from what i read it seems like V1 is showing more obvious signs of woman pursuing?

For V2.3, I dont see the point of being incredible or highest status man if not one single person around you can relate to you. lets say you are the highest status man in the area your in and all the woman disqualify themselves, whats the point of it? Or maybe you find one woman in rare ass cases... wheres the fun in that?

Although its funny how it is making you direct you goals away from pursing woman yourself and now pursing other things like business....
this to me is a pretty good thing as being non-needy is always better than being needy. But its interesting that most of you guys focus onto business. For you guys maybe subconsciously there is something connection between the success with women and money.

Being able to take focus off of women like that is something pretty interesting to me i might start testing it today or in few days hehe.

I feel the need to state that I live in a very small, very poor town. The median income here is like $20k. I made more than that in like, three months. So, the women here have a REALLY SMALL TOWN mentality. If you've never lived in a small rural town, you won't get it. These small towns are... "easy living." You live here, you die here. You never see the world. You never go on adventures. You NEVER LEAVE. It's a trap. You don't get a lot of really high status men coming through here.

It's not the BEST testing environment for DMSI, that's why I prowl online dating so much. I generally target the higher affluent areas. For instance, #3 is in med school at one of the prestigious non-Ivy League med schools in the United States. SHE'S a better target, because she won't auto-disqualify.

Also, I don't think it's resistance that's causing us to wanna focus on our businesses. I think that's the new version of OE changing us into high status men ORGANICALLY. I mean, we can have a kick-ass aura all we want, but if we don't have the internal framework to support that aura, it's like wearing an incongruent pheromone blend. So, OE is urging us to become "sexually irresistible" internally, so that the external effects will naturally manifest, with the aura just enhancing everything.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-27-2016

(08-27-2016, 08:11 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote: gotta validate her sexuality... You gotta accept, approve and validate her inner sexual energy... *validate* her inner sexual being, she is all yours.

I don't know if I know what you mean by this. Could you please give some examples of validating her sexuality or inner sexual energy or inner sexual being?

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Breeze - 08-27-2016

(08-27-2016, 09:40 AM)Steven Wrote:
(08-27-2016, 08:11 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote: gotta validate her sexuality... You gotta accept, approve and validate her inner sexual energy... *validate* her inner sexual being, she is all yours.

I don't know if I know what you mean by this. Could you please give some examples of validating her sexuality or inner sexual energy or inner sexual being?

Sure, man.

Even though women pretty good at flaunting their looks around, most of them are pretty insecure. And on the top of that, her looks doesn't describe her sexuality...

You know, for instance, suppose you see an ugly @ss girl walking down the street. For us, "She is not sexy." But underneath her looks, she is just like any other girl. She is a sexual being. There are certain things that turn her on, turn her off, just like any other normal girl.

Similarly, a good looking, smokin' hot chick is no different. Most men appeal to her looks. Like, "Damn, look at that A$$", "Dude, did you check her tits out? Man, they are a killer." BUT her looks are NOT her sexuality. It doesn't matter how hot she looks, it's not her sexuality.

So, my friend, you need to push the buttons that turn her on. Create a fantasy in her mind that she cannot resist. (Okay, not create a fantasy in her mind, but trigger it.) In order to do that, you first need to ACCEPT that her sexuality is beyond her looks. Second, APPROVE her sexuality, make her trust you on a sexual level. That she'll be okay, that you understand her sexuality, and that you will not judge her. And through this whole process, you VALIDATE her. On a sexual level. Not how society validates her, not how her neighbour or that pervert in the street does. They all appeal to her looks. Not her sexuality.

Hope it make sense!

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-27-2016

After leaving the cookout with a VERY interesting experience and consulting my notes and knowledge... I'm very close to cracking what's going on with v2.3. Now, how to explain it? Consolidating my thoughts, will return soon.

EDIT: Let's put it this way -- I get why Shannon said that v2.3 was "interesting."

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-27-2016


Thanks for the clarification. I will have a think on this. I've read your post three times already. It's really deep.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - apollolux - 08-27-2016

(08-27-2016, 09:56 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote:
(08-27-2016, 09:40 AM)Steven Wrote:
(08-27-2016, 08:11 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote: gotta validate her sexuality... You gotta accept, approve and validate her inner sexual energy... *validate* her inner sexual being, she is all yours.

I don't know if I know what you mean by this. Could you please give some examples of validating her sexuality or inner sexual energy or inner sexual being?

[ ... ]

So, my friend, you need to push the buttons that turn her on. Create a fantasy in her mind that she cannot resist. (Okay, not create a fantasy in her mind, but trigger it.) In order to do that, you first need to ACCEPT that her sexuality is beyond her looks. Second, APPROVE her sexuality, make her trust you on a sexual level. That she'll be okay, that you understand her sexuality, and that you will not judge her. And through this whole process, you VALIDATE her. On a sexual level. Not how society validates her, not how her neighbour or that pervert in the street does. They all appeal to her looks. Not her sexuality.

Hope it make sense!

You mostly repeated the thing you said rather than giving actual examples of actions and behaviors to accomplish "validating her sexuality and her inner sexual energy." What would you say one does to do so?

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-28-2016


Your post is really deep. I've never heard this before in this context. I'd appreciate if you could give some concrete examples of what you've said that's been helpful to make her know that you are validating, understanding, and nonjudgmental of her sexuality beyond her body.

1) “So, my friend, you need to push the buttons that turn her on.“

Could you give some examples of what buttons you've pushed and how you've pushed them?

2) “Create a fantasy in her mind that she cannot resist. (Okay, not create a fantasy in her mind, but trigger it.)”

Could you please give an example of how you have triggered fantasies to the point where she became all yours? Which fantasies? Her relationships fantasies? Sexual fantasies? Fantasies in how men fulfill her fantasies, or fantasies in which she is the one fulfilling her fantasies? Fantasies in which the man is but instrumental in fulfillment and she is the main focus, or fantasies in which the man is the main focus instead of her?

3) “In order to do that, you first need to ACCEPT that her sexuality is beyond her looks.”

That seems easy enough to know that her sexuality is more than her looks. But when you look beyond, are you talking about her personality? Complimenting her on her skills? Tell her an aspect of her personality is sexy to you? Etc.

4) “Second, APPROVE her sexuality, make her trust you on a sexual level. That she'll be okay, that you understand her sexuality, and that you will not judge her. And through this whole process, you VALIDATE her. On a sexual level. Not how society validates her, not how her neighbour or that pervert in the street does. They all appeal to her looks. Not her sexuality.”

What are some ways you've approved of her so she trusts you are nonjudgmental and understand? What are some things you've said that have led to her being all yours? What's the difference between validating her and validating her on a sexual level?

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Breeze - 08-28-2016

(08-27-2016, 05:18 PM)apollolux Wrote: You mostly repeated the thing you said rather than giving actual examples of actions and behaviors to accomplish "validating her sexuality and her inner sexual energy." What would you say one does to do so?

It's a mindset.

Now, it's all about energy. We all know that sexual energy is our life-force energy.

So, a) It's vital to explore your sex. How many of us here can say that we know our sexuality? Sure, we know what's get our d*ck jumping, but mostly, that's it. How many of us has truly explored our sexuality? If there is anything you can do, the first step is to let this sex raging monster rise and give him time to breathe. Embrace it. It's a whole different topic on how we can do that. So moving onward.

There's a whole lot of hypocrite moral police out there. It's endless. The media, the society, it's everywhere. They will make you feel like your sexuality is a curse. Therefore, when you explore yourself sexuality and let it take over you, you'll often find yourself immersed in shame, guilt and what not. But if and when you do begin the process, think of it like your sexuality is your child. It's your responsibility to feed it, cultivate it, embrace it, play with it, and watch it grow.

Okay, some of you might be like, "But what does it have to do with women, and validating her sexual energy?"

You see, in order to connect to her on the sexual level, you need to connect to your sexuality first. Ask yourself this -- Are you sexually liberated? Most of the time an honest answer is -- No, I am afraid of my own sexuality. And if you are afraid of your own sexuality, you can't connect to her sexuality. Plain and simple.

b) Here is the second step -- Train yourself to see beyond her looks. I admit it's not easy to do. We have trained ourselves since childhood to believe "how sexy she is" equals "how sexy she looks". Here's a little trick to train yourself, when you see any smokin' chick, remind yourself this -- "She is energy". That's it. Beyond her body, she is an absolute miracle of sexual abundance (and so are you). Imagine your energies merging together with each other.

c) It's amazing how when one thing falls in place, rest of the other things too. When you are unafraid of your sexuality, you are unafraid of others sexuality too. And when you free of your own sexual chains, you accept her sexuality automatically. And that's how you validate her sexuality, by bringing forward your sexuality to her. Let her know that you are a sexual being. You are not telling her, "you are beautiful" and a bunch of other bs. She hears it every day, thousand times a day. Words are not your friends. Your body is, your touch is, your intention is. What she needs is a man who understands her sexuality and feels safe and free to explore it with him. Again, it's a different topic how we can accomplish that. (maybe I should start a blog!)

But one thing you can do is invite her into your world -- "Baby, we are goin' on a roller coaster ride. It's not for the weak of heart, but if you accept my invitation, you sure gonna have hell lot of a fun. It's your choice". If she refuses, move on. Let's just say your energies didn't align well. That's all. And if she accepts, well, have fun!

So, here is the summary:

a) Be sexually unapologetic and liberated.
b) Train yourself to see beyond her looks.
c) State your intentions right away. You are not here to be her friend, but to be her lover.

There are many steps in the middle, and many right and wrong ways to accomplish these steps. It can't fit in just one post. But I do hope this post clear things a bit for anybody who is curious.

EDIT: @Steven -- I'll come back to answer you later, bud. Till then, I hope this post answers some of your questions.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-29-2016

I thought I had a handle on what was going on with v2.3, then I had a few incidents that totally trashed those theories.

For most of the weekend, I was dealing with a really nasty bout of resistance, so I thought that may have been the culprit. By Sunday, the resistance was gone and as usual with v2.3, I felt AMAZING internally. Finished tons of business-related tasks and created a roadmap that should make me quite profitable by the end of 2016.

Externally? .... well, not so good. I have determined that (at least in my case), I'm not being "ghosted" on v2.3. The aura is outright repelling women.

I spent a large part of my weekend going out, standing near women, talking to women, etc. and observing their responses. The results weren't good -- AT ALL.

First, at the cookout, the majority of women completely ignored me and wouldn't even really respond if I talked to them. In fact, they eventually started trying to stealthily sneak away if they suspected I was going to talk to them. The only responsive women were close family members. But even they seemed kinda repulsed by my presence! When I hugged my sister -- MY OWN BIOLOGICAL SISTER -- she did the hover hug thing, where she refused to connect bodies and then sorta scampered off without really saying goodbye. She gave my older brother his huge hug. We don't get to see each other often, so usually, we give each other big hugs.

Then, I had a lot of guys patting me on the back and shoulders when talking me. Not really trying to AMOG me -- it was like they assumed they were already higher value. This NEVER happened on AM6 or any of the earlier versions. On AM6, I had more than just presence -- which v2.3 definitely gives you -- I had presence and strength.

Shannon said the sub may be turning me into the type of person that'll attract the women I subconsciously like. If that's the case, F*CK THAT. No way. Give me back my imposing alpha status. Life was much more fun that way.

AND THEN, the BIG HIT that irritated the hell out of me. After boxing, I stayed behind with one of the other students just to chat it up with the coach. I asked the coach what I needed to work on. He called the other student over. Turned to him and congratulated him on how aggressive and powerful he was. Said that he was the type of person that people knew not to mess with. He turned to me and said: "Well, you look a little more diplomatic... like, you're gonna give them a few warnings before trying to take them down."

I've been a martial artist for about 15 years now. Very devout. Very knowledgeable. The other kid is brand new. Only been boxing for three months. There's no competition between us. I wouldn't even fight him because he wouldn't stand a chance. When we were on the heavy bag, I was hitting it so hard that it was shaking the frame that ALL the heavy bags was on and people stopped practicing just to watch me go.

And yet, the coach basically called me a beta, rofl.

There's something OFF about this aura. It gives you presence and EXTREME INNER STRENGTH, but the internal effects are not being reflected in the external world. And it causes some SERIOUS, SERIOUS, SERIOUS mental distress, because you're like wtf?

As such, I don't know if I can continue with v2.3. I have a date tomorrow night with someone that I'm actually very interested in, and a big business meeting on Thursday that could send me into mid-six figures by late next year if it goes well. The meeting on Thursday will be with a BUNCH of women. I don't know if I'm going to risk those opportunities on this particular version.

I did insanely well on v1 -- and hell, I did good on just AM6, so it's not a "chaos, you just don't know IOI's thing." We gotta figure this thing out. If I choose not to run it, I'll jump back on after the meeting on Thursday.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - 4Kingdoms - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 06:20 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: I thought I had a handle on what was going on with v2.3, then I had a few incidents that totally trashed those theories.

Externally? .... well, not so good. I have determined that (at least in my case), I'm not being "ghosted" on v2.3. The aura is outright repelling women. I spent a large part of my weekend going out, standing near women, talking to women, etc. and observing their responses. The results weren't good -- AT ALL.

First, at the cookout, the majority of women completely ignored me and wouldn't even really respond if I talked to them. In fact, they eventually started trying to stealthily sneak away if they suspected I was going to talk to them. The only responsive women were close family members. But even they seemed kinda repulsed by my presence! When I hugged my sister -- MY OWN BIOLOGICAL SISTER -- she did the hover hug thing, where she refused to connect bodies and then sorta scampered off without really saying goodbye. She gave my older brother his huge hug. We don't get to see each other often, so usually, we give each other big hugs.

Then, I had a lot of guys patting me on the back and shoulders when talking me. Not really trying to AMOG me -- it was like they assumed they were already higher value. This NEVER happened on AM6 or any of the earlier versions. On AM6, I had more than just presence -- which v2.3 definitely gives you -- I had presence and strength.

There's something OFF about this aura. It gives you presence and EXTREME INNER STRENGTH, but the internal effects are not being reflected in the external world. And it causes some SERIOUS, SERIOUS, SERIOUS mental distress, because you're like wtf?

You nailed it!!

When I did v2.2, kids were in love with me!! Now they don't even notice me. How are kids around you??

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Dzemoo - 08-29-2016

you guys are confusing the shit out of me so you can say for sure that v1 was better ?

or v2.2 ?

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 06:44 AM)Dzemoo Wrote: you guys are confusing the shit out of me so you can say for sure that v1 was better ?

or v2.2 ?

I only ran v2.2 once because I was running AM6. Didn't get good results, but that's because v2.2 had the healing (and I DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY need healing). RTBoss reported really good results on v2.2, but it seems like it's a long-term play. About 6 weeks to see really good results as it tears through emotional trauma related to women.

v1? lol. I saw results the first time I ran the thing.

But remember, we're not supposed to jump around because we're testing. I'm not stopping v2.3 in exchange for something else. I'm just pausing v2.3 because I'm going to pheromone the hell out of my date tomorrow night and also in Thursday's business meeting.

Subconscious-wise, I'm remaining pure.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-29-2016


I wish I knew what to say. If you're confused... guess what... so am I... something is very weird and I don't know what it is.

Biggest thing, I feel like I've warped into the wrong alternate reality. I can't explain it otherwise.