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The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Printable Version

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RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 12-26-2021

Day 85/180 - 3 loops US

Feeling a bit heart broken... I met this cool girl last week and ended up getting laid. She wanted to meet again and so I went clubbing with her. 2 other girl friends of her's came and we were dancing. Everything was going great until one of her friends became jealous and told her that I said "I love you" to the girl I did not even find attractive. The bitch cock blocked me just like that haha, my girl came to me and said I was rude and that she no longer wanted to be around me. Looks like luck wasn't on my side this time.. anyway, I have learned some lessons and hope them all the best!!

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 12-27-2021

Day 86/180 - REST 1/3

Its the holidays so I am taking it easy now. Not much to report I guess.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 12-29-2021

Day 88/180

I met another cool girl who was 10 years older than me. We vibed on some great topics and she invited me back to her place. Unfortunately, I did not find her attractive and there was no alcohol involved. It would have felt awkward / unnatural if I tried to make any sexual advances. Also, It was only towards the very end when she started to show some attraction towards me through physical touch so I was unclear about how she felt towards me. The main lesson I learned is that I need to really work on my listening skills because most of the damn time I am trying yo think of what to say instead of actually being present with the person.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 12-30-2021

Day 89/180

Half way there... Well, almost! (91 days to go)

Just came back from Turkey, feeling a bit emotional coz I met many great friends and it's sad to leave them like that + I was there for a whole damn month.

Next will be either Rio or Thailand. But first I need to get my booster and do a health checkup. I am excited for the new year because I have ambitious plans such as getting my business of the ground and getting real estate with the savings I've accumulated over the years.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 12-31-2021

Happy new year!

Day 90 - 3 loops

I played 3 loops last night. I woke up multiple times during the night. I had intense anxiety when I woke up, did 1 hour of meditation to calm myself down a bit. What was interesting is that I went out for a walk that morning and I felt fearless. A thought came into my mind... "I am not afraid of anything right now". This feeling felt extremely liberating, almost too good to be true moment.

I am entering the new year with a positive and optimistic mindset. In fact, I haven't felt this motivated and driven for a long time. The travelling I did was an amazing experience which has opened my mind to new and interesting possibilities.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-01-2022

Day 91/180 - 6 Loops

As an experiment I decided to play 6 loops. It was a gut feeling decision. There wasn't any sign of exhaustion or overuse. I spent most of the day just contemplating my goals and vision for life. I am very motivated and driven right now and optimistic about the future. I feel like playing more loops so will go ahead and allow autoconfig to do it's work.

I had my booster vaccine this morning and I am very glad and grateful to have received it. The only symptoms I am feeling right now are tiredness and fatigue. If it continues into tomorrow, Ill probably supplement on some coffee to get me through the day.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-02-2022

Day 92/180 - 6 loops

Played 6 loops again and I didn't notice much difference. The fatigue from the booster vaccine is wearing off and I am still in a very good and positive state of mind.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Z-Man - 01-02-2022

(01-02-2022, 04:16 PM)SaltyMeatballs Wrote: Day 92/180 - 6 loops

Played 6 loops again and I didn't notice much difference. The fatigue from the booster vaccine is wearing off and I am still in a very good and positive state of mind.

That is good to hear. So, no side effects? When did you get the first 2 shots? Are you doing Masked or Hybrid?

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-03-2022

(01-02-2022, 04:40 PM)Z-Man Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 04:16 PM)SaltyMeatballs Wrote: Day 92/180 - 6 loops

Played 6 loops again and I didn't notice much difference. The fatigue from the booster vaccine is wearing off and I am still in a very good and positive state of mind.

That is good to hear. So, no side effects? When did you get the first 2 shots? Are you doing Masked or Hybrid?

At the moment I am playing ultrasonic. I noticed that hybrid may have been disturbing my sleep so I backed off a bit. But I will need to verify this to be certain so Ill reintroduce hybrid in the upcoming weeks.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-03-2022

Day 93/180 - rest

I had a really bad dream which forced me to wake up 30min before my alarm went off. The dream was extremely vivid and I remember every detail of it. To summarize briefly, I was arriving back home with my mother and she entered the house first in a rush to get into the toilet. I was still outside trying to remove my dirty shoes before I entered. The next thing I hear is screaming from my mum. What happened was ghost face was hiding in the toilet and when my mum opened the door, he stabbed her atleast 3-5 times and then went chasing after me. He then caught onto me and just before the knife blade penetrated me, I woke up, heart racing and sweating like mad.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Benjamin - 01-03-2022

Let's not go too much into vaccine stuff from either side.. as we're trying to avoid any arguments and Shannon had made a new rule about it recently.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-05-2022

Day 95 / 180

Have not played any loops for the last 2-3 days. I feel like taking a longer break so will resume tomorrow.

I've been overwhelmed by the amount of work I need to do which is causing me some stress and agitation. I basically work behind a computer with minimal human interaction. I also had a few nights of poor sleep so that has compounded the stress.

Today I was only a few steps away from booking a flight ticket to Bangkok, but my mind told me to take a step back and do some research. There seems to be a quite a bit of travel restrictions which could prevent me from reaching the final destination. Where I am at now is too damn cold and not much to do so I am keen to get out of here ASAP.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-06-2022

Day 96/180

Intending to play 5 loops tonight.

Lately, I've been feeling rather stressed out with all the work I need to do. I can feel a lot of tension in my body and I'm becoming increasingly agitated. I don't particularly enjoy my work either.. there's no satisfaction or fulfilment in the outcome.

Im contemplating what it would be like to move out of my parents place, into a new city. I think that will really grow me. Unfortunately, there are too much restrictions right now which is preventing me from travelling and exploring these potential cities. I hope the situation improves as soon as possible.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-07-2022

Day 97 / 180

The loops failed to play last night. I went into the player and noticed there were 3 still in the queue. Perhaps I accidentally stopped it from playing by going into some app or something.

I have identified a few things which is causing me to have shit sleep. Firstly, I spend too much time on my phone just before sleep and I've been drinking high amounts of caffeine lately. I think I will switch to drinking yerba mate tea / green tea instead of coffee. Also, I want to eliminate phone usage in my bedroom altogether. Ill just use my old phone to play the subs on.