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Alpha Male (Multiple Versions) - Printable Version

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RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 07-20-2016

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 5 Day 17

Anther night of subs, feeling secure and confident, even all the high bosses in my company have respect from me and see me as new valuable employee.

People make space for me whereever i go and meet me with respect.
Still not sure what i want out of my life and how i have to continue my journey.

-HorizonPUA said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 07-30-2016

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:So today/tomorrow ends my official AM6 second ride. I'll be honest, I didn't get as many hours as I did the first time, but this is because I've been having much more fun this time around and didn't get the time in to listen to the subs as much.

Things summarized:
-lost v-card
-got my first gf (in that order)
-became highly active at my workplace
-much more women at work adoring me. Everyone from the 50yr customer cougar to the 19yr old student co-worker. 35yr sexy, exotic married co-worker inviting 22yr me out to her house so we can have drinks.
-I go out a lot more, seeking activities to do.
-I invite others out, tired of waiting to be invited myself.
-my personality has "hardened." Those who make me angry I quickly forget about instead of how I used to get worked up all over it. Most negative situations I'm in are quickly resolved and forgotten.
-people who annoy me I just avoid. I don't talk bad about them or anything. This in turn has made me become friends of my enemies surprisingly and many of my friends ask me how I become friends with them after bad initial impressions. It takes simple knowledge to know most people aren't mean on purpose, just mistaken or misunderstood at times.
-my gf of 1 month now is already asking me to marry her and bear her children everyday. She wants to buy me a promise ring to stop other girls. (She knows just how attractive I am both physically and socially)

I've made huge leaps over who I was prior to both AM6 runs. Next week I'll be starting the DMSI/AOSI train everyone is on. I'll be glad to start such a fun sub after a hard year's work of AM6.

Catch you guys later on this journal. I may update this one when I get back to using the Refresher Stage down the road.

-XyzN said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 08-09-2016

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:I enjoy this seek the challenge programming. There's something to fulfilling about that extra push to get achievements. Makes me feel ahead of the game. A lot of personal successes and things are going according to plan. Relationship with women going well...

-Big Boss said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 08-24-2016

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Opening people left and right as of late, hellbent confidence, realisation after realisation. As if a fire has been ignited which escalates in wildfire.

Walked up some truckers today, some small chatting. another women at the store opened and had small talk with her.

Its cold approach basically what is happening. the woman was first just in her world, after just openign her, she became animated.
Same as with approach, relying on the eyes is possible but limiting. Its not about validation seeking from people, rather, you go up because you are entitled and decisive. Its an direct owning of the situation aswell.

Holding longer conversations aswell as of late with ease.

keyword; CONVICTION. have it already there as of NOW. take the belief and directly sink it in. vision , focus, concentrate. mental discipline and understanding mind.

I aim to have all life areas covered through subliminals, the plan is set, Am is the fundament. I feel I am way beyond pickup.

-Kol said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 08-22-2017

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:...I walk like a King, interact like one too. And it feels liberating. I am more at peace with my self now. More in tune to the present. Not thinking about my past as well as what is to come. I am happy with myself just being here right now. AM really has a way of making things a lot easier for its user. It frees you from the trouble of dealing with things in the waking life by dealing with them on a subconscious level. Changes have been a lot faster. It's Day 15 as of this moment.

To all guys out there, I urge you to do Alpha Male. Probably almost all of your problems as a man can be fixed by it. It's one of the most important investments you can ever reward yourself. Trust me on this.

-SexyMofo said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 10-21-2017

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:I actually decided to continue using AM refresher for one more month to further strengthen the results.

I've noticed it's helping me allot socially, and with women and in general in life.

AM makes me feel great and I have a very masculine vibe with women. I shake there hand and look into there eyes in a more powerful and sexual way.

Also i'm more funny and humurous, making more jokes with people randomly I noticed.

It's pretty great.

-Raykon said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 10-24-2017

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 2 Day 20

- i'm constantly pissed at other people's *****
- i noticed improved self validation and self-reliance
- i don't give a F*** attitude towards other people's lives i tend to focus on my own
- decreased need for validation and approval i just do what i want to do
- improved calmness towards high pressure situations
- improved my action taking skills
- improved my personal standards towards life and other people
- improved focus towards my goals
- improved self-belief about my abilities and skills
- Alpha male body language and behavior
- i feel safe and comfortable with myself

* i'm excited for the next stages of alpha male 12 days to go before stage 3 "Big Guns"

-NastyJ46 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 11-19-2017

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 3 Day 14

- improved self correcting behaviors
- more commanding voice
- more self assured
- more selective with friends
- increased fighting spirit
- increased self-assurance
- no more bouts of anxiety and depression
- self validated
- calm and collected
- my employees and friends listen to me more and values my opinion/advice
- my friends kinda look up to me for valuable advice over their life decisions
- unreactive towards negativity and girls BS
- im more aware of my strengths and vulnerabilities
- thinking of more ways to achieve my goals faster
- decreased procrastination and improved motivation
- im more singleminded and strategic.

-NastyJ46 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 12-01-2017

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 1, Day 21:

- Energetic all day without doing anything out of the ordinary, eating, or drinking any stimulants.

- I was super unfocused at work and kept making very silly mistakes.

- Every time I spoke to a woman today I made her laugh.

- Starting to notice that I'm more talkative

- My wife seems to be getting more affectionate towards me daily.

- My daughter was super excited to see me today, she usually wants to stay with her mom.

- My voice is getting naturally louder

-I don't care what people hear me say.

- Keep getting looks from women between 20-60 years old everywhere I go.

- Women seemed very pleased when I was in their presence or they spoke to me over the phone today.

3 weeks on stage 1, thought this was going to be kind of boring but damn was I wrong. If anything it just seems to be pushing me to express my true self more each day, as opposed to just showing the calm and composed version of me that I usually do.

-Davidmind91 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-10-2018

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 2, Day 29:

- 3rd day in a row with explicit attention from women.

- My other female professor was talking to me today in class and her pupils dilated. She began sizing me up and her eyes said "I want to F**k right now".

- Males have been staring as I walk by, like there's a look of admiration on their faces.

- A female supervisor came to ask me for a favor, at first her hand was balded up and rested on my shoulder, a couple seconds later she began to message my shoulder, and rubbed it a bit.

- I notice more of a take charge attitude and mindset within myself.

- I feel fear dissolving more within me the past few days.

-DavisMind91 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 02-18-2018

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 4, Day 1:

What a start...

- Libido through the roof.

- Women keep staring at me when checking me out like they're waiting for me to talk to them, even after I make eye contact.

- Was told that I've been making a lot of noise at work today, especially when talking.

- High energy for most of the day.

- Women that pass my aisle keep looking down it to stare at me while they walk by, it's starting to feel like inception when Leonardo DeCaprio kept having ppl stare at him in the dream.

-Davismind91 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 03-15-2018

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 4, Day 29:

Woke up and went to the mall early today to shop. I was extroverted as hell. Socializing took no effort and I spoke to everyone I came across like I’ve known them for years. I picked up a bunch of cool stuff too. I went into every store decisive about what I wanted and refused to leave until I either got it or realized the store simply didn’t carry it. There was no trying to negotiate a sale with me for an alternative item.

After leaving the food court I had a lyft driver that overheard me say on the phone that I was dropping my purchases home really quick before heading back out to work. She then offered to wait for me while I was inside , the thing is though she gave me the extra ride to work at no charge. Even offered me her lunch along the way, it’s like she wanted to take care of me or something...

-DavisMind91 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-02-2018

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 5, Day 15:

- At long last, my divorce papers have been filed. Finally time to break the up and down cycle of my marriage and get on with moving forward.

- Stress is now non-existent at my job, I'm just now noticing after a couple weeks that I don't get shaken over anything work related here anymore.

- I also notice that I haven't felt timid or reserved in a social situation in....months. Still have times where I simply don't feel like talking though.

- I can feel my confidence becoming more tempered than from the previous stages. In stage 1 and 2 I was pretty cocky compared to just having a more quiet confidence now.

-DavisMind91 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-12-2018

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Stage 5, Day 24:

- Wasn’t planning to post today but something noteworthy happened. Before I left work tonight, I put my iPhone in do not disturb because I simply don’t wanna talk to anyone. When I got home I checked my phone and saw a huge amount of missed calls and texts. They were all from a girl that has had my number for a couple moths but for some odd reason decided she wanted to talk tonight. I told her my phone was on DND but she kept calling and texting for 10 minutes straight until I finally called back. She really wanted my attention for whatever reason. We had a good conversation but I still wasn’t in a talking mood so I told her I was cutting things short.

- A female coworker of mine told me about another coworker who’s been feeling socially awkward because she’s new and no one seems to wanna talk to her. I shrugged it off and said there’s no excuses for feeling uncomfortable. We live in the age of information so much of what a person wants or needs to learn can be found with a few clicks and some typing. AM6 has drastically reduced my empathy. I just don’t see the point in excuses and weak emotions. I’m sure the new girl will get comfortable eventually but if she’s socially akward then she can learn to actually take her social skills to the next level.

- People calling me sir is starting to become a common occurrence.

-DavisMind91 said this here