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Traveling the Alpha trail - Printable Version

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RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiral - 06-07-2012

Ooooo those feelings are awesome. Alpha male seems to have clouded them a little bit for me. You are on Alpha Male 5.0 right spiritman?

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-07-2012

(06-06-2012, 06:47 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-05-2012, 04:07 PM)spiritman Wrote: Day 28

Whenever women look at it me, I can feel some kind of sexual tension or feeling. Like women will look at me and I look at them, and I can feel some kind of sexual vibe energy that fills up within myself. Something along those lines. It is hard to describe at the moment but Shannon or someone else might be able to describe the feeling I am talking about.

Is this sexual energy from her, or that you generate within yourself in response to looking at an attractive woman?

I believe it is generating within myself from looking at attractive women. Even if the woman wasn't that attractive but semi attractive, I felt it. I am not really sure, since this is first time I have felt this kind of feeling. Yes Spiral I am on AM 5.0, in a few days I will be starting stage 3.

Day 30

So, far I have noticed when I am out and about like going to the movies, I don't feel so self conscious. Plus, I have noticed pep in my step, like my legs want to walk a different way. But at the same time, they want to walk another way, it is like they can't make up their minds how they want to walk.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - AVB2011 - 06-07-2012

(06-07-2012, 09:10 AM)spiritman Wrote:
(06-06-2012, 06:47 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-05-2012, 04:07 PM)spiritman Wrote: Day 28

Whenever women look at it me, I can feel some kind of sexual tension or feeling. Like women will look at me and I look at them, and I can feel some kind of sexual vibe energy that fills up within myself. Something along those lines. It is hard to describe at the moment but Shannon or someone else might be able to describe the feeling I am talking about.

Is this sexual energy from her, or that you generate within yourself in response to looking at an attractive woman?

I believe it is generating within myself from looking at attractive women. Even if the woman wasn't that attractive but semi attractive, I felt it. I am not really sure, since this is first time I have felt this kind of feeling. Yes Spiral I am on AM 5.0, in a few days I will be starting stage 3.

Day 30

So, far I have noticed when I am out and about like going to the movies, I don't feel so self conscious. Plus, I have noticed pep in my step, like my legs want to walk a different way. But at the same time, they want to walk another way, it is like they can't make up their minds how they want to walk.

I am looking forward to hear your journey on Stage 3. Stage 2 was great experience for me.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-10-2012

I will be starting stage 3 tonight. I look forward to seeing what results happen with this stage.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - RainbowAbyss - 06-10-2012

I'd say those sexual feelings are from the sets unconsciously giving yourself permission to actually feel, be aware of, and experience your masculine desire. It also could be your bodies response to the woman sending her sexual energy your way. It seems like a matter of polarity.. your more and more in your masculine..your going to be drawn more and more drawn to feminine least on the bodily level since the AM set sounds like it cuts out mental captivation with distractions pretty well.
BTW Not to say woman are nothing but distractions Smile

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-11-2012

(06-10-2012, 11:45 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: I'd say those sexual feelings are from the sets unconsciously giving yourself permission to actually feel, be aware of, and experience your masculine desire. It also could be your bodies response to the woman sending her sexual energy your way. It seems like a matter of polarity.. your more and more in your masculine..your going to be drawn more and more drawn to feminine least on the bodily level since the AM set sounds like it cuts out mental captivation with distractions pretty well.
BTW Not to say woman are nothing but distractions Smile

Rainbow that makes sense and that is probably what it is. I have mostly been more in touch with my feminine side because I never had a father figure or male role model around to know what it is meant to be a man. So, I have been figuring it out on my own and until I came across Shannon's AM product.

I listened to the Stage 3 last night and here are day 1 results I have noticed.

I am more grounded in my body.

I was making an conscious effort to keep my posture more up and firm.

I seem to be in my own world and not really concerned as to what other people or doing or saying.

Other than that, I can tell stage 3 is taking everything from stage 2 and taking it to where it needs to go. All while making it a smooth transition without too much drop in effect from the previous stage.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-14-2012

Day 4 of stage 3

I have noticed that women are checking me out more, and giving me the stare look. Plus, I noticed that women have been looking me in the eyes with an intense look. To where I can feel energy coming my way, or it could be my own energy from within. I still haven't been able to figure that out yet. So each time it happens, I try to be aware of how I am feeling and if the energy I am feeling is my own or the woman's. But it is like every time I see an attractive woman, they stare right at me and I try to hold the eye contact until they break it. Which has happened I say 95% of the time and I am trying to get use to women looking at me in a way of "Hmm he looks interesting."

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-18-2012

Day 7

Today I was at work, when a female employee tried to manipulate into doing something that I first didn't want to do, and I thought she could have done it, but she didn't want to do it. So, I put her on the spot about telling her, how you women around here are always wanting us "men" do everything for you because you think that is what us men are for. I have been told by the women, that is what you men are for to do things for us when we don't want to do it. I told her, you women needed to start doing things for yourself and stop trying to manipulate me into doing something that you can do but don't want to.

Today I also noticed that I was just being cocky and somewhat arrogant/confident, I would just tell people how I felt if they were doing something that hit a nerve. Just spouting out random things to be cocky/funny, and I was told by some women, "you're a jerk." However, at the same time they were laughing and the body language told a different story. Plus, I am starting to take charge with things at work; I am becoming calmer, and relaxed when talking with the bosses. Like if they pull me in in order to talk to me, I stand there, not nervous and not fidgeting with my hands/fingers. My breathing was so very calm that I was aware of being in the present moment. Usually, my body would be one place, but my mind would be somewhere else and miss some of what the person was saying.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - RainbowAbyss - 06-19-2012

I really like the sounds of this set. No more fidgeting is actually a huge sign and a really good thing.
You can't be fidgety and in the zone lol.
I wouldn't worry to much about where the energy comes from with the feelings between you and woman..all thinking minds and left brains aside were all the same soup of matter/awareness/energy and in the tantric sense your consciousness, the consciousness that you are, is already in every person, including woman. And the force of life, the feminine Shakti is the same life force that beats every you already are in connection with those woman and its really yourself reflecting energy to yourself lol that's the sort of thing I would have hated to hear on the Alpha stage 3 I did but that understanding when made embodied fully is quite powerful.
If I am understanding you correctly the 'hmmm he looks interesting' look is one of the best looks to get in my opinion..because it means your trigger there most intense scanners-looking for incongruity and weakness to go full force. If you pass it means anything can happen..the sooner they give you that look and move on positively the more they are unconsciously surrendering because you seem safe and trust able.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-20-2012

(06-19-2012, 01:09 AM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: I really like the sounds of this set. No more fidgeting is actually a huge sign and a really good thing.
You can't be fidgety and in the zone lol.
I wouldn't worry to much about where the energy comes from with the feelings between you and woman..all thinking minds and left brains aside were all the same soup of matter/awareness/energy and in the tantric sense your consciousness, the consciousness that you are, is already in every person, including woman. And the force of life, the feminine Shakti is the same life force that beats every you already are in connection with those woman and its really yourself reflecting energy to yourself lol that's the sort of thing I would have hated to hear on the Alpha stage 3 I did but that understanding when made embodied fully is quite powerful.
If I am understanding you correctly the 'hmmm he looks interesting' look is one of the best looks to get in my opinion..because it means your trigger there most intense scanners-looking for incongruity and weakness to go full force. If you pass it means anything can happen..the sooner they give you that look and move on positively the more they are unconsciously surrendering because you seem safe and trust able.

Yep I think also that the fidgeting is huge, mostly because my boss was getting on my case about something. I had to stand calmly, relaxed, so I could explain myself very clearly. While at the same time, staying calm about it, no nervousness at all. About the looks, I get some of the most intense looks from women, but the good looks. It is clearly obvious that they see something they like and or that I have caught their attention some how that makes them notice me right away. I have noticed also that I am busting on women all the time and that women at work, have been trying to see if they could control me. However, I just turn it around on them, which makes them snap at me in a playful way.

Then I just keep doing it to them, to the point of them saying "Whatever" and walk away. However, the funny part is, I seem to be enjoying myself more with women, even if I don't find them that attractive. I am slowing learning about my own space, what I find acceptable by people and what is not. It is hard sometimes but not all the time to stand up in certain situations. However, I am learning slowly when I should speak up and when to let things slid. For example, is this something worth me getting upset or losing sleep over, if not just move on. Basically, learning when to pick my battles and when to leave things alone.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - RainbowAbyss - 06-21-2012

Picking battles is always tricky--I tend to switch between-nothing means anything and smiling
or being as direct as possible in a way that leaves room for peace.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-24-2012

Day 13

I am becoming more assertive with myself and with my boundaries to the point of just standing my ground with people. If someone was trying to make me do something I didn't want to do, I wouldn't budge an inch if I didn't want to do it. Plus, I didn't feel the slightest hesitation of saying no or standing up for myself. Furthermore, I am starting to take charge, do things that need to be done, even when other people should have been doing instead of me. I am starting to become more witty, sarcastic with women, busting on them all the time. I have also noticed that I want to have a woman in my life, but at the same time I don't seem to have the urge to get a woman.

It seems like I am starting to enjoy having the company of women around me, instead of focusing all my energy on one woman. Even when I see the one woman at work whom I like (plus I think she likes me as well), we smile/talk to each other. However, I don't seem to have that strong urge to want to get with her psychically and sexually like I have in the past. Yes, I want to get with her, but there is a different feeling or pulling inside of me that is telling me that I should become my own man, and women will just come naturally. Mostly, because I am doing my own thing and being my own man enjoying life, and the women will notice that to the point that they can't help but want to be around me. Which at that point, I can decide whom I want from the choices of women I have around me and go from there.

All my life, I have had the feeling of wanting to get a woman, the feeling, of "I have to get a woman!" Now I seem to be mellowing out a bit and just becoming a man who naturally attracts women. At the same time, I am coming into my own power and masculinity that I have never had or felt in my life. It is weird feeling but an empowering feeling to feel my masculinity starting to take shape, sometimes I just have to stop for a minute or two to know what it feels like.

RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Benjamin - 06-29-2012

Your getting awesome results Spiritman.. this is really making me excited to start Alpha 5.0 in a month or so.

The self image of a man instead of a boy is going to be a big one for me. I am 27 and feel similar to when I was 18 and still see myself as that or younger and it's weird. I do always think 'is there any point where I suddenly feel like a man'.

I also didn't pay attention to the headphones thing until K-train mentioned it in another thread, I will definately take that onboard now.


RE: Traveling the Alpha trail - Spiritman - 06-30-2012

(06-29-2012, 03:21 AM)benjamin Wrote: Your getting awesome results Spiritman.. this is really making me excited to start Alpha 5.0 in a month or so.

The self image of a man instead of a boy is going to be a big one for me. I am 27 and feel similar to when I was 18 and still see myself as that or younger and it's weird. I do always think 'is there any point where I suddenly feel like a man'.

I also didn't pay attention to the headphones thing until K-train mentioned it in another thread, I will definately take that onboard now.


Yep I love the results from this program! It is really helping with standing up for myself and what I believe in. The self-image of becoming a man instead of a boy is a BIG one for myself as well. I can tell so far that I am standing up to people that try to tell me I am wrong and should do something I don't want to do. With the stuff that just happened to me, this program is going to be a bigger help that I will need. I had to confront a male family member that did something that has affected our whole family. He made decision on his own without talking to anybody about it before he did it. I stood my ground, said what I needed to say, and he tried to back me down several times. However, I just stated what I felt and what I strongly believed was true, and he couldn't come up with any really valid counter arguments. It was something like had over taken me, that I almost went into attack mode, and went off on him like I have never done before.

So, I say this program is really helping me take charge and stand up for myself when I need to. I was able to keep my composer almost the entire time as well.