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RE: DMSI Journey - 4Kingdoms - 09-17-2016

(09-17-2016, 03:19 AM)ShanghaiKiwi Wrote: I really like what Shannon said about sniping, that the more attractive you find them, the more attracted to you they will be. I will take this into account when looking for results.

For example there's this *amazing* bbw woman who runs this local pub (emphasis on 'beautiful' here). When I first met her about a month ago I told her that I couldn't help myself but tell her that I genuinely hadn't seen such a beautiful woman in years (its true!). She smiled for a bit and then looked around the pub, focusing on the live music and ignored me. There were a few other guys with her at the table, perhaps one of them was her boyfriend? But they didn't speak English so they didn't understand what I said (she is fluent). I chickened out and went to the toilet as a getaway, then sat at another table. But honestly though. I'm going to let the sub run for a week and then go say hi to her again just to see what happens, because she is so beautiful she floors me. If anyone brings out the best in my use of DMSI, it'd be her.

(This happened before I started DMSI)

I'm glad you mentioned that this was before DMSI because I was wondering why she brushed you off. When you see her again, she won't know what hit her!!

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 09-17-2016

(09-17-2016, 04:24 AM)4Kingdoms Wrote: I'm glad you mentioned that this was before DMSI because I was wondering why she brushed you off. When you see her again, she won't know what hit her!!

Yeah the point I mentioned the anecdote was to mention an example of someone I want to try it on in the future Big Grin

RE: DMSI Journey - maxx55 - 09-17-2016

(09-17-2016, 01:54 AM)Lowe Wrote: It was not the case for some time and there was some confusion, but Shannon recently clarified that V2.x testers will get a free upgrade to V3.0 when it comes out.

V3.0 will probably get a price hike, but testers who bought it already and are testing it are providing feedback for Shannon so he knows what improvements to make. Hence testers get a free upgrade.

(08-30-2016, 08:57 PM)Shannon Wrote: So no, there will be no charge for 3.0 if you have a paid copy of 1.0 or 2.x.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think 3.0 will be the same price as 2.4 when it's released. Free upgrade for current testers, same price for new people.

If he raises the price, I'm sure he'll give a heads up first.

RE: DMSI Journey - 4Kingdoms - 09-17-2016

(09-17-2016, 06:55 AM)maxx55 Wrote:
(09-17-2016, 01:54 AM)Lowe Wrote: It was not the case for some time and there was some confusion, but Shannon recently clarified that V2.x testers will get a free upgrade to V3.0 when it comes out.

V3.0 will probably get a price hike, but testers who bought it already and are testing it are providing feedback for Shannon so he knows what improvements to make. Hence testers get a free upgrade.

(08-30-2016, 08:57 PM)Shannon Wrote: So no, there will be no charge for 3.0 if you have a paid copy of 1.0 or 2.x.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think 3.0 will be the same price as 2.4 when it's released. Free upgrade for current testers, same price for new people.

If he raises the price, I'm sure he'll give a heads up first.


RE: DMSI Journey - Shannon - 09-17-2016

A price increase is only going to happen if and when I see that it performs to a degree that warrants such an increase. So even if I was to increase the price of 3.0, it would still have to prove itself worthy of such an increase first, meaning it would still come out with the earlier price.

RE: DMSI Journey - AlphaScorpio - 09-17-2016

(09-16-2016, 08:37 AM)ShanghaiKiwi Wrote: Day 2

Just *wow*. Another member on this forum shared some stuff with me (I can't go into detail, forum rules) that completely revolutionized my whole view on sexual ethics. I no longer see any problem with premarital sex. Basically as long as she's not married already or a relative (ewww), and it's not hurting anyone, it's okay. Like I said I can't explain details but the end result is a great big rock of guilt and shame has been lifted off my back. I'm not just rationalizing it away either (that would only bottle things up) but genuinely believe I was wrong all these years about thinking that premarital sex was bad.

It has to be the sub that manifested that conversation. Amazing. This was a paradigm shift for me.

That's awesome man, happy for you Smile I was raised in a christian household so I'm pretty sure I have some limiting beliefs deep in my subconscious about sex before marriage even though I don't believe consciously it's wrong.
Definately could've been a manifestation.

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 09-19-2016

Hey its okay to alternate between masks, right? I.e. between ocean waves and trickling streams? They're all the same, right?

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 09-19-2016

Also, can someone please PM me the link to buy pheromones? Like the brand that most people on this forum use. (Better not post publicly as it would be promoting another product). Thanks!


Got it, thanks!

So clearly pheromones would spoil the testing of DMSI, I understand. I'll keep it as a last resort, only to use in a scenario where I go out specifically looking to hook up and find little success. Like a plan B. That is, until the testing is over and version 3 hits the shelves! Then I'll mix the two together whenever.

For example, I hit the town with some friends and women shun me and its end-of-the-world cockblockalypse. Unlikely, but may happen. Instead of calling it a night, I'll whip out my emergency pheromones and try one last time. That way I still have results to report, its clear what caused what and there's a distinction.

RE: DMSI Journey - 4Kingdoms - 09-19-2016

(09-19-2016, 08:39 PM)ShanghaiKiwi Wrote: Hey its okay to alternate between masks, right? I.e. between ocean waves and trickling streams? They're all the same, right?

Ocean Surf, Trickling Stream, Ultrasonic - ALL have the same script.

RE: DMSI Journey - Benjamin - 09-20-2016

Cool 4Kingdoms answered it before I could. Smile

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 09-20-2016

Got it, thanks Smile

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 10-02-2016

Big IOI today

I was eating lunch on my own in a food court when this super hot 9/10 Chinese chick comes and asks if she can practise her English with me, she brought her little brother with her (like 5-6 years old). I invited them to take a seat and we chatted for a while. Damn she was cute, but funnily enough I wasn't nervous at all - I told her several times with no ambiguity that she was incredibly good looking and I found her attractive, and I said it in a smooth casual way that didn't come off as creepy, rather she liked it. She was younger than I thought, 20 years old. I got a huge boner talking to her.

I ended up telling her about my plans to leave my wife - she suggested I was still in love with her, I told her I did love her once but not any more. I told her love needs two very important things to survive: respect, because if someone treats you like crap you *will* fall out of love very quickly - and then I winked at her, leaned forward so my face was very close to hers, and said "and sex. Lots and lots of sex. You have to agree with me here". She did. I explained that I'm not getting any sex from my wife and she said that leaving her was fair enough.

Later on in the conversation I asked her what she was interested in, she said books - didn't leave me much to work with in terms of conversation so I asked what kind of books, first word she said was 'love'. My brain didn't register so she carried on listing other topics, detective etc.

At this point I was distracted because I was worried my wife would come into the restaurant, see us talking and come beat the living shit out of me in public. Which I told the girl to apologise/explain why I wasn't paying attention. She apologised and began to get up to leave and I told her no, I'm VERY happy to talk with you, I just don't want to get caught is all. Don't go". Fucking eh. She was very happy.

She was very interested in meeting up again and we swapped wechat contacts and email - the wechat number was real I checked it already. When she gets home she'll have wifi and see my friend invite.

Unfortunately I'm leaving this city on the 5th to go to Shanghai, and I'll leave my wife on the 8th and fly home on the 9th. I was hoping I could meet this chick before I go to Shanghai for some casual sex, but she's going to her hometown tonight for a few days, looks like I won't have the opportunity. Too bad, she was really fucking hot.

But it does show that the subliminal was working - both in attracting her to come say hello, and also how I had so much balls/game to flirt. If I wasn't on my way out of this city we definitely would be in for some fun.

I haven't posted it here recently because its such a subtle thing but I couldn't help but notice over the last week or so that I naturally walk with some swagger, even if I try not to. I'm not doing it on purpose, I'm not trying to do it - I just feel badass and it naturally affects how I present myself. I like it.

RE: DMSI Journey - RoaringLion - 10-03-2016

I meet many Chinese girls here that leave to go to their hometown or another city to study, even one who goes to another country to work.
I went to a club last night. I guess I'll post in my own journal later.

RE: DMSI Journey - ShanghaiKiwi - 10-03-2016

More IOIs:

Today I taught English to a kid while walking around the zoo and on three separate occasions (3 different women) a gorgeous hot woman who was with her boyfriend/husband turned their heads around to stare at me with a sexy smile. I ignored their boyfriends and smiled slyly back, holding eye contact. The third one even had a kid and still did it.

I didn't initiate it, they started it. Probably just looking at the white guy but anyway they looked attracted and wanted to keep looking and smiling at me, even if I was behind them and they had to turn around. The men were not very happy at all! They looked like they could have hit me lol. Who can blame them, but the girls didn't seem to care.

Now I've had attention in the past for being a white guy in China, and even some women approached me in the past (I always turned them away and said I was married). But this is new, this is a whole new ballgame.

I think I have been battle-hardened by my wife rejecting me for intimacy every day for years so now I'm not nervous about rejection anymore. But more than that, I have game and boldness that I never knew I had. There is no doubt within me that this sub is beginning to kick in.