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Alpha Male (Multiple Versions) - Printable Version

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RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 06-02-2014

About Alpha Male:

Quote:... While I havent used AM6 (OGSF included in it) I did AM5 (older version, about 10 times less powerful + without OGSF) and gotta say it was really hard run (lots of depression, basically fighting old believes), but it changed me from the core, all insecurities are now gone, at the moment I am feeling really strong and not caring what others think about me. Of course I have a lot improvement to do, but in whose 6 months I have had more personal grow than in the last 10 years! ...

Clansy said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 08-05-2014

Quote:I can now confidently say I have changed drastically from where I was six months ago. It feels frickin' awesome. I feel pretty darn alpha anywhere I go now. I'm not totally 100% a true alpha male, but that's what the second run through will take care of. I started out being a needy, insecure, self hating, piece of shit, and now, I'm confident, happy with my life, and a helluva lot more productive.

And surprisingly, it was like BOOM, I all of a sudden have girls in my life. My old supervisor at work (she's currently a supervisor but not MY supervisor) told me that whenever she sees me walking around I look like a boss. She also texted me randomly one night and wants to hangout before summer is over and she moves away.

My friends and I went out to the bars one night. The only males in our group were me and my friend, the other 6 were females. Him and I were doing shots at the bar and the girls grabbed a table and there was no room for us two. So, I saw two girls sitting at another table, and I lead my friend over there, I pulled out the chairs and we sat down. The girl's wound up buying us drinks and shots. I didn't want a number or anything from them...because I'm no longer needy. I was supposed to meet one of them the following day at her work (she's a bartender) but I didn't go because I was tired and I feel like I can get any girl I want. Another bar we went to this girl offered me a cigarette which I took, but I don't inhale lol. Once again, I didn't want a phone number or anything, and she wouldn't leave me alone. The other girls in our group were shocked that I turned down her phone number.

And finally, we went to the country-rock bar and there was a live band (which I don't like because you can't dance on the stage then and there's less people there when there's a band). I didn't know any of the songs they were singing, but the lead singer, who was a super hot female, kept staring at me. It would be considered eye ***** for sure. But, since I didn't even know any of the songs, which also caused the place to be empty, I didn't stay long.

Productivity has gone through the roof too. I've been practicing blackjack/card counting like crazy, working out, sticking with my meal plans, cleaning, preparing for school, and reading. I've finally started reading all the books I've collected but never started.

Six days left of this program. As much as I'd love to run it again, I've gotta do some subs that will help with school.

Edit: And I didn't realize the connection or coincidence at first, but I've been very much into the James Bond books and movies lately.

TangoDelta said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 08-21-2014

About Alpha Male 6:

Quote:Paying 500$ for this sub has been one of the easiest choices of my life since the best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.

Natious said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 08-21-2014

About Alpha Male 6:

Quote:I'm nearly through with stage 1 and it's been quite a roller coaster ride but it's turning into the best thing i ever did.

Ricardo said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 11-11-2014

About AM6:

Quote:Tonight is the last night for AM6.

It's funny...I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say, and I'm drawing blank. Certainly massive change has occurred in my life, but how the hell do I quantify or express it adequately? Man, I don't know.

After going through AM6 I can honestly say that it did what the product description said it would do. It also delivered some unadvertised benefits that are appreciated. My level of focus is through the roof as is my motivation. I also don't become caught up in BS anymore, and I detect it very quickly.

It's also strange because I've had a lot of great opportunities come my way...opportunities of all types. That is very cool. In fact, one looks like it could lead to extensive travel in in South America and the Caribbean...possibly even relocating there. I've always wanted to do that. God I love Bogota and Medellin.

I will do a more in depth appraisal of my experience after I've had my rest period. For now, just know that I am very satisfied. ...


Nationwide said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-04-2015

Alpha Male V6

Quote:I'm definitely starting to see some of the external manifestations AM6 is bringing out. The biggest one so far happened today....

JJ54 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-07-2015

Alpha Male V6.

Quote:Yes...I am way more assertive in the way I walk and talk, much more confident, more focused, more positive, more masculine, more alpha. Freer of past negative issues and drawbacks. Basically I'm more of a man. I'm not afraid to speak out and air my opinion. I'm confident no matter where I am. that...I'm still me....just 100x better.

Amann said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 04-16-2015


Quote:Stage 6, day 21, 398.5 hours listened so far...

Each time I go out, I get IOI's from women without even doing anything. Some are attractive to me, some aren't, but the point is, it's becoming more and more real and it's an automatic process. It's just "expected" and normal everyday results, amazing change there from before subs. I'm hoping SM3 greatly magnifies this, and allows me to smoothly be able to escalate when I want, at last.

I'm literally counting each day obsessively until I can start SM3. If my experience with AM6 is any indication, SM3 will be the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. Finally, I may have the answer to my situation with women once and for all. After all the thousands of dollars of PUA nonsense over the years, the conflicting advice from well meaning people around me, the pain of acting out that advice only to be disrespected and unappreciated, I'm glad all the insanity is over. I didn't know how much longer I could take all that frustration and resentment towards women before subs, I went through a long period where I just gave up and stopped bothering with them in any capacity and didn't try anymore. It seemed futile. What a turnaround, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now.

Wish I got to these subs years ago, but I might not have been ready to open my mind up enough to try them. I only tried them as a last resort to be honest, I didn't believe they were real or could do anything. I was pleasantly surprised! Smile

Anyway, attraction is getting more and more smooth and dependable. Basically, if I have a few minutes of facetime with a girl I think is cute, and I'm relaxed and she has an open, fun personality, I'm pretty confident I can create attraction often. Sometimes as I've posted about, I don't even have to SAY anything to girls in order for them to be attracted or even sneak taking pictures of me! If this is me on AM6, SM3 will be so much fun hahaha. ...

CatMan said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 04-16-2015

Alpha Male 6.0:

Quote:... Anyway back to reality. Yesterday Danielle came over to the house for the house meeting. we crossed paths at the front door, she was coming out and i was going in. so she blocked me, and i hugged her. she shoved her boobs to my chest (butt outward) and we held each other for like 30 seconds. and she was saying how she had to crouch down because it was weird hugging a guy shorter than her (when in reality she's shorter than me by a couple inches LOL). Excuse to give me boob contact? she has a boyfriend and she's pretty committed to him.

Funny because I've gotten similar boobxperiences quite often in the past week. writing these experiences off as platonic isn't as easy as it was a week or so ago.

I also have this "intuitive" feeling that girls are staring at me a lot these days. I don't consciously see them doing it, but it's like the everfamous feeling you get when someone's watching you type thing. And through the corner of my eye, I feel they're looking at me. It could just be my ego being raised, but it's like a gut level feeling that I'm right. If I try to pin it on coincidence, I'm going to be surprised in two weeks when I find out I'm right all along lol.

AM6 is such a beast. It's hard to imagine that in just 3.5 months, I've grown so much, in an unquantifiable way and it bleeds through my existence. My daily thought patterns and experiences, and reactions/responses to scenarios now are completely natural but they're LIGHT YEARS different than the person I used to be! ...

eternitys_child said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-18-2015

ASC (Absolute Self Confidence).

Quote:... I have been to places while traveling where i tend to get nervous in past but i was so relaxed this time. i was behaving like the commanding person of the group even i was the youngest in our group ...

aJx said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 05-04-2015

Quote:... Alpha Male 6 run results:

-"Have let go of any negative self image, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about yourself." Absolutely! Garbage beliefs have been shattered. I can do ANYTHING.

-"Have a powerful, positive sense of self respect, self esteem, self image and self worth." Absolutely! I demand fair treatment, and instantly, almost automatically, call out any behaviour or treatment towards me that's contrary to that.

-"Have unshakable self confidence." Absolutely! My confidence is the best it has ever been in my entire life. I've never felt so calm, so quietly confident in myself in every way. I truly feel I can do anything I apply myself to, it's amazing. Which IMO is REAL confidence, instead of "look at me and how alpha and badass I am blah blah". Instead...I just AM...big difference.

-"Be unaffected by rejection." Well, this one is harder to notice in my case. I have been SO focused on myself and my company, that I haven't really bothered with girls that much during the program. This programming may begin to become a factor once I interact with girls during SM3.

-"Treat women as people to enjoy the company of, without taking them too seriously, needing them, or being easily upset by them." Absolutely! This one for me seemed to work TOO well almost haha. I was very clingy and needy at times, which killed off chances with girls often. Now, during AM6, I had little to no interest in girls. Which sucked because sometimes I had chances with girls I think maybe, but showed little to no interest in them. AM6 really dealt with this issue, maybe too aggressively for me. Which is why I chose SM3 to run now to balance this out so I can get more attraction, and maybe actually BOTHER following through with girls.

-"Have released expectations towards women, which often lead to bad choices, actions, attitudes, thinking and responses." Absolutely! I think I somewhat answered this in the previous comment. I seem to not really give a damn about girls beyond looking at them and admiring their hotness now. I haven't been bothered to make any kind of move since I started AM6, which is ironic since I started getting some attraction during it but couldn't be bothered to do anything about it and was more focused on myself and my company. Which you could say AM6's main goal is, to focus on yourself and develop yourself. So perhaps it isn't that far off the main intention, even if this did hit me really hard.

-"Be self sufficient and self reliant mentally, emotionally and otherwise." Absolutely! Almost zero interest in girls throughout the program so maybe it worked TOO good haha. I was often spending a week or two at a time ALONE working on my company. And, was happy and content. I VERY rarely had any loneliness issues, and if I did get them, they were very light and temporary. And the "loneliness" may be misdiagnosed as the sub telling me to go be more social to be fair.

-"No longer be, or come across to others as “needy”." Absolutely! I had little interest in girls throughout the entire program. So yes, the last thing I was, was needy. In the past, I had a terrible problem with this.

-"Take good care of yourself, your hygiene and your appearance, not just because you want to be attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself." This I had before hand. I would always look presentable before going out etc. I didn't get the workout urge most guys seem to get, and remain in a shape where I could chop 20 pounds of fat to be fair.

-"Be able to effortlessly approach any woman you want – and the more attractive you find her, the easier it will be." I loved that sound of this bulletpoint, and spent the program waiting for it to appear. However, due to my extremely low interest in girls throughout the program, I never got a chance to see if this bulletpoint ever carried over to me. Because I didn't ask out a single girl throughout the program.

-"Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time, interest and affections to." Absolutely! I guess I got this entire bulletpoint. Even though from a girl standpoint I didn't get too involved. But, with others, I have cut away people who were low quality and users, and not angry anymore about people that have screwed me over before in the past. I don't waste my time on low quality people who disrespect or mistreat me.

-"Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect, attention and obedience." Absolutely! I have been treated more respectful and polite and have been more or a "presence" throughout the program.

-"Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be." Absolutely, I assume. I seemed to get some attraction throughout the program at times, so yes I think it was this bulletpoint driving this.

-"Have a Zen attitude, which keeps you calm when other guys would lose control, thus demonstrating your self control and mastery of the situation – an Alpha male trait." Absolutely! NOTHING can mess my vibe up. I think fast, act quick, remain solid, and have epic confidence on myself and my decisions. This really helps as an entrepreneur.

-"Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all, but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus determining the men they are interested in)." Absolutely! My body language is much "bigger" and more masculine indeed. I've noticed it many times!

-"Display the attitude, thinking, actions and speech patterns of an Alpha Male." Absolutely! I am extremely sure of myself, think clearly and decisively, am sure footed, and have steered through tense situations because of this.

-"No longer seek approval from others, nor be concerned with what they think of you or what you do or say." Absolutely! I am a one man island. If I believe it's right, and I have facts to back it up to me that it's right, I will not bend to anyone. I have self validation, external validation is gone. It's a wonderful feeling.

-"Be your own man, who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, where he wants." Absolutely! Answered this somewhat earlier. I do what I want, on my own terms. Inner peace and happiness is amazing. I don't get bad moods ever anymore. I'm in charge of myself, nobody else, so bad moods stemming from external nonsense or other people, are extinct.

-"Be in control when dealing with women, and especially beautiful women or women you are interested in." Absolutely! Well, I am more dominating and masculine with girls I like. And less nervous and anxious. I haven't been into them enough to make a move though. It's funny, before AM6, I asked girls out a lot, during AM6, never did once. Hopefully SM3 changes this.

-"Be entirely unconcerned about “getting the girl” or achieving sexual interaction, which will make the ladies perceive you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both." Absolutely! I've talked about this one already a few times in this post. I have literlaly been completely unconcerned with "getting the girl". TOO much so point being more attractive if you couldn't care less about getting with girls. I'm hoping SM3 brings me back to balance while greatly increasing my attraction.

-"Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you don’t like, and TELL HER NO — whether it’s to her asking for sex or anything else." Absolutely! I have no problems saying no or cutting people off or going to war ofr people about anything, calling them out about anything. Zero fear of it, or need for them to like me, external validation.

-"Be in complete control of yourself and your environment, and YOU will be the one who controls when, how, and with whom you have sex." Never had sex during this program. For some reason I never made a move on one girl during it. Hopefully SM3 fixes this.

-"Develop and display a fantastic sense of humor, which will make you socially popular and attractive to others, especially beautiful women." Absolutely! Already had this, maybe AM6 improved it. My humour is epic, and I can get girls smiling and laughing and showing IOI's quickly.

-"Be entirely comfortable in social situations of any type, whether they are familiar to you or not." Absolutely! Far less anxious, nervous energy. Very noticeable. That just further improves my perception from a girl's eyes.

-"Be a better, higher and more refined quality of man." Absolutely! I feel I have matured, developed more character and value. Overall, a much improved CatMan, except in the realm of female attraction and sex life. SM3 hopefully will complete the transformation.

Final Conclusion:

Wonderful run. Not perfect, each man gets hit differently by AM6. Shannon says that, and it makes sense because each man has different strengths and weaknesses and their past hurts all differ. I had issues with external female validation, clingy and needy behaviour, and low confidence and self esteem because I have never been intimate with a girl and viewed them to be impossible to get creatures. With the changes towards girls in particular in my case, it's OBVIOUS to me that AM6 has given me a solid, non needy, healthy foundation to start SM3. It's abundantly clear AM is needed before doing a magnet, I just wanted to take the chance to further reinforce that. ...

CatMan said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 05-11-2015

Alpha Male 6.0:

Quote:Stage 3 day 13

Hi guys

I'm an experienced subliminal user just wanting to post my updates occasionally. I feel it's my way of giving back from having these subs built for us.

For the past two years I've used pretty much every type of subliminal offered in the store. I have used a single stage sub for an extended period of time and now I am running AM6 for the first time.

I have to be honest. A lot of the opinions and threads that have been posted here prevented me from documenting my journey sooner. However, most recently I've had some what of an awakening. This thread is as much for me as it is for you. I'm presuming that even though some of us will be great friends there will be periods of time when we are away from the forum. And if our friendships were actually meaningful contact would be kept. But sometimes it can't be, such is life. I plan to update often with my honest, real review of the changes this subliminal has produced for me. I am not here trying to be the best forum user but simply trying to challenge and push myself to be better each day. These views I'm expressing to you haven't always been as they are now, but we'll get into that when I write my update.

Well, here we go.

A little about myself. Since I was young I had always been an athlete, handsome, good at flirting and lived in a middle to upper class house hold. I'm am blessed to have parents that are dominant/ successful in their careers. They instilled good values in me and are quite modern.

I am in my early 20's now I have about ten years or work experience ( yup, you read that right) and a 4 year university degree. I am currently working full time. I have a loving girlfriend. By choice I have sex at least once a week. I have a room and living space for myself. I am about to make payments on a car I love

Stage 1

I was working in an area very close to where I reside. Walking distance. My attitude before was that I had to impose myself in order to get what I wanted in situations. I read books like the 48 laws of power and saw documentaries on how those who are dominant always had the upper hand ( quite literally at times ) . Consciously, this was an ignorant way of thinking. I felt entitled to things, but I also knew being committed to the changes the sub had to offer would put me on the right track. During this stage I consistently went to the gym and noticed that others saw me improving on a daily basis. I noticed a lot of what was on the sales page occur. Success training, motivational boost, 3D aura etc. it all felt very natural and I couldn't get enough. I won't go into detail but I feel as if my transition from stage one to stage two included in a lot of ways (my own success) being the major point of revenge towards the people that wronged me earlier in the year. A lot of ***** was removed from this stage.I would say my habits changed 2/10 at this point. Read on please.

Stage 2

I noticed a significant change in my thinking but when I reflect back my previous habits still had some play in my actions. A couple career opportunities had manifested. I still worked walking distance away from my house which was convenient. Some of the people who had joined the team had a one track mind. I knew how to handle them and keep the team happy but stage two pushed me to take charge, display strong alpha body language and outshine a lot of people. In the past being "better" was important to me but I always knew there could be a situation where everybody got what they wanted. An opportunity had manifested for me that would potentially change my life in the direction. I got a lot of what I wanted during this stage. I also manifested a good friend when regularly throughout my life I've felt to only have acquaintances.

Stage 3

These past two weeks can noticeably be described as the "big guns" of the program so far. There have been many times where ive reffered to AM6 as the freedom program as I've felt that way financially and in my professional life. Yes, my parents annoy me too but it has occurred a lot less since I started this program. Especially after I was chosen from 1700 applicants to be part of 400 to get into the next phase of that career opportunity I mentioned above. Essentially the position I applied for grants me security and safety in a pension and professional salary. Sort of like being the standard doctor or lawyer. I would like to get the position (OE2) but just seeing the progress has made my parents happy. They notice I can handle myself a lot better. One day my mother and I had an argument while I was preparing for the entrance test for the above position. It might've been the fact I was reaching my potential or she didn't feel that dominant over me any more she in a way had lashed out. I handled it in a refined way instead of imposing myself towards what I perceived as *****. And as the champion she is, she was much more understanding and supportive the next day. As soon as this stage started I felt more positive than before. Zen attitude and gratitude really kicked in. With this sudden change of mindset and emotions I guess people took my kindness for weakness. I don't work so close to where I live anymore however I feel much more free in my position and that every step I take is in the right direction. I'm treated much better where I am now. My vehicle allows me to get to work efficiently. Alpha male body language is also very strong. I've learned how to lead while being part of a team. Working out has been a blast as I feel much more positive in getting the most out of my exercise regime. I push myself more and more each day and ive noticed weightloss and improvements in my body. My girlfriend even notices these changes. My shirt is covered in sweat after only 30 min. Things are just going very good right now. I've been able to follow through with what I said I would do which impresses others. I'm the naturally dominant male in a lot of situations and this becomes stronger as the days go by. One major thing I've noticed with this stage is my focus towards what is important. A couple days ago I was with a group of the select 400 about to write the entrance exam to get into the next phase. I was with a lot of these educated and skilled men and women who gravitated towards my positive attitude and conversing with me. One thing I did not forget while I was in this situation was the reason i was there. I was in competition with all these people and while they were talking/ bragging about their qualifications I was polite and quiet and spoke about topics that were relevant to our success in the upcoming exam. I was in the center of a group of people talking and others just watching me as I mentally prepared for the task at hand. This has been the main theme of the stage and reflects directly with the forum description of the stage " focusing on the alpha core". More than half of my old habits have changed at this point.

Women have been staring at me and we have been having good conversations increasingly as my habits have improved. It's to a point where they know I am a dominant male now and there's a lot of sexual tension. Stage three has been causing me to approach everything with positivity so it feels better talking to people in general now.

There have been a few times where I've felt "oh today's such a good day, I'll probably have one equally as challenging tommorow". But the naturalizer, emotional healing, gratitude, zen and my general confidence has made these transitions very smooth. There are some occasions I can even tell if they technology wasn't implementing the changes as smooth as it was then I would be having a headache lol. The positive changes other subs have produced for my life have transitioned well with what AM6 is producing. But the BS that was in my life before has translated into liberating changes. Instead of imposing myself which I mentioned at the start I've went with the changes I make internally which reflects on my outside world. The more these positive changes happen the better I felt about my life.

This program has done nothing but change my life for the better since starting. I wish I started this years ago. But I will probably re run the program a few times. Once again I'm not going to tell you how to use the subs. The information is here for us and it is up to you in order to use it according to instructions. It is obvious to me now those who are able to change according to instruction fast enough will have the most success. This forum is Shannon's baby. And there is nothing we can impose to cause him to produce changes he doesn't want. At this point I'm sure a lot of you would want to buy his products even if he didn't have this forum up to explain. I am just posting here simply to give back to the technology that has brought so many positive changes to my life. My money is one thing. But this thread is another. If you have any other suggestions on how to give back I would be happy to read them when you post below.

Until next time.

TheRealFR said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 06-05-2015


Quote:...It has helped me tremendously .it has been quantum leaps from where I was at over a year ago....

-Koshas said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 06-19-2015


Quote:... I actually lost the girl I was sleeping with because AM6 killed that drive and she stopped finding me attractive. I stopped measuring my masculinity by how much she would let me dominate her and so I just stopped trying to dominate her. Now I don't need to see evidence of my masculinity, alpha male status or power in others, it's completely internally validated. ...

ffaux said this here.