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DMSI 2.5 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - Printable Version

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RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 07-25-2016

(07-22-2016, 12:40 PM)thor2014 Wrote: Dutch girls are alot easier to get to know and have sex with. The great thing about the Netherlands is the women are alot more open to sex compared to other countries in europe.

True, they're very spontaneous and outgoing. Just didn't know what to do about that Tongue

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 07-29-2016

Weekly update from me:

Was very tired this week, but pushed through with the program. I'm not looking for signs that it works anymore, so I don't know if something was a IOI or just a coincidental look from a girl. I do feel much clearer in my head right now, some inner peace. I was always a bit nervous around other people, in the sense of: Don't say something stupid! or: Does she think I'm weird? Nowadays, that seems to be gone. I feel calmer and more collected, a feeling of don't know what will happen, but it will be good regardless of the outcome.
So the girl I've been seeing is really in to me now, getting texts on a daily basis. So that's how that feels lol. The weekend is coming up and have a few thing on the schedule with a lot of people, so we'll see what results will come in my next update.
Still doing 3 loops, 1 while reading something and the next 2 asleep. I cannot find the time for 3 continues loops while I'm awake.

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 08-06-2016

So it's been a week. Last weekend was crazy! Had a birthday on Friday night and we went to a few bars. I got like 5 approaches, a friend of my noticed that and got annoyed. 'You just stand there and they come up to you! What is your secret?' I couldn't suppress a smile. It felt awesome. There was a girl coming up to me within 5 seconds of entering the next bar. My friend, who already was annoyed, left me there alone, guess he couldn't handle it any more lol. Outside was even funnier, i'm glad he didn't see me, otherwise he would've jumped of a building. A very cute girl comes up to me, wearing this tight sexy little dress. She couldn't find her bike, if I wanted to help her find it. Well of course, gentleman that I am. She took me by hand and we went looking and talking and it was going very well, until a friend of hers shows up. He was a bit aggressive, looking mad at me. My guess is the friendzone struck again as he wanted to be her knight in white armour to save the day. She said she was sorry and left. Drunk me did not ask her number. I think that's because I didn't like being around a dramatic guy like that.
Saturday night, went to a comedy club, I love to go there, it always puts me in a great mood. And indeed, about the same amount of approaches. A girl complimented me on my clothing style, that never happened before. I'm not consciously picking an outfit to wear, so I guess something is working for me in that department.
I noticed something about my usage of the sub this week. My VLC players stops playing after 2 loops, sometimes even after 1. So I bought speakers and put them next to me in bed. Let's see if something changes this week with proper usage. Until next week my friends!

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 08-11-2016

This keeps getting better and better. Lots of eye contact, head-turning at work and butt presentation I guess..Was in a store looking for new sunglasses when a girl in front of me bent over to look at some sunglasses for her. I thought: 'Is that really the best way to look at....wait, is she showing her butt to me?'
In another store, heard two teenage girls screaming wooooo. I looked outside and they were looking at me and ran off. I'm not used to that kind of stuff so I just brushed it off. Now I'm thinking this DMSI is working for me like crazy, even though I thought it wasn't as good as V1. Clearly I was wrong.
Last weekend was the birthday of the girl I'm seeing. Had a blast, she was again all over me. I even heard a friend of hers say: 'Why him? I just don't get it!' A bit jealous, but I could only laugh. Let him find his own way, I found mine!

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 08-19-2016

Anxiously awaiting v2.3! Had a week of 'rest' from the sub, although still a lot of signs that I improved a lot during the last couple of months. Things that changed for me:

-Easy talking to girls, just having fun without a goal in my head
-When talking to them, no topic is off limit
-Feel calmer in my head, was always a bit chaotic
-Stopped watching porn, used to look everyday, now I don't even think about it (Read it in another post, reminded me of my own, completely forgot about it)
-Not ashamed to be myself any more

That last point feels life changing for me. I never felt good being the center of attention, because I had fears of people mocking me. That happened a lot during my childhood, so I got really reserved trying to blend in and make people NOT notice me. Now, I'm the life of the party, people flock around me.
For the REAL goal of the program, I had a couple of chances with some girls to get laid...however, the girl I'm dating was always there with me. And always criticizing those girls. Last weekend this girl came up to me and we had a fun conversation, like I said, no topic off limit, so we talked a lot about sex. She kept touching me, hitting my arm while laughing. Actually...I'm scared of v2.3...will this keep getting better? We will see

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 10-04-2016

Don't know how to change the title, I used v2.3 and now on v2.4.

A lot has changed since my last update. I'm guessing I need a lot of healing, because last Friday shit hit the fan. What happened was the following:
I had a blast with the girl I was seeing, but something seemed of the last 2 weeks. It seemed like she was avoiding me a bit, her tone in her texts changed. The last time that had happened (pre-DMSI) she was seeing another guy. I never talked to her about that. So, we were at a birthday, and again I noticed some subtle ways she tried to avoid me. Small things, but also when I was in the middle of a story she leaves and goes to talk to some other guys. That was strange. At the club, while the alcohol was flowing richly, again the same thing. Now I should tell you, I'm currently on the keto diet, a diet I had great success with in the past, and starting again. I kinda forgot that drinking on this diet is not a good idea. I got drunk, very quickly. At first I had fun, but then I exploded. Every fear, every time she hurt me, all came out at the same time. I cried. Yeah, not my best moment.

So we talked last Sunday. It was a very difficult talk for me, I adored this girl. I felt devastated when she told me she wanted to stop seeing me and not only because of Friday. She wasn't feeling it anymore. She did not see another guy, she assured me.
Yesterday was I felt great. I have this feeling that it's good that it happened. My head feels so much better, it's a liberating feeling I'm having. I think it has to do with all of the worries I had. She's gone, they're gone. I'm asking myself how it is that I'm over it so quickly? Is it the healing of DMSI? Because in the past, there was a time that I was crying for 3 months straight. And now 1 day and with the girl I thought at some point was the one?

This is a long story, but all thanks to DMSI. There was a time I wouldn't even believe a girl could like me. Now I rather have my heart broken, than never to felt love in the first place. And now my experiences with v2.4:
-I need the healing, maybe that's why it manifested in such a crazy way, I will have to learn from this
-Often I do notice girls looking at me, but still not like AoSI
-Very easy talking to people

I am anxiously awaiting for v3.0, the things I read from Shannon's journal are quite exiting

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - JackOfHearts - 10-04-2016

I thought OberynMartell died again, it's goog to see you back here. It seems like you are growing fast.

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - Shannon - 10-04-2016

You can't know what your full emotional response to such an event is going to be after just one day. But I would definitely stick with the clearing version of DMSI for a while after that...

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 10-04-2016

(10-04-2016, 11:57 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: I thought OberynMartell died again, it's goog to see you back here. It seems like you are growing fast.

What is dead may never die...oh wait that's another House

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 10-04-2016

(10-04-2016, 11:57 AM)Shannon Wrote: You can't know what your full emotional response to such an event is going to be after just one day. But I would definitely stick with the clearing version of DMSI for a while after that...

I will definitely! Was never going to stop in the first place, I believe in this product. It just feels crazy how I changed, we'll see for the next few weeks.

RE: DMSI 2.2 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - Blink - 10-04-2016

(10-04-2016, 11:46 AM)OberynMartell Wrote: Don't know how to change the title, I used v2.3 and now on v2.4.

Go to your User CP. Click on "Find All of Your Threads". Click and hold on the title you want to edit Smile

RE: DMSI 2.4 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - Benjamin - 10-05-2016

Or you can edit the first post of the thread.

RE: DMSI 2.4 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 10-05-2016

Was in a bookstore, and this pretty girl was walking by and looked at me. Not only that, she really checked me out, gazing from down to up. She left the store after that, but from outside the store she looked again and I smiled to her. She smiled back, but it was a smile like she was busted doing something. Felt awesome after this weekend.

RE: DMSI 2.5 or: Adventures of the Red Viper - OberynMartell - 10-14-2016

Stopped listening to 2.4 for 2 days and tonight I had a few dreams that sticked with me. First was a very sexual dream of my ex, like everything we ever did together in one dream. Was very weird. Second dream I went to Berlin(?) and every guy attacked me, trying to punch me. I fought back and with every attack I grew stronger. Third dream was about her again. We were in a restaurant with a couple of friends, and when we went home she just left without saying anything. I looked at her as she drove off and felt sad for a moment and then it was fading away. I don't always remember dreams and especially not with much details like now.
Today I'm starting with v2.5, very excited to see what will happen and hoping to give Shannon some good feedback on it.