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Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Printable Version

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RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-16-2015

Day 20. Stage 1

Been starting to take some new supplements (ACL- acetylcholine) St. Johns wort. Etc. (I don't have the ingredients in front of me).

Had a dream in which I had a parasite under my skin- and I kept trying to get it out. Like the movie The Mummy with the beetles.

Pretty freaky.

Been thinking that the subs were just a joke... haha. Anyway I was wondering if their was a way to reverse engineer them. If you had silent subs from another vendor- could shannon figure out what it was saying?

Also thinking about headphones too. Sleepphones.

Masked tracks (they dont list a response range:

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-17-2015

been reading Alpha 2.0, does AM6 remove social programming?

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - LiquidMind - 01-17-2015

Noticed you mentioned you do web design?

How did you per chance get into that and do you do it as a hobby or as a main self employed business?
Nice journal so far!
Thanks Leo

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-17-2015


Its basically all you need, but some coding can be required at times. Im learning stages, however I can charge $50hr for my services. Been making a website its a hobby I can make extra moolah- hopefully to help me $$$

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-23-2015

Hey everyone. Going to be the 28th day of stage 1 tonight.

Been listening on regular speakers when I sleep of the masked tracks. I decided to purchase some Sleepfones so that I can sleep on my side any still get my dose!

Not much has been happening. Been fighting myself in terms of stopping porn and such. I have finally decided to make a commitment to do so! April 23rd is my goal. 3 months of torture!

As far as AM6 goes... I dont notice much. Well I do, body language is a bit better I think, as I had mentioned above, a woman who I was interested in before I started- I am no longer interested in her. I have been texting another, shes just as wild- perhaps a bit more! Same thing though, I am not that interested. Looking forward to stage 2. Looking forward to testing out some new audio equipment too.

Anyway, havent been posting much, just really havent seen the need. I have had some weird dreams for sure, but none relating to this- or what I think anyway.

If I were to say em, I might be hunted down by the N S A. Weird crap.

Might get this sentence canned because it may not belong but... I was watching the State of the Union address... all that came into my mind was "Wow everyone is so beta." Never thought I would say that.

Page 100 or so of Alpha Male 2.0 Good stuff. Been more perceptive of the social programming and the crap people have bought into. Dont trust the news... makes you fearful and well if your fearful the poweful peoples can pump more social crap into your head.


Chin's up! Looking for the future.

I have also wanted to say that I have felt quite directionless. Not knowing what to do.
I think tonight I made up my mind.
I am going to start my own business soon. Got some tech ideas; A Tech company!

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - LiquidMind - 01-24-2015

Stage 2 is a great step up from stage 1. You will feel noticably different, and a lot more "I wanna do things my way" type thing.

Definitely progression. From my opinion Stage 2 activates the no tolerance, no bs attitude.
At least, that's what happend for me.

It'll be good to see what happens for you!


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - iceman - 01-24-2015

(01-23-2015, 10:52 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: Hey everyone. Going to be the 28th day of stage 1 tonight.

Been listening on regular speakers when I sleep of the masked tracks. I decided to purchase some Sleepfones so that I can sleep on my side any still get my dose!

Please do update on sleepfones. I have been thinking of getting myself one. Yea, in case I don't get enough exposure while I sleep.

(01-23-2015, 10:52 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: I have also wanted to say that I have felt quite directionless. Not knowing what to do.
I think tonight I made up my mind.
I am going to start my own business soon. Got some tech ideas; A Tech company!
Good luck

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-25-2015

Still waiting on those sleepfones. Will report!

For now, I dished out some awesome advice and want to re-post it here. Deals with online dating. How its a trap for people like us, who are and can be hard on ourselves.

We all have skeletons in the closet. We all have secrets we want nobody else to know. We all got fked up crap to deal with. Why get worked up over a woman.

Posting this and typing it gave me some food for thought. It really is true, you learn the most when you teach!



"I have removed myself from any dating sites, until my AM6 is finished and I feel in the proper state.

I have this thought that want to explain to you.

You see, it is best to not do any online stuff. The reason is this: you cant see their imperfections- to say it lightly.

I talk to women at work. I can see their personality, their imperfections, their strengths, their own Aura. Most people think of how they are being perceived too much to notice you. You cant see women's personality or imperfections/strengths online. You see what they want you to see. It is a hard thing to do, to see a perfect woman online- perfect body, perfect text outlining what she likes, perfect pictures... And not feel inadequate.
(TIP: Become good/master in-person approaching/meeting/sexing Tongue before doing online crap)

-The fact is... YOU cant see if she is being real. LIKELY she is not. WHY? Because she worries about being perceived. She wants to come across as a good candidate.

You have never met those women, so you cant see their TRUE SELF.

It is extremely likely that I would find someone on Tinder, POF or OKCupid that looks like a perfect 10. The truth is, after meeting her, I might go WTF she is so... Cynical... Selfish... Brat... etc.

We all have assholes. We all have to take a shi* at the end of the day.

Their is no point in getting overworked about a woman.

If you find yourself getting carried away... simply imagine her taking a sh**.

Everyone has imperfections. You/I should never feel inadequate. A true man makes a woman earn his affection.

We all live on borrowed time. Does she deserve your precious UN-replaceable resource?

Food for thought. You want advice? Seek out a much older mentor who is/was good with women. Say in his 70s.

He will share all with you, as my grandfather did. I still don't understand some of it, but lets just say- typing this post gave me an Epiphany!"


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - AlphaMind - 01-25-2015

(01-17-2015, 08:49 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: been reading Alpha 2.0, does AM6 remove social programming?

It does remove low quality social circle.

I am personally running AM 6.0 and I am in stage 3, my social life change drastically. I remove and reject any social circles that are lower level and built up higher level of social life.

People see me like a social outcast, but man. If only the worlds' know my life. Oh, wait, humility is my sigma code.

Adios Wink

PS: kudos for that post. Keep on posting your Granpa's wise words, HAhahaha...

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Benjamin - 01-25-2015

Quote:It does remove low quality social circle.

Yeah I can attest to that, right now i'm without any social circle. But i'm finally comfortable with it and on the weekend I went out by myself and met a few new people that I hung out with for a while. In the end they weren't the kind of people i'd want to spend alot of time with but it was a good step.


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-25-2015

I will do. My grandfather passed months ago, so I cannot keep asking. Find an old man's man is all I need to say. One day we will all be there.

It’s not what happens to us that separates failures from successes. It is how we perceive it and what we do about what “happens” that makes the difference.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-28-2015

Starting Stage 2 tonight. I have put in 34 days to make up for some boo-boo's on my part. ~350hrs total I think in this stage.

Not bad. Will make a effort to increase more. People here say to have more hours then the last. Their definitely is a cap (not the 18 or 20) but what I can do in a day that is with work and all.

I think I will not increase too much this next stage that way I can increase again on stage 3 and so-on.

excited. at 12pm will be switching over.

Met a cutie at a party awhile back during this stage. Pretty funny actually. Shes a wild one. We were texting back and fourth and I decided to drop in some sexual innuendo. Immediately got a reply with "that sounds hot." Especially when it was about making pizza.

My text: "Who would of known turning gooey dough into hot, salty pizza would be so popular."

From then on we were just using it back and fourth. Got me hungry for it, and she wanted me to come by to taste it- hehe.

Gave me her managers discount and a beer on the house. Proceeded to chat with me for an hour.

Would of loved to take it further- except logistics didn't permit. May see her on Superbowl. I cant wait to spread those legs Smile


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-29-2015

First day. Netted ~16hrs.

Felt depression about where I am currently. Living situation, job etc. I am good at computers at work. I work on them. I haven't had much passion for my job. I tell you, this job; we have had computers in our lives for what? 40 years? Since the 70s right. Albeit personal computing has been around since the 90s- so 20 years. It simply amazes me how dumb people can be. Got a computer issue? Restart it. Printer malfunctioning? Remove and then re-install the printer driver. Or even... Ask GOOGLE.

I remember being happy when I got the job- but now I realize that was from being able to pay the bills. The vanity of it wore of quickly.

I mean who wants to work in front of the computer all day and then come home and do it some more?

I moved away from old friends to come up to where I am now. Remote. Small town. Few people.
I now know why. It was to clear my mind. It was to find that mission statement. It was to find the direction I am going to leap into. Fixing computers is easy. Taking an idea and making it into an invention... a reality...

A change is coming.

I am glad I found Alpha Male 2.0
That chapter about finding your Mission Statement is gold. I have read many books. This is the first I feel I may be so much closer to finding what I want to do.
Maybe not what I want to do; my Mission. Who says I need a career. Fu** a career. Its just like the word "date." Societal programming to enslave the masses.

I want to enjoy what I do. Doesn't mean I need to do the same damn thing for the rest of my life.

Maybe engineering...

Ideal Mission road-map traits:
-My Creativity /Unique
-Being a leader of a company
-Hands on
-Provide a valuable service/resource
-*Furthering the human race*

So far are my strong points.

Deep stuff...


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-31-2015

I have been having some issues at work lately. Namely not motivated anymore. Then I was getting into disagreements with the parking authority. My employer doesn't own the god da** highway, so why cant I park there.

Society has taken away everyone's power. Power of any sort. If people are given some they immediately try to enforce in ways that make them feel like they have regained their lost power.

Power is an illusion (when your low on the totem pole). Society is a lie. Life is a chessboard.

It has occurred to me as-well that our nations leaders are just pawns in a game. The real players never show themselves. And likely are free from all of the Societal Programming.

I used to be really into RTS (real time strategy) games back in my youth. I remember being quite good at them. I installed one and to no surprise: I suck. Learning this lost art would help me. Life should be viewed in a strategic way.

I think I should have bought BASE instead of AM6. Their are some commonalities I think between the two. Does BASE include planning and Strategy?
Thanks to AM6, I have the realization that "Yes in fact, women should come second to a business, passion or life mission." It has been difficult to see some results with AM6, I still get a little jealous of some members successes here.

Had no dreams of yet for stage 2. So far it has shown in ways:
-Getting frustrated with beta people
-Finding my passion. Life mission

So much tar on our minds. When we clear it off, we see just a little better.

On another note it just amazes me how dumb people are. I went over to a friends house, and watched tv (which I am glad I stopped when I was 12 or 13)- the show was just so stupid to me. (The Carbonaro Effect)
