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Adventures in E4 - Printable Version

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RE: Adventures in E4 - Benjamin - 10-21-2020

That's awesome you've noticed more so far with E4 than 9 months of E2. I have fond memories of E2.

As for Sedona. It's generally not recommended. I was trying that years ago with sedona and EFT and it always inevitably seemed to derail the subliminals or destroy the results I didn't know I was getting, and i'd only know when it disappeared and I realized what it was doing, that could be explained with the naturalizer possibly.

Somehow it would destroy some of the subliminal programming for me, and a few others noticed similar. In the end it's up to you, and since you're new to subliminals then you'll be more aware what the subliminal can do for you by itself and it's up to you to observe the difference.

One problem is it was inconsistent. Maybe 1 time i'd do it and it seemed to clear something out and make the subliminal work better for a bit, then i'd do it another time and it would ruin the programming the subliminal was building.

I don't know why, one of my theories was that the programming was there subconsciously and not fully integrated and doing one of these methods released it without intending to do so.

Just some of my observations. Alot of us were doing other things a few years ago with subliminals, EFT, PSTEC, Sedona and most of us stopped due to noticing similar issues.

RE: Adventures in E4 - fab10 - 10-21-2020

(10-21-2020, 03:08 PM)Benjamin Wrote: That's awesome you've noticed more so far with E4 than 9 months of E2. I have fond memories of E2.

As for Sedona. It's generally not recommended. I was trying that years ago with sedona and EFT and it always inevitably seemed to derail the subliminals or destroy the results I didn't know I was getting, and i'd only know when it disappeared and I realized what it was doing, that could be explained with the naturalizer possibly.

Somehow it would destroy some of the subliminal programming for me, and a few others noticed similar. In the end it's up to you, and since you're new to subliminals then you'll be more aware what the subliminal can do for you by itself and it's up to you to observe the difference.

One problem is it was inconsistent. Maybe 1 time i'd do it and it seemed to clear something out and make the subliminal work better for a bit, then i'd do it another time and it would ruin the programming the subliminal was building.

I don't know why, one of my theories was that the programming was there subconsciously and not fully integrated and doing one of these methods released it without intending to do so.

Just some of my observations. Alot of us were doing other things a few years ago with subliminals, EFT, PSTEC, Sedona and most of us stopped due to noticing similar issues.

Thanks Ben and apologies for quickly hijacking the thread. 
Would it be possible to add a post in the FAQ with suggestions as to what is and what is not recommended alongside subliminals? I feel it is crucially important and clearly we users have a hard time determining that. We all understand that we must avoid all subliminal and mind programming but there are a lot of grey areas, as this very post proves.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 10-23-2020

Benjamin's point is interesting. Out of curiosity, when you did Sedona with a sub, was it in an area generally being addressed by the sub? Sedona essentially blows out a subpersonality and allows it to work in a direction that is more beneficial. The result is somewhat like Stuart Lichtman's stuff, but without consciously engaging the subpersonality you give up the ability to give it a new task and tell it to keep certain things in exchange for simplicity and the possibility of correcting multiple subpersonalities simultaneously. If there was a substantial overlap in subpersonalities being modified by the sub and then Sedonaed there would be a certain logic to that.

Day 19

I'm steadily working my way back to where I was on the last post of page 1. This further confirms that off days just don't work for me at this point in time. Working 12+ hours without it feeling like worth hasn't come back yet, but I hit 11 yesterday and about 9 today. I had some computer hardware issues right as I was about to go to sleep last night and those 2.5 hours that should have been spent sleeping were not fun.

Yesterday I had the first conversation with my mother that didn't bombard me with unnecessary overt negativity. It probably happened when I was very young, but I don't really remember that, and I can say for certain it's a first over the last 28 years. It didn't last though, as she seemed to be subconsciously testing how far she could push me before I fought back. And she wonders why I consider women to be far more trouble than worth,

I went to a local pizza buffet joint for lunch today and intended to "work" the whole time by listening to lectures on success on my DAP. Yet people that have seen me 10+ times over the last 2 months felt the need to be very overly "nice" to me for some reason, which resulted in lots of talking and attempts at engaging in idle conversation. Their intentions were good, but it definitely was not the result I wanted.  It reminded me how much I hated the minor E-level fame I've a few times in my life.

I've been considering joining a certain success club for awhile. A lot of things lined up to pull the trigger on it, including my subconscious telling me this is the time. Yesterday I took the plunge and joined. Some of the material was leaked publicly years ago, but now that I'm behind the paywall I see that it wasn't all of it. In going through material that was new to me I already came across one line that added very important depth to a basic concept. That little bit was definitely a component in some of my larger aspirations not coming to pass, so it's been a very good move worth far more than I invested thus far.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 10-25-2020

Day 21

For the first time in my life being in my physical body feels incongruent with who I am. While I've been fat to some degree since I was a couple weeks old it still felt like "me." When I woke up today this physical body I inhabit felt very wrong for the first time. It felt wrong. My thoughts were that I'm not fat, I don't have issues with my wrists and ankles, my cardio and sexual response greatly surpass this. I felt pulled toward some yoga, qigong and meditation I had done in the past. Some I wouldn't be able to do physically with my ankles always being on the brink of a serious sprain, but I was quickly able to come up with something I could physically do without causing physical harm.

A little while later I was pulled toward an information product based on developing a great physique, which is something that had never happened to me. In my early 20s I was relatively strong, squatting more than half a ton and other compound lifts (like benchpress and deadlifts) being over 400. Yet I never had anything to show for it in the mirror. At my strongest I had 16" arms, now that I haven't even been able to exercise in a meaningful way in 5 years I have 15.5" arms. Yet somehow when I look at the after pictures in the testimonials that feels more like "me" than my physical body.

This is certainly an unexpected development.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 10-28-2020

Day 24

When I woke up a couple hours ago it hit me that I was roughly 10% a cycle of E4 and that I feel much farther than 10% toward the ultimate goal.

How I feel when things are "normal" is consistently becoming a better and better state. I don't feel great all the time, but when I don't feel great it's exciting, because I know bad stuff is getting taken care of permanently. I noticed another spike in my sex drive too.

I asked if BAMM is still available yesterday because for the first time since my age was in the single digits I feel like I can do it. Fuck it, I'm going to do it, that's it, period. I'm not all the way there yet, but I finally realize that no force in the universe can stop me. As I type this I just made a decision that today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am already rich; some of the money just hasn't arrived yet.

RE: Adventures in E4 - Shannon - 10-28-2020

BAMM v2.0 is not purchaseable right now. It requires certain things for us to sell it to you, which are not possible at the moment. Besides, it would probably be better to await BAMM 3.0. Don't let your progress on E4 get derailed because it feels good right now. Finish what you started. Completely.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 10-30-2020

Who said anything about stopping E4? I'm getting too much out of it to consider running it for anything less than 8 months. Barring some unforeseen radical shift I'll be running OF for at least 8 months after that. I have some money saved up and was going to invest it in BAMM with depth of vision knowing full well I will probably never even use it before 3.0 comes out. I wasn't even looking to buy the product per se, I was buying a feeling of security, knowing it will be there for me when I am ready for it. You can only build as high as your foundation is deep. I would have to be a fool to throw away the foundation I am building.

RE: Adventures in E4 - Shannon - 10-30-2020

Well that's good to hear. I don't really have a way to change whether or not BAMM 2.0 is available to purchase right now, so as much as I would like to be able to offer you access to the application process, I can't. I do appreciate the sentiment though.

I'm hoping and working towards many changes coming as soon as possible, most likely next year, so that may change.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 11-02-2020

Day 29
There hasn't been much to report over the last few days. Took my first intentional break at the request of my subconscious in awhile yesterday, which lasted about 4 hours. I stayed pretty productive throughout, until today. I woke up around 3:30, couldn't fall back asleep and have felt emotionally exhausted all day. My subconscious says it's working through something and keep running the sub. 

tfw no perfect big tiddy submissive deep throating titty fucking red hair green eyes super tight pussy sexual lover

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 11-05-2020

Day 32

I've been feeling internal turmoil among parts of my subconscious for the last couple days. Part of my subconscious views the progress made as a "temporary fad" and is trying to push me back to "normal" in its perception. This has caused mental exhaustion and I've been decidedly less productive while this has happened. It must be hitting something that desperately needs to be changed. That part of my mind is trying to get me to switch to a different sub.

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 11-07-2020

Day 34

I'm getting into some heavy personal stuff with Sedona. E2 got some of it on the periphery but never got close to the heart of the matters. Still finding more fears I never knew I had preventing me from fully releasing/healing/clearing. It's intense enough that I'm only doing one release per day and E4 takes hours to overcome the fear on that one particular instance before I can let it go and allow that one specific trauma to be healed. INTJs really don't handle emotional stuff well.

If I knew everything I know now when I started I coulda woulda shoulda done OF 5.75G first, but with the difference that OF 1.1 made I understand why I thought E4 would address my most basic/foundational issues. OTOH I will appreciate the difference that it makes more, since the nasty fears I still had were below my conscious perception and I had to dig deep to find them. Hopefully there will be a 5.75.3+ version of OF available in 7 months.Wink

RE: Adventures in E4 - Rusty - 11-07-2020

Just wondering, do you believe if someone has social anxiety and therfor fear of being in social situations
then e4 would remove the fear and then heal the trauma? or its a job for Of?

RE: Adventures in E4 - JamesM - 11-07-2020

From my experience E4 will attack fear that is connected to emotion, however it takes at least an hour after the emotion was drudged up for E4 to really get into it. Sometimes it comes back throughout the day and E4 is needed to continue the process.

Theoretically anxiety is an emotion and E4 would attack the fear connected to it once that emotion is being worked on. In doing Sedona I'm intentionally bringing crap to the surface to get some of the most egregious offenders healed first. Without doing that E4 starts at the present and works backwards.

I am finding that deep fears I did not know exist are connected to my nastiest emotional issues. Had those fears been wiped out first I believe E4 would be able to do what it does more quickly. From experience thus far I have every reason to think 8 months of E4 would fix more issues over those 8 months if it were done after an 8 month run of OF.

OTOH, you're the only one that knows how much the social anxiety bothers you. I have every reason to believe that if you did a Sedona process on something connected to that anxiety to bring it to surface and ran E4 for several loops before/during/after your social anxiety would be gone much sooner than it would be if you did OF and then E4.

RE: Adventures in E4 - London1 - 11-07-2020

Can someone please aware me on what sedona is?