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RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-06-2011

Three more days of Alpha stage 6, but I am heavily considering an extra week now.
So far the primary and or secondary effects of stage 6 have been
1. A tempering of the edginess from previous stages
2. More motivation
3. Less procrastination
4. Much more relaxed
5. Smoother body language, smoother 'eye seduction'
6. More and more overt interest from woman as the stage continues. There seems to be a bit of an aloof/intimidation vibe still so usually I have to engage and then things work well or stutter out. Usually it feel more like a 'I'm her boss she is attracted to' rather than a more peer or peer mutual romantic/sexual connection. This could be just the women in particular, because I have found the more attractive the girl, the easier it is, again once I engage. Its less like I have a gravity that draws interest or attention to me, and more like my beam of focus, where I put my attention, really strives to flourish in that light lol
7. A new attitude that is a blend of total clarity in what I want or need to do, and acting on it, while still being able to go with the flow.
8. At this point zero self consciousness or social anxiety
9. Much more comfortable in new situations, pushing my boundary/comfort zone.
10. lately I am noticing
11. Total emotional stability and control/ nothing phases me, the exception to this, is one two day depressive funk that happened recently to me.

This wont be my actual, or final, review but I am going to go through a list of what Alpha said it would do, and address whether or not it did it, and how well. I did switch sets half way through and that is bound to jiffy results a little bit, but this is the same advertisement as '10 I believe.

1. Have let go of any negative self image, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about yourself.

Yes this is almost completely true. I let go of negative self image. I still have thoughts and beliefs that probably don't serve me well, but there not really 'negative' and there easy enough to ignore.

2. Have a powerful, positive sense of self respect, self esteem, self image and self worth.

Yes, this is true, its very powerful sometimes but its at least always there at least slightly in my 'internal background'

3. Have unshakable self confidence.

At first I was going to say this is not true because I don't always feel that 'I can do anything' rush of confidence and actually do it!; in fact I rarely feel that sense anymore, but actually I really am unshakably confident now. In the sense that I'm always cool, always ok, always feel very solid about myself.

4. Be unaffected by rejection.
finally! This is true, what someone else thinks of me or does to me means nothing if I don't want it to, which I don't

5. Treat women as people to enjoy the company of, without taking them too seriously, needing them, or being easily upset by them.

Almost true, I don't take women too seriously or need them at all anymore, they don't or rarely upset me anymore as well, and its easier to enjoy the company of some women but with other women I really still have a bit of a pursuer mentality, its more of a mature hunter but my actions are still more initiative in nature.

6. Have released expectations towards women, which often lead to bad choices, actions, attitudes, thinking and responses.
Kind of true, I have zero expectations with women, both positive and negative, having no positive expectation makes me feel talking to women is pointless a lot of the time unless I am already in a very playful/ intrigued/sexual mood

7. Be self sufficient and self reliant mentally, emotionally and otherwise.

Very true, I got this!

8. No longer be, or come across to others as "needy".

I wouldn't know how I come across, nor do I really care lol, but I'm pretty sure I don't across as needy, and I certainly don't feel needy

9. Take good care of yourself, your hygeine and your appearance, not just because you want to be attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself.

Muh, I haven't cut my hair since I started the Alpha set, but shaving's makes me feel great about myselfSmile All cleanliness is self motivated though.

10. Be able to effortlessly approach any woman you want - and the more attractive you find her, the easier it will be.

Not true at all, maybe this will change after the set settles.

11. Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time, interest and affections to.

what women lol I choose mmm.....none of youSmile In retrospect it seems I have had more choice than I realize alot of the time

12. Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, whicht gets you respect, attention and obedience.

This is true for mostly everyone but my closest friend and family. My experience is that most people I interact with are extremely respectful, listens to what I say, seems to try to want to validate or qualify themselves to me, and are happy to do what I ask of them.

13. Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.

This does seem to be true, it seems that women do find me very attractive, and I do get gorgeous women hovering around me alot, especially in daytime environments.

14. Have a Zen attitude, which keeps you calm when other guys would lose control, thus demonstrating your self control and mastery of the situation - an Alpha/dominant male trait.

True, I do have much more self control, I don't know about mastery of a situation. As I teacher I feel I have become much better at class room management.

15. Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all, but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus determining the men they are interested in).

My body language has changed enormously from this set for the better.

16. Display the attitude, thinking, actions and speech patterns of an Alpha/Dominant Male.

Don't really know how to address that one, but I have noticed my voice is deeper, louder, and more likely to have a 'breaking rapport' tonality. My thinking has become much clearer, more sober, and stoic but I feel an Alpha male would think more like 'I want that, I'm going to go get it'
or 'this is what I need to do' and then do it. I do this much more than I used to and still not nearly as much as I would like, winners mindset is helping alot with that.

17. No longer seek approval from others, nor be concerned with what they think of you or what you do or say.

As of stage 6 this is true. I still feel a slight motivating by being inspirational to others or having them be like 'wow he did it' but I literally care 0% about what others think of me, even those closest to me. I am also totally not concerned with what others think about what I do or say, although I am myself much more selective about what I do or say. In fact the other day at my friends birthday party of 20 people, many I didn't know, I stood up and gave the toast Zack G. from the hangover gives about the wolfpack, I just thought it be funny to do in front of a whole bunch of people who I didn't really know. I never would have come close to doing that a year ago.

18. Be your own man, who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, where he wants.

I wish, my mind is on this one, but my real world situation is different, I am currently going through quite a friction process to make the two align.

19. Be in control when dealing with women, and especially beautiful women or women you are interested in.

Very true, if I haven't been a porn lol, which I have fallen back into at times, very little improvement in moving things forward with women though.

20. Be entirely unconcerned about "getting the girl" or achieving sexual interaction, which will make the ladies perceive you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both.

I still want to get laid lol. When interacting with women its not on my mind at all,and I think maybe it should be a little bit, or maybe I am something. But the only time I feel there can be zero sexual intention is when the girl is incredibly attractive/drawn/ pursuing and this has been the case only in a few occurrences while doing Alpha. I had sex a couple times during stage 3 and since then I haven't really cared or thought about it much, but I still would like to have/ feel more capacity when it comes to a dating and sex life.
21. Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you don't like, and TELL HER NO - whether it's to her asking for sex or anything else.

True, and I did have to turn two girl's down for sex, one I had been seeing, the other I was just not interested in.

22. Be in complete control of yourself and your environment, and YOU will be the one who controls when, how, and with whom you have sex.

I guess lol

23. Develop and display a fantastic sense of humor, which will make you socially popular and attractive to others, especially beautiful women.

Wow, when I think about this it is actually true, I tend to remove my self from the center of attention so I don't know for sure, but I feel it is much easier for me to just make a girl laugh when I feel like it.

24. Be entirely comfortable in social situations of any type, whether they are familiar to you or not.

Very true

25. And do it all while being polite and graceful!

Most of the time biznitches!

Wow holy smokes, Alpha did almost everything it said it would, its moments like this where I realize how profound the shift has been. My biggest issues with Alpha are:
approaching is still a bit of a problem, not like I can't do it ever, I just don't usually, especially if the girl is with a larger group, basically Alpha didn't do much women wise for living the more vivacious lifestyle for me but that's largely because in a way I really don't care or want to intimate with most people. Also while having a more active dating and sex life is something I intellectually want, emotionally I am 100% fine with where I am and feel great about it.
The hardest part about Alpha, has been that I feel my entire framework for movement and motivation in life has been pulled out from under me. What motivates me now is impulses, and achieving more and more freedom.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - ronatello - 05-06-2011

Nice list there! Alpha male is definitely a good starting point and subsequent runs through AM should further strengthen the areas already strong and strengthen the ones that are still week. I'm sure you are contemplating running sex magnet 2011 sometime in the future?
My plan is this currently: alpha male 2010> sex magnet 2011>alpha male 2011>SM2012?
Of course I ran some subs in between AM2010 and SM 2011, the BIATBW series. In hindsight, I somewhat wished I would have kept running stage 6 of AM 2010 up until the release of SM 2011 but oh well! Smile

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Ryan - 05-06-2011

Doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to approach women left and right, you still have a conscious choice to do so, but it seems it has lifted all of your approach anxiety so if you actually wanted to... you wouldn't have huge issues doing so. Some of that can take practice and experience. But if you're going to do Sex Magnet, I think approaching would just be old news... I'm excited to be where you are in 2 months!


RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-06-2011

Ronatello, I am indeed contemplating sex magnet, its a matter of when, not if. And your right, I feel Alpha is an amazing starting point, and a another run through will be a definite in the future.

Ryan, you make a good point, when I really want to approach for whatever reason, it is much easier, and I usually do it, I just I'm not as motivated to approach as I thought I would be.

So I decided I'm going to run Alpha another week at least with winner's mindset and then I'll figure out what to do next. I really want to make sure I have my own space before I start sex magnet, so it might be July when I start.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Shannon - 05-07-2011

Thanks for the detailed feedback, Rainbow. It's going to help me make AM2012 better. I can't believe how well this forum is working for helping me improve these subs!

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-08-2011

Of course Shannon, glad to have helped. I'm sure I'll be giving detailed feedback on Alpha '12 as well Smile

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-10-2011

I posted this in a response to Blueness's journal but I'll post it here as well since it seems relevant to my journal as well.

Stage 6 has made me very slothy as well, I think its a mixture of heavy 4g subliminal barrage and possibly the content of the program. I can bring myself to do whatever needs to get done but I have had very little motivation, passion, and inspiration to do anything. I feel driven, but with no inspiration or passion, its like a mechanical drive. Mentally I have a concept of what I want and where I want to go and I am putting in work where I know how; but my mindset feels very small and I am heavy a lot of trouble thinking clearly lately, its like there is a gravitational pull for me to come to rest at nothingness. I am really frustrated with this as well, it feels like caged animal syndrome but more like caged sloth than tiger!! lol I feel like Alpha built a rocket, but it cant launch itself lol. Despite the many benefits Alpha has given me, like you blueness, I feel my life has run dry. I don't know the next step, I feel ok with the uncertainty and am just looking/waiting for whats next. All I know is I need and want more independence and more resources but driving myself towards these things is proving harder than I thought.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-10-2011

ahh glad everyone agrees lol
I'm curious if Alpha works on a reward system in a way. The moment I challenge myself a bit and do something new or that I need to do I feel so powerful and my whole life comes together, whenever I am not doing this thought its like Alpha has made it so I can't ignore that I should be doing other stuff. In the past I could put things off forever, now if I am not actively progressing myself at least every other day I get into a really big funk.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Jay - 05-11-2011

(05-10-2011, 07:49 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: ahh glad everyone agrees lol
I'm curious if Alpha works on a reward system in a way. The moment I challenge myself a bit and do something new or that I need to do I feel so powerful and my whole life comes together, whenever I am not doing this thought its like Alpha has made it so I can't ignore that I should be doing other stuff. In the past I could put things off forever, now if I am not actively progressing myself at least every other day I get into a really big funk.

When you make a decision to act on getting one of your needs met (especially if you're unsure or scared of the consequences) you will get confidence and self esteem for it in return. When you're passive and basically sulk in desiring to do things but not doing one iota about it, you head towards depression. Perhaps AM puts more emphasis on both sides of the coin, to make the contrast more obvious and in return more rewarding to do something. But the same mechanism is already in place.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-11-2011

well put Jay, I had heard about that mechanism from this dude Dr. Paul, but AM really put an emphasis on it, it seems. Accentuating both sides of the coin, so much so to the extent that heading towards depression becomes pretty much impossible.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Cortez - 05-11-2011

(05-11-2011, 06:35 AM)Jay Wrote:
(05-10-2011, 07:49 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: ahh glad everyone agrees lol
I'm curious if Alpha works on a reward system in a way. The moment I challenge myself a bit and do something new or that I need to do I feel so powerful and my whole life comes together, whenever I am not doing this thought its like Alpha has made it so I can't ignore that I should be doing other stuff. In the past I could put things off forever, now if I am not actively progressing myself at least every other day I get into a really big funk.

When you make a decision to act on getting one of your needs met (especially if you're unsure or scared of the consequences) you will get confidence and self esteem for it in return. When you're passive and basically sulk in desiring to do things but not doing one iota about it, you head towards depression. Perhaps AM puts more emphasis on both sides of the coin, to make the contrast more obvious and in return more rewarding to do something. But the same mechanism is already in place.

I think we all owe it to ourselves to move towards what frightens and excites us at all costs.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-11-2011

yes much agreed, however at time for me on Alpha, everything is so numb its hard to tell, what excites or frightens, now I am not complaining-its just a flavor of life, steel shall we say, that I am just learning how to navigate now.

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - Shannon - 05-12-2011

Alpha definitely does not accentuate negativity in any way. My programs aim for positive expression and impact only. What you're seeing is greater awareness of the negativity because of the higher contrast you now have, but alpha isn't making you head toward depression. That would not be a good thing for me to be putting in my programs. Remember, positive only!

RE: RainbowAbyssAlpha - RainbowAbyss - 05-12-2011

That's good to know, I wasn't quite sure if it was put in for motivational leverage or not. I will say the contrast is much stronger, but with the slightest tilt of my 'life rudder' I can move back into where I want to be at. Every time I get 8 plus hours off a subliminal I start to feel and act much more like like the intended effect of the subliminal with zero resistance. I'm curious if the fact that I have such up and downs are sub related, resistance, or something else. I mean literally like clockwork its like two weeks on, one week off, two weeks on, one week off. Usually the down week is just more chilled out but occasionally its some heavy crap, huh, maybe that is just life.