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Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility (Multiple Versions) - Printable Version

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Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility (Multiple Versions) - Benjamin - 03-09-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:Just got approached at starbucks by a 30s something who was fit and attractive. We were standing in line, and I could feel in the moments before that she was about to approach me. She was excited and very friendly to me, and initiated conversation twice. I can't pull the trigger after this point. I understand how lame this is.

Yesterday during class, a random guy became my servant, even though I didn't want him to. I was speaking out loud about some things, and he then inquired about everything I had said, without me telling him to do so. In fact, I remember explicitly discouraging him from doing these "favors". In the end, he did provide useful information to me, but he wouldn't stop talking and it was slightly annoying. I think he's gay because he kept telling me how he "missed his bus" over and over, like I'm supposed to offer a ride, and kept dropping bait to get me to study with him this weekend. I advise people to be careful.

Also yesterday, a girl sitting in front of me swung around suddenly and started asking me a lot of questions about our class. This was after class was over, but I'd never talked to her or even noticed her before. There were plenty of people sitting behind her that were closer and more reasonable to ask. It was obvious to even the people next to me that she was specifically trying to talk to me, which gave the conversation an awkward vibe. One guy even left. She started asking me all these questions and then pausing waiting for me to tell her what to do and give her advice and stuff. I wasn't attracted to her but she honestly didn't look bad. It makes sense that she was DTF, because this approach happened in the last hour before campus closed for the night. Logistically, quite clever on her part.

Today I walked through the streets, and for the first time I unabashedly embraced the aura in all its cheeky glory. I could feel the energy and power within me and around me. Many people took notice.

-Travis here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 03-13-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:...So I met her. I started walking in the direction of my house and she followed. She asked me where we are going, I just told her directly, "my house". I usually would try to give a plausible deniability of some sort, for eg come see my cool wall sticker, but this time I felt like being direct. She accepted cheerfully. In my place, I was finding things to do. I do need to have more fun things to do at my house. I only have booze and my laptop. Total man cave. I gave her a small shot of an expensive, exotic Chinese liquor. She didn't like it though so I had to finish it. I didn't want to waste it, it's really good. I wasn't planning to drink, but it's only three small sips so idk how much it affected the state shifting.

We then went to my room and I played some Bill Burr stand up comedy on YouTube. I like his jokes on feminism but she's not into stand up comedy. I then played the movie Saw. I know, playing anti-feminism comedy or a gore movie when pulling a girl is retarded, I really need to improve this part of my game. Maybe get a PS4 or a trampoline or something. Saw has worked quite well for me in the past though, it gets nice emotional reaction from girls, including this one. As it started she suggested we watch it on the bed and snuggle. Nice.

She didn't do anything frisky though. Halfway through the movie, I just escalated. Went very smoothly. However when I went for her pussy she gave me LMR, saying she doesn't want to have sex and I have to earn it. By that point we were already naked and she had already given me a BJ. I rolled my eyes at her. I was like whatever, and caveman-ed my way to her pussy. It was drenched. As soon as I touched it she did a 180 and asked me if I want to have sex and if I had a condom. *shakes head* ok so I proceeded to bang her. Performance issues again, I couldn't last and I had to start and stop many times. But overall it was good. We resumed the movie after sex. The ending always gets a good reaction.

Yesterday and today she has been texting me, saying she missed me and that my dick was huge. Overall I'm happy with this pull. It was easy and the sex was good. Good start to DMSI.

-Raikahoken said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 03-18-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:...The girl I sniped booked in a Hotel in my city and we are meeting tomorrow afternoon and it is time to see what it looks like in bed.she sent me nudes yesterday and told me literally she is going to be my slave!!!!...

-Light said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 03-20-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:Manifestations today were insane. I had no idea this many hot girls went to my school... There's no way for anyone to believe me, but in the two years I've been going here, I've never seen this many hot girls on campus in one day. So many more than I've seen these years, I had a hard time believing it. They were ***** everywhere.. To be honest, I've been quietly skeptical about TID, manifestations, etc. I don't want to believe, but if stuff like this continues I'll have to!

I'm noticing IOI's less now, but one in particular stands out.

I was walking down the hall, and a very attractive blonde woman in her 30's was opening a door when she gave me really strong eye contact and didn't move, even though she in the middle of opening the door. She was a professor or administrator, and one of the hottest I'd ever seen. A real stereotype of the hot teacher trope you see in movies. I was like damn, that's awesome.. broke eye contact cause I'm about to walk into the bathroom, a moment later, I look back AND SHE'S STILL STARING! WTF!? She's still motionless and her look is even more intense. This fine ass teacher just stopped opening the door in the middle of a crowded hall. I'm not exaggerating she was looking for at least 5 full seconds. Her gaze was thirsty and penetrating.. even when compared to the other shit I've seen on DMSI. It felt like I was prey being watched by a predator. I was literally about to go take a dump, and she continued staring as I walked in the bathroom.

So many other positive changes, I can't possibly list them all. One thing I'll throw out there is that my eye contact is MASSIVELY improved. I'm throwing sexy eyes at every hot babe. If they don't respond, It doesn't even register in my brain. This is a HUGE change for me..

Another cool thing is people treat me much better than now. Most of the initial AMOGing has worn off. I have no concern with other people bothering or messing with me at all, and people have been noticeably more friendly to me. Most women actually smile at me when we pass. Some more examples are aquaintances touching me (in a bro like way - Shoulder or arm contact), and random people knowing my name at places I go to. The ladder has been especially confusing, because some of the people who remembered my name I see only a few times a year, and they've never asked or remembered (nor do I expect them to). But like I said there's so much happening I can't remember or don't have time to relate half of it.

To close, I think I'm very close to approaching.. moving closer to execution. The ways girls look at me now, it would be pretty easy to start a conversation.

-Travis said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 03-26-2018

DMSI 3.2-B

Quote:I'd like to report that I'm starting to see more instances of females trying to 'initiate' with me more often (one flat out flaked on an outing with me and instead chose to meet up with me later to just go to my place and bone, and another just spread her legs open for me in her living room and then pulled me to her bedroom).

I'll post more granular detail in my journal/field reports soon. A side effect and disclaimer from this Sub should be added that your penis will get very sore from all the sex you'll be receiving and so rest days and care will be required.

Tesla said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-01-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:...The ones that have started interactions with me have been very generous with their compliments and one woman couldn't stop touching my arms, complimenting my tattoos and saying how muscular I am. Another woman asked for my name and where I live before telling me where she lives. She was definitely very cute and my type so might see where that leads...

-BreathlessDragon said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-02-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:I noticed i'm very social and much more extroverted and easily able to hold conversations.

anxiety is very low when interacting with people. I ran into someone from the dog park from the past and normally i would have had more anxiety in these situations.

The cashier gave me bags and she said she wont charge me for some reason. She also wouldn't stop talking to me. She wasnt attractive but seemed to see me as friendly or something.

I feel a celebrity effect for sure, to a certain degree. It's kinda subtle but noticeable at the same time.

People are very nice to me now when i'm in public.

I feel very alpha and strong too. My body language is very good now.

My self esteem is an all time high and my anxiety at an all time low. I can feel this for sure. I never felt this good before. Two runs of AM was great, but this is even stronger.

-Raykon said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-03-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:...When I did go out and interact with people, it was very interesting. I sounded extremely smooth when talking to girls. It's not so much my that my VOICE that has changed, but the rhythm and mannerisms of speech were VERY different than usual. Every beat, silence and rhythm sounded really confident and dripping with sexiness. I was also speaking quieter, but much more "fully" than usual, allowing every pitch in my vocal range to be expressed, almost like a dance, as I spoke to the girls. Sounds weird, but it's the best way I can describe it. It's really cool actually and happens effortlessly. My voice has changed on DMSI before, but this is definitely the best yet in this regard. It's gotten a lot stronger on vA relative to vB just a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure if thats just overall time on the program or vA specifically.

I'm really confident that if I talked to any girl, I could attract her with my voice now, something I had no confidence in before. I'm not saying I could sleep with her, or even get her number, but I know she'd be intrigued by it because it just sounds different than anyone else.

Oh yeah and my walk. Good god. When I'm strutting around town I feel like a million bucks. My movement is just awesome. Feels like I'm the sexiest creature alive when I'm out there, and I'm not even trying.

Got called baby a few times by cashier register women and girls...

-Travis said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-10-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:I went to a date with a new girl from tinder. Let us call her C. It was already warming up on WhatsApp. It was was easy touching her and leading her. We drank something together and was enjoying her company. I led her to change the venue after I felt we need a change. On the way, to the venue we stopped on the street and she kissed me.

We made out a bit. And here comes Dmsi, I haven’t fapped since its appearance ( I have to admit I had sex a few times in between) still it is amazing how relaxed and unneedy about sex I am. I kissed her and stopped and led her to the was very smooth and I had total control over the situation. I think she was feeling my aura and was just following me in whatever I want to do. If I decide now to sleep with her, I just have to arrange to meet her at her place and there is no way anything goes wrong.

Just before the date and at work, I noticed a few iois and one woman came to talk me even if I dont know her at all. She told me,you can come to my desk at work if you are bored and want to talk!!!! I looked at her and decided it is not worth it to go there. I also was tired.

Tinder dates are pilling up. I am probably meeting two new girls this week. And will meet with A on monday. I am ignoring others when I feel they are not hot girls or they are too much work.

I am calm not anxious and the future looks good.

I am considering an upgrade of my job, and inthe woman department might be a total blast if I keep going like this a month or two. There might come a time when I have to stop dating. I continue to walk really good which translates in better poster and no back pain as usual.

There is an abundance in things I want to have or achieve. I just need to keep this little baby (Dmsi) going and everything will be really good. I feel Dmsi for me is still a toddler, I still need to give it time and it will start to walk. I have a fear it might start to run oneday(soon).
I am still immune from a lot of fear.

There are changes taking place in my face and my hair but I cant put my finger what they exactly are!

-Light said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-13-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:I just want to share this with you hombres about how I'm faring.

Life right now is amazing. For the first time in a very long time I'm very happy with where I'm at. I have this overwhelming sense of wanting to be free. Free of all the subconscious traumas I've been holding onto, free of all the artificial limitations I've placed on myself, free of dimming my own light because of other people. I just want to be free of it all!

I can see the direction which DMSI is taking me and the closest equivalent I can give you is Adam Lyons. His energy and his joyeous attitude towards life mirror my own, especially who I was when I was in highschool and an absolute chick magnet.

The other major development is my flirting skill. This has come as a pure shock to me because it's so spontaneous and unpredictable but at the same time outrageously fun. I've turned rather inane conversations into energetically charged one's, purely through injecting them with a sexual element, all for my own self amusement. I've also found people naturally buying into my frame because of this infectious fun that I'm spreading.

Day by day I can feel myself becoming an even sexier version of myself. I've also seemingly let go of all body image issues.

It should be noted that personally I'm not in this journey for the gimmicks (such as the sniper or the "aura"), I'm in this for my own personal development and who I'll be in 3-6 months times.

In summary: Life's never felt so great!

-Determined said this here

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility (Multiple Versions) - Benjamin - 04-15-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:I’m more comfortable than ever (my whole life) in social situations now. It’s a dramatic improvement and easily makes DMSI worth the price I paid. I can’t picture an awkward situation involving other people that would make me ashamed or embarrassed. My brain short circuits in these situations and I immediately reframe things so that the other people are acting weird, not me.

I traveled by plane yesterday and passed out immediately for the entire flight. I hadn’t slept in 48 hours and don’t remember the plane taking off or landing. I sat next to a pretty girl in her 20’s and there was a brief moment where I woke up and she was rubbing on me. I was so out of it so I can’t really remember except that she was grinding the right side of her hip on my left side. It was definitely a long rub or grind and not just an accidental bump. She had the window seat, and so had plenty of room and didn’t need to do that. She stopped when I woke up and I’m wondering how much she was doing it because I was so unconscious.

Another time I woke up for a second and she gave me a really big and genuine smile. I’m not sure if this was before or after the grinding. Something changed though when we landed I tried getting some eye contact going and she looked sheepish and ashamed. She wouldn’t look at me but she was mirroring everything I did. For instance when I fiddled with my seatbelt she immediately fiddled with hers. When I looked out the window, she immediately did the same, etc. In the end I just said **** that noise and left.

-Travis said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-24-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:Stage 4, Day 16,

I've been having female work colleagues reach down to get something, right in front of me, in a way that shows off their boobs. It's happened twice or thrice today, and a couple more times last time I was at that place.

-Ampersnd said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-25-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:ome interesting things happend.

After first day of listening with my headset, my GF came to me and said she was having sexual dreams about me lol.

Then later i was walking with my son and i saw this sexy girl and she was like hello and smiling too me, i just said hi back, wasnt expecting that.

Not sure if that was DMSI but it could be.

Okay but today i had something more strange happend,

I took my son for a walk and was walking to my post box outside and then i see this super hot ladie with insane tight jeans and a nice juicy ass walking next too me.

She stops next to me with her small dog and then she just start to bending over too tighten her shoes, man she had a nice ass and she wasnt afraid too show it too me, nice...

-Ryu said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 04-29-2018

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.2.

Quote:DMSI 3.2 A Day 33

So I helped my attractive clients friend move yesterday. She texted me up the other day saying she needed a "strong man" to help them. Lucky for them Im just the guy(Strikes flawless double biceps pose) She was showing some serious ioi action. She wouldn't stop playing with her hair while around me. She put on some lip balm randomly right in front of me at one point. She was giggling at almost everything I said, and like nonstop at one point. One time when she was grabbing a box she backed her ass up right into me and im pretty positive she knew i was right behind her. She mentioned one time when I was lifting something heavy "Wow, look at those muscles!" She seemed to not be able to hold eye contact very long and would look away submissively after a second. If it wasnt for the fact she was married pretty sure it would be fully on. Also went to a friends party later and ALL the girls there showed at least one ioi at one point or another.

Been feeling relatively good the last few days. Feeling overall more sexy, relaxed and in the moment. There were a few times this weekend where I just got immersed in the moment and was able to convey my genuine charismatic self. This is state where I am charismatic, witty, creative, and confident, all without much effort. As opposed to the opposite, in my head, anxious and over analytical state. Pretty cool to experience and really the kind of state I wan to just naturally be in as a default...

-Broski said this here