I hope none of that came across as hostile to you because I didn't mean it to!!
But I think, well I'll speak about myself only here actually. I've been fed a LOT of negativity from society especially about my age, I've read a ton of articles and so on basically saying older women are GARBAGE and I'm trying really hard to get that junk out of my head. I don't like being seen as a consolation prize and I don't want to be near anyone who thinks I am! While I initiated my divorce, I cried for about a month when it happened and for many older unmarried women, we didn't choose to be this way in the sense that some of us would have preferred to have been married happily ever after and just cos life didn't work out that way for us, I don't think we should be seen as pariahs. We still have a lot to offer. A lot of guys won't want it and that's fine but it doesn't mean that none of them will. But it's been really REALLY hard to see myself as girlfriend-material, due to being older. (That's what I'm using another sub to help with.)
But I think, well I'll speak about myself only here actually. I've been fed a LOT of negativity from society especially about my age, I've read a ton of articles and so on basically saying older women are GARBAGE and I'm trying really hard to get that junk out of my head. I don't like being seen as a consolation prize and I don't want to be near anyone who thinks I am! While I initiated my divorce, I cried for about a month when it happened and for many older unmarried women, we didn't choose to be this way in the sense that some of us would have preferred to have been married happily ever after and just cos life didn't work out that way for us, I don't think we should be seen as pariahs. We still have a lot to offer. A lot of guys won't want it and that's fine but it doesn't mean that none of them will. But it's been really REALLY hard to see myself as girlfriend-material, due to being older. (That's what I'm using another sub to help with.)