(11-10-2015, 05:12 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: I was wondering about it for a long time. I would say you should not laugh most of the time.
If you laugh it means you are agreeing that someone make a fool out of you.
By not laughing the guy saying the joke will most of the time feel that he did something out of line and even the people around laughing will realize that unconsciously or consciously . Even if it was meant only as a joke it can degrade your status, influencing how people see you. The best would be to react as nothing was said like you didn't heard what he said. But at the same time you have no shame about it, really like nothing happened.
Worst would be to shake, feel threatened.
Less bad would be to laugh with them but I think it can degrade your status. As people will see that's it's okay to make a fool out of you so they might do it more often after that.
Maybe there are another possibility too, I don't know yet.
Maybe someone can laugh but at the same time using a facial expression that express that what was said was out of line. Or maybe saying so afterward that you didn't like what he did.
(11-10-2015, 01:54 AM)AwesomeGuy Wrote: Am I doing right? Because I saw after that he became somewhat silent.
Seems like he was regretting what he said. I have to say I was in the opposite scenario, sometimes I joke about my friend who is very alpha. And when I say something out of line he act as nothing was said, like he didn't hear it. After that I realize that my comment is out of line. So out of this I realize how stupid my joke was and at the same time he didn't feel any threat at all.
Also the fact that he is silent afterward means his jokes didn't have the effect he wanted. Maybe he was threatened by your presence so he tried to make a joke. Maybe his purpose was to break the ice but he did it awkwardly. So after that you could warm him up socially so that he doesn't feel bad, at the same time making a friend and keeping your status.
All that really makes sense. There are several scenarios that could happen but I'm very sure it is the response from my subconscious mind which detects the person is violated my personal boundaries.
My instincts are usually right, plus it somehow since I use AM6 I'm much easier to detect BS. Even though there is no evidence.
Yesterday I read a book on the issue and it really makes sense.
I had felt dejavu when reading this thread.
(11-10-2015, 05:17 PM)Dzemoo Wrote: are you the guy who used am5 3 times?
no you shouldnt laugh if you dont feel comfortable with it, i actually like to make poeple feel awkward if i ignore their jokes or what they said if i dont like it
you are running am6 right now right? didnt you have the problems with am5?
No, I had not even finished AM6 and now I'm at stage 4. I recently changed my username, you've posted in my journal a few times. My journal name "Sunshine After The Rain"
(11-10-2015, 10:14 PM)yeah! Wrote: Not laughing creates tension which is a showdown for who is higher status (in whatever way) then it starts again with who breaks tension. I think we pick up a lot when we are kids, all sorts of stuff. Some people are taught to keep tension to a minimum at all times, others are taught to use it for their benefit.
Sometimes if someone laughs at me I agree and amplify, it depends on the situation.
That is true, that is what was taught to us since childhood.
Thanks for all the answer guys.