06-02-2015, 06:43 AM
Me too, good call BBM! this one of thee most important things are can develop with one's life on earth,this of course extends out in one's abilities to love others... 'you rise as high as your dominant aspiration" ...come to think of it I believe there already is or was a love and appreciate yourself CD from Indigo Minds Lab..I think I still have mine from a quite a while back. thanx maybe a re-dp upgrade is in order. that of course depends on when Shannon'll have time to do so( smile,wink:-) busy man he is,indeed. Keith.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er.""Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"