04-27-2015, 06:37 AM
I am doing Stage 7 but only 4 hours a night, because it seems to be taking a toll on me (I feel fatigued).
Regarding forgiveness of others, I have forgiven a lot of people I wanted to forgive but never thought would happen (so soon). Relationships with these people have improved. I definitely see results here.
The funny thing with the anger is, it's been there since stage 2 or 3, and it stuck with me all the way, on and off, but I haven't yet figured out the source...
I had this thought that, maybe I was forgiving myself for my anger bursts. I don't see anything wrong with my being angry. I feel justice is served. Yet logically, I know that it isn't healthy at all. I keep reminding myself not to do it. Sometimes I get so mad I feel pain in my body. It's triggered when I'm annoyed.
I would do as you advised, to take 2 weeks off subs. If anger mgmt isn't recommended, could I perhaps do BASE again?
Regarding forgiveness of others, I have forgiven a lot of people I wanted to forgive but never thought would happen (so soon). Relationships with these people have improved. I definitely see results here.
The funny thing with the anger is, it's been there since stage 2 or 3, and it stuck with me all the way, on and off, but I haven't yet figured out the source...
I had this thought that, maybe I was forgiving myself for my anger bursts. I don't see anything wrong with my being angry. I feel justice is served. Yet logically, I know that it isn't healthy at all. I keep reminding myself not to do it. Sometimes I get so mad I feel pain in my body. It's triggered when I'm annoyed.
I would do as you advised, to take 2 weeks off subs. If anger mgmt isn't recommended, could I perhaps do BASE again?