(12-02-2014, 01:24 PM)sebastian Wrote: I really appreciate the effort was made to post this technique. I am just wondering if it is ok to use this while doing subs. Shannon said NLP for state shifting is ok, but no additional programming. So is it just state shifting?
Its not a additional programming, don't worry. Its more like, IMHO, having more perceptual positions, views and more choices.
This technique helped me to deal with resistance and can be also very valuable diagnostic tool.
For example, then upheaval & resistance appear how we deal with it?
If we start to b*tching up ("nothing is working, its hopeless, nothing changes") its clearly a MARTYR archetype is active right now ("persecuted by Dragon, and Martyr must flee, feeling overwhelmed and in fear").
What really helped me to deal with overwhelming resistance is to access WARRIOR archetype (is purely DIFFERENT energy than MARTYR) and my resistance disappeared...well, in about 10 minutes and THAT energy, that was really disturbing, somehow channeled to ACTION mode, I felt a great RELIEF.
Guys, I'v got no choice but to share with you, because such dramatic changes in perception of resistance was quite....profound

P.S. Btw, you can think about this technique more like a prayer.
P.S.S. About COACH state, google for "COACH state NLP")