11-30-2010, 02:22 PM
Another update I forgot to mention that's pretty cool if you ask me: Back in October my boyfriend took me to meet his whole family in cali. His stepmother suffers from MS, and is on lots of different meds to help her with pain, and she also has to take ambien so she can sleep. She hasn't been able to sleep with out Ambien for a long time. I had my copy of the sleep aid, which I told her about and she was immediately interested in trying it. Anything to help her get off meds, is what she said. So, we set her up one night with the sleep aid playing, and she told me the next day that she had actually slept the whole night, hadn't woken up once, and actually felt rested in the morning! I told her about the site, so I hope she'll consider buying a copy of her own, but I just wanted to share that.