05-20-2014, 07:34 AM
(05-20-2014, 06:02 AM)lokko Wrote: Ah so where do I begin. I started off with a rollercoaster with this sub, kept having ups and downs to the point where I'd feel so angry out of sudden bursts. It slowly went down to the point where I was more calm and collective. The OGSF in LTU has helped me overcome the fear of death. I no longer feel like afraid of death like I did before. At random times the scariness of death would creep in my mind and I'd lose all purpose in life, and I'm only 23! so this is a big improvement on a personal level. I also feel alot more confident speaking what's on my mind. I wont hold back as much as before, this fear of shame that I used to feel when I tried to talk over my family was big, they instilled in me that you should never talk bigger then someone older then you. I now talk as I want, and they respect me, as this is a sign of maturity. I had a girl I dislike in my workplace, she belittled me and looked for every opportunity to kill my self esteem but I finally overcame the fear of saying something and confronted her pretty loud for everyone around 10 feet to hear. I don't lose my temper as much either, I'm more positive and look for positive outcomes. My anxiety level for when I'm around a crowd of people reduced almost 60% I believe, I used to be afraid of talking with a group of people, I'm usually better with one on one but now I talk more with lots of people around without being so introverted and worried about what I should say. I personally feel like I hit a plateau in LTU after the 60 day mark or so and stopped at day 81. Could've hit the full 3 months but In my gut instict I knew I had to start AM5. Look for my journal on that.
Overall I'm happy with this sub. There is alot more minor changes I've had and also I believe AM5 is going to ramp up my life to new levels since I already did the OGSF part of what some people said was missing. Look out for my AM5 Journal.
I also believe this sub will affect everyone differently because we're all different people with different beliefs, different age, different upbringings, so LTU uncovered the things that were more personal and specific to me. Whoever does LTU might have different results (some similar), that tackle their wants and desires.
Thank you Shannon for your hard work and time.
Nice Lokko happy that you have achieved awesome result. But I think if you run AM6 that will be better which also covers 98% of LTU. So you will be still listening LTU within AM6 with greater exposure. Hopefully I will start AM6 90 days later. Best of luck brothaaa .. better days coming