Day 69
I continue to receive more compliments from people everywhere. I'm coming across more and more opportunities and my goals provide me with a great amount of motivation. My dedication towards goals I would like to achieve has increased greatly. Mostly because I have a huge amount of motivation to sustain them. For example I chose to only eat clean which feels effortless to do so as it was my goal. "Cheating" on it would not feel as if I'm going in a successful direction. However if I would ever eat some processed good while out with others I would keep track of the calories and feel motivated to burn those off during my workouts. The same level of motivation goes towards my education, career, love life, family and even writing on this forum. All personal goals get achieved.
I'm finding more success in situations where I have to do planning. I was able to have someone else practically sell some goods for me as I took the money. Things have been just going right that well this past week.
I've been having really good dreams. Being loved by everyone, having outrageous success and being in absolutely amazing situations like having a great amount of sex appeal. Getting pursued from beautiful, emotionally healthy women around me. In another dream I was the president of the UNited states lol.
I've always been a person who found comfort within having money. I am now shifting from that person to a person that believes money should come to them in whatever situation wether I'm trading with forex or helping people in Africa my wealth will always grow from the action I take.
I'm starting my physical portion of the duration of these subs. For the next three months I'll be documenting my progress with weight loss. Bmi and physical strength. Along with this area of my life I'll mention the other successes I experience.
Successful synchronicities are becoming more blatant as when I think of something I want in almost every situation I produce a form of success. For example getting a free pass at the gym. Winning against a whole movie theatre full of people in time play. While shopping finding items that I would like to buy at even more of a affordable price than I expected. Absolutely everything I do goes right on top of this. I receive extra amounts of money about each day. Motivation has sky rocketed as I can wake at any hour or time to be productive. Now that I have a great amount of free time I'm able to accomplish everything I have in mind that I imagine to accomplish throughout the day. Every day from the past 3 years of learning the law of attraction plus gratitude I've felt abundant in every area of my life.
Edit: I've been acting even more Alpha these past couple days probably because of these two subs synergizing so well together . I feel completely on top of everything following up on opportunities like it's the meaning of life. Lazy, unfocused, procrastination- these words have been completely eliminated from my life.

I continue to receive more compliments from people everywhere. I'm coming across more and more opportunities and my goals provide me with a great amount of motivation. My dedication towards goals I would like to achieve has increased greatly. Mostly because I have a huge amount of motivation to sustain them. For example I chose to only eat clean which feels effortless to do so as it was my goal. "Cheating" on it would not feel as if I'm going in a successful direction. However if I would ever eat some processed good while out with others I would keep track of the calories and feel motivated to burn those off during my workouts. The same level of motivation goes towards my education, career, love life, family and even writing on this forum. All personal goals get achieved.
I'm finding more success in situations where I have to do planning. I was able to have someone else practically sell some goods for me as I took the money. Things have been just going right that well this past week.

I've always been a person who found comfort within having money. I am now shifting from that person to a person that believes money should come to them in whatever situation wether I'm trading with forex or helping people in Africa my wealth will always grow from the action I take.
I'm starting my physical portion of the duration of these subs. For the next three months I'll be documenting my progress with weight loss. Bmi and physical strength. Along with this area of my life I'll mention the other successes I experience.
Successful synchronicities are becoming more blatant as when I think of something I want in almost every situation I produce a form of success. For example getting a free pass at the gym. Winning against a whole movie theatre full of people in time play. While shopping finding items that I would like to buy at even more of a affordable price than I expected. Absolutely everything I do goes right on top of this. I receive extra amounts of money about each day. Motivation has sky rocketed as I can wake at any hour or time to be productive. Now that I have a great amount of free time I'm able to accomplish everything I have in mind that I imagine to accomplish throughout the day. Every day from the past 3 years of learning the law of attraction plus gratitude I've felt abundant in every area of my life.
Edit: I've been acting even more Alpha these past couple days probably because of these two subs synergizing so well together . I feel completely on top of everything following up on opportunities like it's the meaning of life. Lazy, unfocused, procrastination- these words have been completely eliminated from my life.