07-21-2013, 10:46 AM
(07-21-2013, 09:45 AM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:Hi guys, I am current using AM 5.0 under stage 1 rite now. I've been stopping it for a few days mainly thinking about one question:
Are we really who we are after we have used it?
My programs do not make you switch personalities, they trigger growth and focus shifting. You are still you, just a more advanced version of yourself, and with a different focus.
Quote:You see, the advantages the sub brings are truly phenomenal. No one disagrees with it. But the point is, everyone become the same after they've used them.
Hardly. They're all going and growing in the direction of the sub they chose to use, but they do not start off or end up the same by a long shot.
Quote:They replaced their old personalities with new ones without having reference experiences.
No, they grew and changed their focus. Their personality is still the same; but after they use the program, it is more advanced, more matured in the direction the sub is going, and focus is different.
Quote:I am not sure if this is good because I am a firm believer that if you want to improve for something better, you have to work for it.
In other words, you have accepted the false belief that nothing good can come without conscious effort, and therefore are limiting yourself because of that false belief.
The subconscious does most or all of the work with subliminals, and the conscious may be involved with particularly challenging things. But to insist that something is "not good" because it happens without conscious work is ridiculous. That belief serves only to limit you.
Quote:It's true that listening to it for a while may give you temporary effect. But in the long term, let's say you become lazy and stop refreshing it, you will go back to the 'true' self.
Listen to it for long enough, and the effects will become long term or permanent. Humans are dynamic systems, and they are always changing. If you don't use the subliminal long enough for the effects to become self regenerating, then eventually they will be replaced by new incoming stimulus if you stop using them.
I have achieved permanent results from using the AM set. I no longer need to use it for the effects to be present. I am alpha. I am my own man, and my own leader, and I have others who follow my lead. That doesn't mean I lead all the time, or want to. But I can and do lead whenever I want to, need to or choose to.
The 'true' self you speak of is the one that has become self regenerating. When the subconscious programming is acted on outwardly enough to regenerate itself inwardly, whatever change you have created becomes long term or permanent, and becomes what you are calling the 'true self'.
Quote:This makes me wonder if sub is just like taking drugs. You wear the 'better self' mask for, let's say, 3 years, and then you take it off, showing your natural personality.
You sound as if you think the self never changes. You are always changing. The subs don't create a mask, they create personal growth from the inside out. But if the external stimuli are not overridden, they will revert the changes. That's why it takes long term use and that's why the program is six stages, and typically requires multiple run-throughs: the amount of change it is generating is monumental, and making all that change self regenerating takes time.
The 'natural personality' is always there, but what of it you are expressing changes. The "me" I am now has always been there, but only since I have been using my programs has it been developed and focused enough to become my natural expression. It was always in me. I just focused and grew in the right ways and directions to have this be my current experience.
Quote:I'm just wondering, is the alpha male subliminal 'adding on' to your personali, or it is establishing a new one? I have some unique characteristics and don't want them to go away.
It is taking who and what you are, and growing and refocusing that in different ways.
Quote: Also, since i have been listening to it, I feel that I have become 'narrow-minded'. Unlike the past I could make a decision many ways, now I feel like I could only make only one decision. Maybe its an auto-response. I would not complain if the decision is wise, but the decision isn't anything good. Ex. I thought of my ex betraying me and talking shit to everyone about me and felt really annoyed so I talked to her not to do it and 'listed' her problems. But oh man, I didnt want to make that choice. Me and her have broke up for a long time and I didn't want to contact her for whatever reasons. It just annoys me how I couldn't 'keep my waters'. It not only annoys her, but it annoys me even more. I feel irritated as f*ck after I think of what she has done to me all these years.. the memories from the past that are haunting me all day and I have no idea how to forget them. So my second concern is, will I become open-minded by the end of the tracks? I want options when I make decisions, not all of them from auto-response.
So what happened is, the program pushed you to refuse to be mistreated, and you started responding with that attitude, and then did something you weren't strong enough to fully "own" yet, and decided that it wasn't good because it scared you.
What I have put in bold is what the program is doing. It's forcing you to face the things that people have done to mistreat you and you are becoming upset with that treatment. That isn't pleasant, and that's the whole point. It's forcing you to recognize and respond to being mistreated by making changes and forcing others to re-set their boundaries and begin respecting you. The "open minded" sounds like either the program is simply focusing you differently and you like having less focus, or that you're using it as an excuse to hide from what scares you. Or both. Sorry, but AM is going to focus you on becoming an alpha male. Alphas don't hide from their challenges under the guise of keeping their options open to avoid conflict. They decide what they want, and then they go after it and get it. Even if doing so requires conflict sometimes.
Reacting to your ex's mistreatment or disrespect of you is a good thing. It means you're growing.
Quote:Last concern, i feel that my creativity sucked when I listen to the subs. I am a student of architecture. Since I've been exposed to the tracks I feel that I couldnt design stuff as good as usual... As I said b4 my mind feels 'narrow'. I couldn't get all the ideas in a snap. Can Shannon tell me, if this is only the placebo effect, or the track really hinders me from making all the beautiful designs? I don't know the exact reason.
The program is focusing you on making internal self improvements and growing into a man who refuses to be mistreated or taken advantage of, who has self respect, self esteem and a high sense of self worth and value.
I don't think it's a placebo effect, I think it's just that you are subconsciously focused in a direction that is causing you some upset right now and you haven't gotten to the point that you can overcome the things that are currently holding you back. In other words, your drive to change is not yet stronger than the fears that have held you back so far. The drive to change is forcing you to make changes, and those changes are including a change in internal focus and facing issues and fears. If your creativity is based in emotional tranquility, as it is for some people, then this may produce a disruption for a time.
But you are basically experiencing subconscious resistance in the form of fear, which has caused you to disregard the instructions and stop using the program. The instructions say, many times, once you start, DO NOT STOP! Stopping before the program is finished will not get you what the program is designed to do, and will leave you with a partial change which isn't good. Go back and start using it again. Finish what you started. Just as the instructions said to. And go re-read the instructions. (You did read the instructions?)
Quote:I feel depressed and unmotivated right now. I want to feel happy just like before. Sorry if my words are unorganized. I'd really like to hear your suggestions.
Depressed and unmotivated in this case is almost certainly coming from a sublimated frustration at being pushed to make changes that scare you more than you can break through right now. Before, you may have achieved a state of comfortable equilibrium, but if you are reacting with depression and lack of motivation to Stage 1 of this program, you were not really happy. Stage 1 is just clearing out the garbage... and you apparently have some garbage to remove.
It's common for people to believe they are happy when they're really miserable and stuck in a rut, simply because they're afraid of doing anything about it.
Now you're doing something about it. It may not always be pleasant, or fun, but I guarantee you that working through the challenges will be well worth the effort. Everyone here who has run AM will tell you the same thing. Keep going.
Thanks Shannon. It might sound ridiculous, but I've always had this fear of change , as you have observed in me. Now after you have explained to all my worries I am much relaxed and am able to step back to the journey.
So now: f*ck resistance and keep pressing on!