Great sale there!
Got what I wanted and great bonus ones for little more than half the price of the one I wanted.
Buuuut, I'm having problem downloading the big one. I remember seeing something about it not having expirations dates, but having limit of times it can be downloaded.
So I'm little worried about this trouble. How many times is this limit? And does the new site supports download managers?
Oh, and this one is a suggestion.
I tried downloading it again with another browser and I saw that the sets are almost 3 GB. One of the problems was that I was trying to fit 2 sets at one almost full HD. To prevent this, I believe having this info before starting the download could help the waste of a download because of disk problems. Maybe a little piece at the description, the recipe or even the download page.
Again, great sale there! This year have started really awesomely.
Got what I wanted and great bonus ones for little more than half the price of the one I wanted.
Buuuut, I'm having problem downloading the big one. I remember seeing something about it not having expirations dates, but having limit of times it can be downloaded.
So I'm little worried about this trouble. How many times is this limit? And does the new site supports download managers?
Oh, and this one is a suggestion.
I tried downloading it again with another browser and I saw that the sets are almost 3 GB. One of the problems was that I was trying to fit 2 sets at one almost full HD. To prevent this, I believe having this info before starting the download could help the waste of a download because of disk problems. Maybe a little piece at the description, the recipe or even the download page.
Again, great sale there! This year have started really awesomely.