12-31-2012, 03:24 PM
(12-31-2012, 01:56 PM)Lkawakita Wrote: Hey Andrew, just one more thing.
Since we will need to re-create the account on the new site, I've been searching without luck for the page where we can do that. Is it a bug? Or it will be open in a set time?
I'm working on this right now- I had to shut down the site for the next few hours, as it turned out to be a bigger project than I had anticipated....*sigh*, I was told our system had built in settings for this but no I am having to program it by scratch and make mass changes to our database. So yeah, not safe to open the store back up till I'm done. But that's why I left time before the sale to work out these kinds of things

Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab