12-06-2012, 07:50 PM
Quote:In any case, I hope to lose both the fear and the enjoyment of smoking with this sub because I don't want to do anymore quit smoking subs after this. Either it's gonna work or it's not.
Well, I didn't want to jump into this thread as Shannon has addressed everything, but as he has mentioned in the past in this thread, Patti is close to win. It's always darkest before the dawn. If Patti becomes successful in overcoming this last stretch (and I believe she will) She will be free for ever. Patti, the elephant has passed out, it's just the tail that is left. Let go off the tail and you win.....
Patti, I think your subconscious is giving you excuses by saying that you will loose the 'enjoyment' (so called, when the truth is, it's NOT, it's totally false). Shannon, an addictive person, let it be any addiction, whenever he/she performs the act of addiction it leaves (a so called, enjoyment response) false response in the subconscious (like enjoyment etc.). The subconscious doesn't differentiate this 'enjoyment' and it's source (good or bad) and with every attempt this piles up and when someone tries to remove this base of false response registered, it tries to relate this enjoyment with the addiction there is a void created which the person feels needs to be filled and the only way he/she feels could be achieved is through the addiction only. But this void could also be filled with something genuine and harmless.
Patti, engage yourself in some healthful and harmless activities and try to fill in this void, keep yourself busy. Take off your mind from the fear and consequences of quitting and start focusing and believing as a non-smoker (even I don't like this word too) a normal person. You are giving your energy to the negative responses like fear or other excuses, no, just focus on the positive ones and imagine a normal you, free for ever.... That's where you need to focus your energy.
I think Shannon has definitely addressed this in his program. Fear and the false response creating void needs to be addressed which I believe is included in this program.