(07-17-2010, 07:58 AM)smash Wrote: Yeah Wildflower, I already know the bodybuilding mp3. Point is, it is more focussed on increasing muscle size and less on gaining as much strength as possible.
This is correct-if you define "strength" as 1-3rep Max, the bodybuilding subliminal would not be very appropriate. I can be part of making a powerlifting subliminal but I am not a powerlifter and would prefer to have a powerlifter be part of the script writing process. If I were to write one with Shannon a lot of the script would only be an approximation of the things a powerlifter goes through and a "best guess". I'm sure it would help but it would not be as good as if I am able to personally participate with a powerlifter.
Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab