11-02-2012, 08:16 PM
To be honest, I see Alpha Female as "powering" all of the other ideas.
Charisma, personal strength, attraction, flirting --- you can approach all of those aspects of your life from any level. But ask yourself, on what level do I want to be performing or attracting? AF is highly empowering and brings you up as many notches as you want.
If I got paid every time a client, friend, admirer, lover or observer has waxed amazement over how strong and powerful I am, and how sexy and charismatic I am.. I'd not need BAMM. I have to attribute AF to that. Boyfriends/lovers do not feel good enough for me any more (their sentiment, sometimes mine as well only I'm quiet about it as I prefer to inspire and uplift). The only man who has not expressed these kinds of sentiments, rather the opposite, is my formerly abusive father. Who, now is jealous of my entrepreneurial success and literally attempts to sabotage and hinder my business, as well as my personal life. No, it doesn't work, he's pathetic and I can see that. But it's a huge tribute to the effectiveness of AF.
Charisma, personal strength, attraction, flirting --- you can approach all of those aspects of your life from any level. But ask yourself, on what level do I want to be performing or attracting? AF is highly empowering and brings you up as many notches as you want.
If I got paid every time a client, friend, admirer, lover or observer has waxed amazement over how strong and powerful I am, and how sexy and charismatic I am.. I'd not need BAMM. I have to attribute AF to that. Boyfriends/lovers do not feel good enough for me any more (their sentiment, sometimes mine as well only I'm quiet about it as I prefer to inspire and uplift). The only man who has not expressed these kinds of sentiments, rather the opposite, is my formerly abusive father. Who, now is jealous of my entrepreneurial success and literally attempts to sabotage and hinder my business, as well as my personal life. No, it doesn't work, he's pathetic and I can see that. But it's a huge tribute to the effectiveness of AF.