Whoo! So after a couple months of research and LOTS of personal experience I've actually created a script for a program that will tackle not just acid reflux but also a host of other digestive problems. The program would hopefully be called "Maximum Digestive Efficiency" and would tackle the issues that lead to most digestive problems specifically stress, eating habits, and lack of digest enzymes among other things.
Since Shannon is busy I figured it would make his job a hell of a lot easier if he already had a script to work with rather than starting from scratch. I'd love to post it here now but I'm tired as hell and rule #1 when dealing with subs is don't work on them while you're tired lol
. So I'll either post the script here or over in the scriptorium when I wake up along with a product description I made for it.
Since Shannon is busy I figured it would make his job a hell of a lot easier if he already had a script to work with rather than starting from scratch. I'd love to post it here now but I'm tired as hell and rule #1 when dealing with subs is don't work on them while you're tired lol