(10-06-2012, 02:08 AM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:Shannon, that may very well be true, but is there something I could be doing to not resist? I’m trying everything I can think of.
No you haven't.We know you're resisting out of fear. Therefore, the Overcoming Fear sub is something you haven't tried.
But since your copy of SSF is in 5G you can't use that with it.
I am going to start building Stage 1 of the SSF Version 6.1 in 5G HST/SOS in a day or so. Amonth several other significant enhancements to the script, it will also include fear destruction as a much greater focus. I will try to find a way to build it so that you can use it and benefit from these enhancements as well, but it may be that you specifically need that hard coded specific frequency that I calculated for you.
I am pleased to see you going out bike riding and getting some excercise, though.
Well I knew the fear sub wasn’t an option for me at this time because of the 5g, but I had assumed that you had included it in the sub knowing how petrified I was to quit. Is fear not in the stop smoking sub? Or do you just want to intensify it more? This story will tell you just how much fear plays into my quitting or I guess, staying quit.
The last time I quit smoking, I got to 8 months before anxiety hit. I was so sick for months, had multiple tests done, that all concluded my symptoms were anxiety driven. Medication did help so I used it for awhile. I may have been anxiety ridden before I had started smoking but being I was only 16 when I started, I really don’t know. And I’m sure any symptom of anything was handled by smoking, so I didn’t really know it was there to deal with. Well, for the most part anyway. Point is, my subconscious waited 8 months before hitting me hard with something that would drive me back to smoking. What I did learn is that after the anxiety was more known to me, when I restarted smoking, it no longer helped with the anxiety or at least not totally. That was then.
This time it feels like it’s been hitting me hard with everything in the beginning. I’ve had the anxiety, which now feels like restlessness, the sadness, which comes and goes, and I had a new symptom that really showed me just how fearful I am of quitting for good.
I started feeling like there were tiny (very tiny) bugs on my head that I could feel walking done my forehead to my eyebrows and eyelids. It was totally freaking me out! I thought I had bed bugs. I got and exterminator, took my dog to the groomer and vet, washed my bed linens daily. I was like a maniac. I scoured the internet for information which kept leading me to it was bedbugs. My mother came over one day and we were having lunch. While we were talking, she grabbed my hands to stop me from rubbing my head and face. I knew I was doing that but was finding a hard time not doing it. The sensation was much like sweat rolling down my face. When I mentioned it to my husband that night, I also mentioned that we might have bedbugs and he said, “Patti, you don’t have bedbugs on you because if you did, I would and I don’t”. Ohhhhh, enlightenment. So I started to research the internet for alternate reasons and found out that stress (there’s even a name for it that I don’t remember) can very much cause this sensation. There’s some kind of drug they have to help with it, but I’m not interested in that.
But isn’t it fascinating that my subconscious threw that at me? That’s how it seems to me anyway. The good news is that knowing what it is, is helping me to deal with it so I don’t feel it so much. Also, it cae out in only a couple of weeks of quitting instead of months. My fear now is just how creative will it get, to get me to do what it wants?! I don’t really want to know because that was really yucky and made me feel like I was going crazy!
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