Quote:Biakoia, you sound very much like me, although I never really smoked that much. However, I've made it harder on myself using these electronics because I can smoke it anywhere anytime. As crazy as it sounds, I'm starting to wonder if my subconscious saw Shannon coming with his upgraded stop smoking sub and led me to switch over knowing it would be harder for me to stop. Fear can do some wild things. And the timing of starting to use these things is so weird. They had been out for so long without me even thinking about using them, and then within a month of Shannon coming out with his newest version, I switched over to them. All I keep thinking is, if I could have only waited a month!! I think you definitely should try this program, at least to help you not smoke as much.
A distinct possibility, since the superconscious mind can see in time forward, sideways and backward, and the subconscious mind can access that information as desired.
Quote:Shannon, I didn't know you were still working on SSF. I thought I had the final of the final lol. Happy to know what's happening is making sense.
Here's a note about my personality. If there's anything left I can try, and the subject is important enough, I will keep trying. And if there's not, I will keep trying to find something to try. So until we succeed... don't think I'm going to quit.

Quote:I’m just was hoping for a time when I would stop and not think about it all the time. Every morning I wake up and there it is that thought of, how do I feel today about not smoking? Is anything different? And every day I get the same answer in my head…not really. And even though I was really looking forward to the day I would forget about it, almost like I’d have amnesia, I’m don’t think that will ever happen. I may just have to make a concerted effort, as I have done in the past so many times, going through the same yucky habitual withdrawal. My only hope is that each will get better because of the sub, instead of the way it always been in the past, with me constantly thinking about it all the time. That’s a drudgery. I think someone who is attempting to quit for the first or even the second time, would fare quite well with this program. But I have so much history of tried and failed attempts, that it ignites more fear every time I think about quitting. I actually think I have more fear about not being able to quit yet again then actually quitting. Make any sense? I know on a deeper level that subliminals work, I’ve been using them for years and years before finding Shannon’s. But it wasn’t until I used these programs that I saw any changes…not all subliminals are the same. So even though I know how hard Shannon works to make a great product, and probably because of that and his success rate, I have more fear. This is like a last ditch effort…if this program doesn’t work, nothing will and I don’t really want know that. Why is it so easy for some people and so difficult for others? That’s what I just don’t get.
It makes perfect sense. And with some of the things I have collected to add to and adjust the stop smoking program with, the next version I build is going to be much different than the one you're using. If you haven't quit with the program you're using after the allotted 6 months, guess what? I'll have a new, even more powerful and effective one waiting for you! Tada!
By the way... I can and will always come up with some new thing to make these better, more effective, more powerful... and every time I try and fail, I learn more and more about how to succeed. I think you are here to force me to get this program so powerful and effective that nobody on earth could fail with it. lol
But I think you really have a lot of fear over nothing. Please meditate on that. And also remember that it's not doing you any good to make this a conscious focus for you. Let go of it, and let the program work on its own. Too much conscious focus interferes sometimes.
As for why some have it easy and some do not... well it's a two part answer. Part one is physiology. Some have a more physical focus through their bodies than others, and those who tend to be the most resistant and stubborn also tend to have the most physical focus. They have the hardest time because of their stubbornness, and because of their focused awareness of the experience of their physical body. That's a physical core trait. You also have a lot of fear, suggesting an emotional core/physical core hybrid. Intellectual and passionate core types have much less focus through their bodies, and thus are aware of their bodies experience to a much lesser degree.
The second thing is personality response and emotional response. Stubbornness just to be stubborn. Resistance just to be resisting "being told what to do". And of course, there's the fear. Fear is just as irrational as stubbornness just to be stubborn or resisting just to resist.
But here's a question for you.
What if I did give up on you?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!