I took some nice pics at Balboa Park (San Diego, CA). They had some nice daisies and I got a few honeybees working the flowers. Enjoy!
Bad thing about this photograph is that the camera focused on the front of the flower so the bee and the back end of the flower are out of focus. I think I had the F stop around 4 or 5.6 and it was zoomed in to 150-ish mm. I really didn't have a chance to move the F stop up towards 8 since the bees were moving around quickly and plus, it would induce a speed penalty (I had a polarizer on).
Bad thing about this photograph is that the camera focused on the front of the flower so the bee and the back end of the flower are out of focus. I think I had the F stop around 4 or 5.6 and it was zoomed in to 150-ish mm. I really didn't have a chance to move the F stop up towards 8 since the bees were moving around quickly and plus, it would induce a speed penalty (I had a polarizer on).