06-05-2020, 10:49 PM
Bloomz 1 & 2 week 3
Body - body fat calipers say I’m at 19%. Sticking to diet, easily. I’m able to suck my stomach in a bit (had a pot belly). Havent had alcohol since new year’s.
Mind - dehydration headaches, so focused on money I forget, lol, same with food, I am eating though
Soul - euphoria came back today, no aggression, no mood swings, calmer than usual.
This week I’m up 30% with very promising outlook next week. It’s important to note the compounding effect will be a multiplier effect substantially increasing gains.
My friend called me and told me something that I thought might anger me. He started an account with only 44 usd on Monday. He turned it into 1900 usd by today. I was happy he told me. The old me would’ve thought it was a taunt but the reality is he showed me what’s possible. He has been doing this for a while so don’t expect the same results.
I took some losses this week but had way way way more gains, in battle, wounds are necessary to feel the fear and turn it into excitement at the glory of victory.
Outside of the market, I played in a 20 man poker tournament...I took first place! VICTORY! Paid 216 and entry to a bigger event tmr.
I’ve been spoiling my nephew and niece lately, lol
Thank you for reading and stay safe
Body - body fat calipers say I’m at 19%. Sticking to diet, easily. I’m able to suck my stomach in a bit (had a pot belly). Havent had alcohol since new year’s.
Mind - dehydration headaches, so focused on money I forget, lol, same with food, I am eating though
Soul - euphoria came back today, no aggression, no mood swings, calmer than usual.
This week I’m up 30% with very promising outlook next week. It’s important to note the compounding effect will be a multiplier effect substantially increasing gains.
My friend called me and told me something that I thought might anger me. He started an account with only 44 usd on Monday. He turned it into 1900 usd by today. I was happy he told me. The old me would’ve thought it was a taunt but the reality is he showed me what’s possible. He has been doing this for a while so don’t expect the same results.
I took some losses this week but had way way way more gains, in battle, wounds are necessary to feel the fear and turn it into excitement at the glory of victory.
Outside of the market, I played in a 20 man poker tournament...I took first place! VICTORY! Paid 216 and entry to a bigger event tmr.
I’ve been spoiling my nephew and niece lately, lol
Thank you for reading and stay safe