01-18-2020, 06:50 AM
Ok guys here's a long due update on my journey, listening to UMS at least 1x daily:
I've reached an interesting point, a bifurcation point or somewhat. I’m beginning to become more aware of my beliefs about money, particularly me deserving lots of money.
The scarcity programming I’ve received from my family and society is major! During my meditation this morning I saw myself coming up against a wall, and on the other side was massive wealth and abundance. Once I started pushing against that wall, all the old beliefs started coming up: “who are you to be getting such wealth?”
“you don’t deserve all this money”
"You should be struggling like the rest of us" (family and relatives and the majority of people on the island where i live)
"You’ll never be reach and wealthy."
"You need to be working hard."
"Rich people are corrupt and tyrants"
Now I daresay that these beliefs come from generations before me. I’m of Caribbean descent and the slavery brainwashing/programming has been so ingrained and entrenched in our culture it’s ridiculous!
I’m becoming more aware of how I’m sabotaging myself with regards to making more money and wealth creation. The resistance and self sabotage actually manifests itself in the form of procrastination, brain fog and getting distracted easily. Physically, it manifests in the form of sudden lethargy, and pseudo sickness.
I have all the tools and training necessary to make some serious money online, and I’m noticing that I’m blocking myself to the point of externalizing the blocks, blaming other people, my environment and circumstances. It’s amazing.
I’m still pushing through though. I’m currently playing a loop of the UMS right now as I type this.
My self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours remind me of Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, and Stockholm syndrome (where kidnapped folks start sympathizing with their kidnappers and actually start defending them – go figure). It also brings to mind what the circus does to elephants: take them at a young age and chain them and train them. Funny thing is the elephants outgrow the chains and can easily break free from them as adults, but yet still the conditioning of the elephant dictates that they’re only able to go a certain distance, an invisible boundary or so. It would take some deprogramming and some sort of rehabilitation or therapy to get them reacquainted with their freedom.
Hence the stories of some zoo animals the let loose into the wild don’t know how to function to the point where some perish if left alone and not reintegrated with members of their species.
Here's a link to the elephant video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apoYZOm4-hk
Shannon, this subliminal is ground breaking and ignites the flames of transformation in the area of money, wealth and finances. Please keep us updated if you plan on upgrading it.
Question: can I use other NLP / Hypnosis programs with this, e.g. John Assaraf’s ‘Winning the Inner Game of Money’ series?
I've reached an interesting point, a bifurcation point or somewhat. I’m beginning to become more aware of my beliefs about money, particularly me deserving lots of money.
The scarcity programming I’ve received from my family and society is major! During my meditation this morning I saw myself coming up against a wall, and on the other side was massive wealth and abundance. Once I started pushing against that wall, all the old beliefs started coming up: “who are you to be getting such wealth?”
“you don’t deserve all this money”
"You should be struggling like the rest of us" (family and relatives and the majority of people on the island where i live)
"You’ll never be reach and wealthy."
"You need to be working hard."
"Rich people are corrupt and tyrants"
Now I daresay that these beliefs come from generations before me. I’m of Caribbean descent and the slavery brainwashing/programming has been so ingrained and entrenched in our culture it’s ridiculous!
I’m becoming more aware of how I’m sabotaging myself with regards to making more money and wealth creation. The resistance and self sabotage actually manifests itself in the form of procrastination, brain fog and getting distracted easily. Physically, it manifests in the form of sudden lethargy, and pseudo sickness.
I have all the tools and training necessary to make some serious money online, and I’m noticing that I’m blocking myself to the point of externalizing the blocks, blaming other people, my environment and circumstances. It’s amazing.
I’m still pushing through though. I’m currently playing a loop of the UMS right now as I type this.
My self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours remind me of Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, and Stockholm syndrome (where kidnapped folks start sympathizing with their kidnappers and actually start defending them – go figure). It also brings to mind what the circus does to elephants: take them at a young age and chain them and train them. Funny thing is the elephants outgrow the chains and can easily break free from them as adults, but yet still the conditioning of the elephant dictates that they’re only able to go a certain distance, an invisible boundary or so. It would take some deprogramming and some sort of rehabilitation or therapy to get them reacquainted with their freedom.
Hence the stories of some zoo animals the let loose into the wild don’t know how to function to the point where some perish if left alone and not reintegrated with members of their species.
Here's a link to the elephant video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apoYZOm4-hk
Shannon, this subliminal is ground breaking and ignites the flames of transformation in the area of money, wealth and finances. Please keep us updated if you plan on upgrading it.
Question: can I use other NLP / Hypnosis programs with this, e.g. John Assaraf’s ‘Winning the Inner Game of Money’ series?