08-04-2019, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2019, 11:47 AM by ncbeareatingman.)
(08-04-2019, 05:46 AM)Shannon Wrote: Lately, things have been going better for me and GF financially. GF has recently had a record number of sales and is making sales more consistently. This has her significantly happier in general, which means she's more playful. Happy, playful GF makes me happier.
Recently I have felt very drained. I'm trying 1x1, 5x0. Night before last was my last loop, and both days I have felt significantly wiped out. It is a physical wiped out as well as mental. It seems to hit hardest in the morning when I wake up and at night before bed. I hit the pillow recently, and I'm gone. Last night GF and I were planning to have sex, and by the time that came around we were both so tired that I just figured, "Meh, we'll do that tomorrow." But she showed up in my office a little later wearing lingerie and she made it happen.
Interesting thing about this program, the exhaustion doesn't seem to prevent the goal at 1 loop one day.
I'm not sure what's causing the exhaustion. It could be resistance and it could be extreme exertion and it could be expending a huge amount of energy on manifestations, or it could be some combination of those. But I'm no longer getting back aches, so I think it has to be executing the script more fully, which is apparently using a huge amount of energy while I sleep.
I had a very odd dream that I remembered last night. On UMS, I typically remember my last dream of the night. In this dream, there was a postal theme. What I remember doesn't make enough sense for it to be worth posting, but there were some really interesting ideas. Thinking outside the box, I guess. Interesting stuff. We tend to have blinders on in a lot of directions because we assume that "it's like this and it always has been, so it always must be", and we don't think or explore past that. This dream was exploring past that.
I get a faint and general sense that feels like I and my future are like a super-jumbo jet ( representing a lot of influence and huge amounts of power) and that jet is being lined up on the runway right now. The route has been calculated, and the jet is approaching where it will take off. I have a faint sense of the destination, too, but this is all felt with a serious degree of gravitas. Whatever this means, it's very serious and major in how it's affecting my life and my future.
Today is my official day off, and yesterday I worked until I was exhausted and had to stop. I feel like I needed more rest yesterday than I expected. Still very impressed with how powerful this program is that it requires only 1 loop to be processed for one day on and then 5 days off. I'm pleased with the amount of time off not just because of the power level that it indicates, but because it means that resistance triggered by the input process will be minimized or eliminated with this new level of power. Maybe I should re-name this 5.75G?
Whatever the case is, I get the impression now that part of my exhaustion is making so many deep and profound adjustments in my life all at once to get to my goal, and that when they have been made, the exhaustion will fade. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this journey!
Word !! 5.75G,ah? hummm no fooling! :-) Im hella impressed that the man who created this heavy hitting Mofo,is so impressed with this magnificent program Ultimate Monetary Success,also!! Now thats saying somethin'!!
Shannon,once in a while,while being 'lead' by this program be it the day I run it or on days off,I can 'see' Infinity...I can look directly right into it....as ifs an every expanding tunnel,spiralling....outward...hard to explain in physical terms...
Back on Earth,I AM a helluva LOT more aware and consciois of my physical material world. the thingsI own and just HOW many of them I do infact claim as my own. the balancing of MY Material World and the Energectic World of awareness is something Im sooo digging and appreciating as well. I have been aware for a long time that these two worlds VERY MUCH NEEDED balancing and re-aligining . Alas.these things are happening. Hence,slowly as such, the suffering is being reduced and the joy,awareness and prosperity are increasing! The program is amazing!!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er.""Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"