(05-14-2012, 02:58 AM)dejay Wrote: Hi Shannon
I am having some interesting and other disturbing dreams.
One thing that I have come to accept is to take responsibility for every aspect of my life. Including what people I associate with, what I listen to and what I watch on Tv and when it comes to subliminal that should be no different.
I think for me it would be extremely beneficial to know what affirmations are embedded into the subliminal, firstly because it is irresponsible for me to allow any programming to go on in me without knowing what message are sent to my brain and second just to inspect the connection between the dreams that I am having with the affirmations.
Thanks for your time. Will be waiting to hear.
Hello, Dejay. That personal responsibility thing? That's AM.

I agree with you on that it is good to know what the script is, but I can't publicly release the scripts for the multi-stage stage sets without giving away trade secrets to competitors who would then have the results of years of my research and development. It's stated that I do not and will not ever have the scripts for these programs publicly available, and has been for years, although that may not be prominent anymore.
So I'd like to release these scripts, too, because to be honest, I'd love to be able to brag about them, and if I did release them, it would very likely increase sales. But it would also create competition where there can't be now because nobody else knows how to create these programs, never mind create them to be as effective as I make them. I don't even allow other companies to license them with a legal non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Creating and discovering what I have through years of research and development has made these programs the gold standard, and no sane businessperson (or R&D engineer) would just give that away outside of a purely scientific/academic application.
However, consider that you can see the main scripts for the single stage programs, and you can see how I script in general from that. But even there, you do not see the meta-scripts, which make my programs much more powerful and effective than if they were built using just the published scripts. Again, trade secrets.
I am evidently a leader in the R&D for this field, and ever since I showed up on the scene, others have been taking my ideas and profiting from them without even giving me any credit. I estimate that I have lost at least 300% of what I have made to this fact over the years, because some of my competitors are very good at creating flashy advertising and using buzzwords that really don't mean anything, while taking ideas from their competitors and then implementing them all in a questionable manner.
This makes for great advertising, but if the product is iffy, what's the point? It's all flash and no substance. These competitors get by on using testimonials generated from the placebo effect, because a lot of what they offer either doesn't work, or is too weak to be really effective. There are a few (very few) other producers out there who make a good, solid, quality product. But even they can't touch the advances I have made in power, overcoming resistance and effectiveness.
Certain aspects of this "stealing ideas" game are of course universal and expected; anything public is fair game, and in the beginning, I got started by assessing the ideas of my competitors and then improving on them to come up with what I offer. If I were to make my R&D and trade secrets public, there would be a massive rush to add them to every competing company's products, and all of a sudden you'd have a situation where not only was I being drowned out in the resulting blitz, but there would doubtless be a lot of companies interpreting the ideas incorrectly, and creating even more confusion because they misunderstood the concept and implemented it in either an ineffective or possibly even dangerous manner.
My goal is to continue to grow as a company until I am successful on a massive scale, and to do that, I have to have an edge on the competition. I have put in years of effort and time to develop that edge; has anyone else? You see a lot of titles and "certifications" being touted, but who else does constant R&D and experimentation? Who else is innovating new ideas, methods, techniques? Who else is creating new technologies to overcome challenges and failures as they are identified? Who else rebuilds their entire catalog periodically to update their programs to these new technologies?
Why? Because I keep the work I do secret, to the degree that I can, and the rest don't want to work at it, they just want to publish once and make a profit forever.
I used to keep even my base scripts a secret. I made those public because I knew that it would engender trust and it would also expose any mistakes I was making. And it did. People love being able to see those scripts, and it has shown where I was making mistakes, and I fixed them and tightened up my quality control. I spend almost as much time on script quality control now, for the multi-stage sets, as I do actually creating or building those scripts. And I would bet a lot of money that it takes me vastly longer to create, verify and edit those scripts than you would believe, whether they're single stage or multi-stage scripts.
But... to give away my trade secrets would put me out of business, disrupt the market, and produce a flood of potentially dangerous programming. After all, do you really think anyone else is going to spend 6 to 8 weeks building a single title, as I sometimes do?
My creed is, and always has been "Safe, useful, effective." I take that "safe" part very seriously, which is why I don't build when I am too tired, sick, or when I have had any alcohol. By comparison, I look around and see unsafe, poorly written, and even flat out dangerous scripts being created and published all over the place. What does that tell you about the current state of this industry? It tells me that we have a lot of people out there who don't know what they're doing, publishing "subliminals" that are potentially dangerous, and then hiding behind the fact that the general public doesn't know the first thing about what it takes to create a safe, effective, useful script.
So I understand where you are coming from, and it matters to me, because you have a valid point. I'd love to be able to show you these scripts, not only for your own verification, but because quite frankly, some of them are just plain brilliant. But I also have to protect my business in order to keep it alive, which means I cannot take the risk of release the multi-stage scripts. That has always been my policy, and probably always will be.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!