04-05-2012, 04:28 AM
(04-04-2012, 10:49 AM)Shannon Wrote: One thing I can say is that the luck titles aren't exactly my favorite for obviousness. They're titles that I don't recommend for people to start with, or rely on for success.
Thanks for the reply Shannon. I understand your resistance to the luck track and for the record I'm not relying on it to make me successful. I also understand the reasoning in saying I should go with the Motivation sub - one could say I'm avoiding being motivated or however else one can be psycho-analysed. But my intuition told me to go with the luck track plus I've already made the commitment. So I'm sticking to it. If by the end of the 90 day period I haven't acquired the funds for AMG or the medium through which to pay for it, then I'll start using the motivation track. Till then though...
Day 3
Last night I caught myself thinking about portrayals of luck in media and in particular anything I could consume. I thought of an X-Men character called Domino. Her mutant power was that she could subconsciously alter fields of probability in her favour. Luck powers. But there would always be an ironic drawback eg: She would knock someone out, catch the mug of coffee the person was drinking before it dropped to the ground, take a sip, but then it wouldn't be the way she liked her coffee. Then I thought of the Lindsey Lohan movie Just My Luck whereby for her to be obscenely lucky, someone had to be unlucky.
Now I don't think there has to be any drawback/cosmic-balancing act involved with luck. On that note I'd like to make a suggestion Shannon: Instead of using "without harming anyone" in your scripts, maybe replace it with "for the highest good of all concerned". Anyway, getting back on track, I think those portrayals of luck have more to do with the need for conflict within a narrative structure. I think the inherent assumption that all good fiction requires a central conflict is b.s. we've all accepted as gospel but that is a different can of worms. I can't stop going on tangents! What I mean to say is, I think luck is like miracles that show up in your life and that is just how some people choose to process it. Thusly, when you open yourself up to luck, you could say that you are opening yourself up to receiving miracles and the abundant gifts of the universe. :angel:
I also tried listening to the ocean track through headphones last night but couldn't get comfortable, so I just let it play through the speakers while did some reading. I also let the track play while I was running the Success Codes.
Today I did some Sedona style releasing on a goal I've decided to focus on: "I allow myself to do absolutely nothing except release and have an abundant, successful, joyful life with ease"
This is a goal the Larry Crane uses for himself quiet often. What I love about releasing on this particular goal is that it allows me to get into a very joyful space very quickly. Because the very act of releasing on this goal makes it real in the present as if it is already achieved because it is already achieved.
I decided to release on another goal when I was done with that. This one was: "I allow myself to have easily received maximum benefit from the Luck Magnifier subliminal"
This left me a little down. Understandable since the last goal made me jump up and down happy. The downer with this just brought my attention to the resistance that was there for me to release. It's just my Emotional Guidance System kicking in and letting me know what's what.
Afterwards, I found myself actually using some of the Access Consciousness tools that I didn't really know how to use before. Access is all about living in the question. Because when you have a judgement about something, you lock that reality in place, but when you ask the question, you open yourself to new possibilities and new experiences. Here are some of the questions I've been asking myself:
How does it get any better than this?
How did I get to be so lucky?
I wonder what else is possible?
What would it take for me to have even more joy in the moment?
Since the subliminal I've been using is Luck oriented, I just found the question "How did I get to be so lucky?" come up, which made me ask the other questions. And in the past I always wondered how it was supposed to be done without feeling forced or contrived or affirmation-y, but now the questions just naturally bubble up my being and out my mouth
So I went for a walk during my lunch, asking the questions, feeling the happies inside me and enjoying it. I went shopping for some things and when I got to the queue to pay, 2 things happened: The person behind me stood too close to me invading my personal space and a magazine headline about spider poison eating someone's flesh jumped out at me. I saw myself going for a negativity spiral but then I stopped and thought: "How did I get to be so lucky to be given this feedback and this knowledge that this is not my preferred reality? How does it get any better than this?" - What Abraham-Hicks would call Pivoting/Focusing on the positive aspect. When I got back to the office I went to the kitchen and found the nice sharp knife (the one that is never! in the drawer) and a nice fork to enjoy my meal with. How does it get any better than this?
See, it may be all small things, but I'm lucky enough to notice them and appreciate them. And when you do that, it's kind of like a katamari, the small things clump together and it gets bigger and bigger and gains more momentum and awesome. Right now I'm just happy to have had these experiences so far and happy I can share them with anyone willing to read. What can I say, I've got a case of the happies!
P.S. I'll be offline until Tuesday, so no updates till then. Public Holidays (Yeah!) mixed with less then ideal internet at home (aaah)
Joy is the best measure of success
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
― Jimi Hendrix
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
― Jimi Hendrix