Nothing really happened. I felt euphoria for 5 minutes while listening. I spent the day with friends outside. I didnt observe any opportunity or something like this. I do have a big social event tomorrow and i hope something different will happen. I am rereading the faq and i decided to check the hash file
I am using the trickling stream hybrid flac file. Duration is one hour and six minutes size 500mb
As you can see the values dont match unless i am doing something wrong. I imported the flac file in winmd5 and i copied the value with light blue from the hash text file but they dont match. That means the file is corrputed? How can i solve this? I dont know if i am doing the verification wrong or the file is indeed corrupted. Support is a bit slow and i would appreciate any input
I decided to use headphones instead of stereo speakers. The feeling is different. I feel like my brain is working on higher frequency not sure if it is good or bad but i am a bit worried that the values dont match. I downloaded the flac file again but it is 500mb again and i suspect that i might be doing something wrong with the verification process
Edit: Apparently i was too tired to see that the MD5 file is before the name not after. Everything matches now all good
Nothing really happened. I felt euphoria for 5 minutes while listening. I spent the day with friends outside. I didnt observe any opportunity or something like this. I do have a big social event tomorrow and i hope something different will happen. I am rereading the faq and i decided to check the hash file
I am using the trickling stream hybrid flac file. Duration is one hour and six minutes size 500mb
As you can see the values dont match unless i am doing something wrong. I imported the flac file in winmd5 and i copied the value with light blue from the hash text file but they dont match. That means the file is corrputed? How can i solve this? I dont know if i am doing the verification wrong or the file is indeed corrupted. Support is a bit slow and i would appreciate any input
I decided to use headphones instead of stereo speakers. The feeling is different. I feel like my brain is working on higher frequency not sure if it is good or bad but i am a bit worried that the values dont match. I downloaded the flac file again but it is 500mb again and i suspect that i might be doing something wrong with the verification process
Edit: Apparently i was too tired to see that the MD5 file is before the name not after. Everything matches now all good
Einstein himself once said, “It is not that I am so smart, it’s that I stick with problems longer.”
Everyone wants to be a diamond but no one wants to get cut
Everyone wants to be a diamond but no one wants to get cut