12-26-2011, 09:43 PM
(12-26-2011, 12:25 AM)Shannon Wrote:(12-25-2011, 03:09 AM)Mattty Wrote: Hi everyone,
I have just purchased one of these products and wish to play it overnight whilst I sleep through my speakers as headphones is not an option for me whilst trying to sleep. I have studio monitor speakers so frequency won't be a problem at all.
The speakers are about 2 - 2.5 meters away from my bed, facing the bed sideways. Can I play the masked version at a low volume with the subliminals still reaching my subconscious mind? or would I be better off buying a cheap set of speakers to place directly behind my pillow at night with the left and right speaker right behind my left and right ear respectively? please let me know!
I can listen to this program for several hours while I'm at work all week using headphones so that isn't a problem
Look forward to hearing from you! and I may consider starting a journal as well. This is going to be fun!!
The program I purchased just for reference is "Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women 7.1"
Also, another thing I noticed is that within 5 minutes of listening to the masked version, I started feeling "euphoric" with a nice sort of gentle buzzing/tingling sensation in my body. Does this mean the product is working very well for me?
Kindest regards,
Hi, Matty, and welcome aboard! I look forward to hearing about your experiences! You'll find a lot of people here who are glad to help you. We have a really nice little community here.
The subconscious mind is a truly amazing thing, and as long as you can hear the lowest volume points of the masking audio, your subconscious will be able to hear the subliminalized audio.
The euphoria you describe is what people sometimes experience when they are using subliminals for the very first time, and are unusually receptive to them. That sensation and tingling are your subconscious responding to the program, and you're noticing it because it's a new experience for you. Humans operate on a difference engine approach: whatever is high contrast (most different), we notice.
Enjoy the program, and let us know how it works for you.
Thank you Shannon!
I was wondering, is it okay to use mind movies and affirmations during this time? providing they don't conflict with the affirmations on the subliminals? Basically I want to work on Health, Wealth, Abundance, and Success as well, so I feel it shouldn't be a problem as I'll leave the "Women" part to the subliminal program

Yes, the euphoria type feeling is great. I have experienced it before with another subliminal product, though I'm unsure if those programs really did anything or not. I think I used them for around 3 months.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hope you had a great christmas.
Happy new year!!!