(03-04-2017, 04:14 PM)RTBoss Wrote:(03-04-2017, 01:36 PM)Rayhon Wrote:(03-04-2017, 08:59 AM)RTBoss Wrote: You did a steroid cycle without running proper PCT? Is that why you're doing TRT?
I ran PCT but it didn't do anything. It still takes like 6 months to a year to recover to recover with proper PCT.
I didn't do HCG however, I wonder what my PCT would have been if I ran HCG before PCT started. I did run PCT that but I forget the name of the Chemical at the moment.
I'm on TRT because I can't handle the several month comedown because of family, work and relationships and my own personal well being.
I have to make allot of money and go on a 6 month to year vacation basically while I come off TRT for good.
However, I kind of like being on TRT (when I do normal test injections and not DBOL) .. I get to control exactly how I feel at any given week, Higher test or lower test depending on my doses.
It's a blessing and a curse to be able to have such control however and I don't recommend it.
It even changes the way my voice sounds on a weekly basis if I switch my dosage up. I can have a high pitched voice one week and a extremely deep voice another week if I dose differently.
This has strong benefits for my hip hop writing. Because I can change the pitch of my voice, something that no other artist can do to the same extent.
6 weeks, tops. Studies on Nolvadex ran at a mere 20mg/day restore testosterone to almost 800 ng/dL. 6 months to a year? Where did you get that information from? I've had my blood tested at 4 weeks before, and been fully recovered.
I'm no newb to steroids, as I've run more than one cycle in my day, and recovered each time without problems. I've never ran HCG, but I probably should have. I'm sure it makes recovery a helluva lot easier, but I also understand that the body quickly adapts to it, and can impart permanent changes so that it's ineffective in the future. I'd have to do more research on it.
Regarding PCT, I have experience with tamoxifen (Nolvadex), clomiphene citrate (Clomid), and raloxifene.
It was Clomid that I was running, I remember now. I was off everything for 4 weeks (except clomid & arimidex) before I went back on because I felt like absolute shit, more emotional then a woman, and more tired then an old man.
I was a mental wreck.
My cycle was 500mg test enanthate twice a week for 10 weeks. Then I went back on 500mg test e and 50mg dbol a day (which fucked things up even worse)
How long do you think it would take me to recover now that I've been on TRT for a year or more. I believe I was using too much arimidex too so my symptoms may have also been from having 0 estrogen.
Any advice you have id appreciate it. Lot's of misinformation on steroid forums and I had followed bad advice.
I took way too much arimidex, along with way too much DBOL.which caused allot of depression & anxiety for many months
One thing I should note however is that I never really had high testosterone in my life, only time I did was when I was in grade 11 and hit the gym twice a day super intense. That was the only year I had testosterone, I was never that masculine until I did roids. (although I did do masculine things all my life like MMA, RUGBY, fighting)
Another interesting thing to note is that my results with woman like the time I had two chicks at my house making out all night and with there and my shirt off while on sex magnet stage 3 was PRE ROIDS. While my test levels were very low (from stress from slanging created cortisol = reduced test further)
So anyone here who knows my story, it's important to note that the TEST was not the reason for my successes and the subliminals had the major part in it. Although I think I would have banged more chicks or hooked up with chicks if I did have higher test at the time.