The entire medical system is so defunct that it can now only resort to "cut, burn and poison" methods to cure disease. What a sham! It's done more harm than good and doctors violate their Hippocratic Oath of "Do no harm" on the daily. Most are merely glorified drug pushers and the medical industrial complex has a lot of explaining to do. I would consider anyone blindly complicit with such to be a criminal! On top of that, most doctors I've witnessed aren't exactly the finest picture of health. The only circumstance a doctor is even thinkable would be in matters of treating immediate trauma.
Your wife, RTB, certainly isn't an authority! No wonder she is in such denial! Little letters before one's name only tells me she was good enough at conforming and regurgitating information to pass the mandatory courses. Higher education is not about innovation or free-thinking these days, merely conformity, which is also why women are now outpacing men in degrees so easily (besides affirmative action). Educated women are exceptionally snooty and in large part why birth rates in Western countries are falling, by the way. Not to mention, they are less happy on average and also happen to be the main consumers of prescription drugs! Hmmmm... Doesn't seem like a very sustainable model to me.
So, in alignment with true medicine which is largely preventative medicine, urine is a well known panacea. That means "cure all" and it's little wonder that the criminals in doctors offices don't want anyone to hear about it! It's more than free and has cases of curing every disease known to man, a few of which are documented by the late John W. Armstrong, a true healer, among others. It simply takes the courage to seek outside of the status quo to find it. The idea that we are in the age of highest Human advancement is a huge delusion, because many civilizations before us had much deeper practical knowledge.
Most people won't take up austere health practices until their life is gravely in danger. That's too bad for them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Part of the reason I get the results I do from these subliminals (like uhh electrical aura anomalies) is due in part to the austere heath protocols I obey. It took years of sifting the internet and compiling knowledge from alternative medicine to occult practices and led me to lots of cool places like Ancient Egypt. Someone famous once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it" which is certainly true and why the main Human goal should be to elevate consciousness. What that means, each person will have to figure out for themselves.
So, yeah, I do value this 'plasma ultrafiltrate' as much as a Tibetan monk sitting in a Himalayan cave does and couldn't have it any other way!
P.S. If it is such a pitiful substance, then why is it encouraged to treat "gangrenous ulcers, or poisonous bites and stings" which mere water is incapable?
(I had to point out this logical fallacy which hints to the magnificent ability of the body to heal itself, if only allowed.)
Your wife, RTB, certainly isn't an authority! No wonder she is in such denial! Little letters before one's name only tells me she was good enough at conforming and regurgitating information to pass the mandatory courses. Higher education is not about innovation or free-thinking these days, merely conformity, which is also why women are now outpacing men in degrees so easily (besides affirmative action). Educated women are exceptionally snooty and in large part why birth rates in Western countries are falling, by the way. Not to mention, they are less happy on average and also happen to be the main consumers of prescription drugs! Hmmmm... Doesn't seem like a very sustainable model to me.
So, in alignment with true medicine which is largely preventative medicine, urine is a well known panacea. That means "cure all" and it's little wonder that the criminals in doctors offices don't want anyone to hear about it! It's more than free and has cases of curing every disease known to man, a few of which are documented by the late John W. Armstrong, a true healer, among others. It simply takes the courage to seek outside of the status quo to find it. The idea that we are in the age of highest Human advancement is a huge delusion, because many civilizations before us had much deeper practical knowledge.
Most people won't take up austere health practices until their life is gravely in danger. That's too bad for them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Part of the reason I get the results I do from these subliminals (like uhh electrical aura anomalies) is due in part to the austere heath protocols I obey. It took years of sifting the internet and compiling knowledge from alternative medicine to occult practices and led me to lots of cool places like Ancient Egypt. Someone famous once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it" which is certainly true and why the main Human goal should be to elevate consciousness. What that means, each person will have to figure out for themselves.
So, yeah, I do value this 'plasma ultrafiltrate' as much as a Tibetan monk sitting in a Himalayan cave does and couldn't have it any other way!
P.S. If it is such a pitiful substance, then why is it encouraged to treat "gangrenous ulcers, or poisonous bites and stings" which mere water is incapable?
(I had to point out this logical fallacy which hints to the magnificent ability of the body to heal itself, if only allowed.)