I'd been a virgin for so long. That even though I already kissed a neigbor's pussy when I was 5 years old. I'd kissed, fingered, boob licked, dry pumped my then girlfriend a number of times when I was 17-19 year old. When I was 23, I had intimate moments with an underage girl.
I never thought that getting girls is so hard until I turned 28, when I experienced lots rejections from girls. I did pickup arts, but I couldn't escalate beyond touching the girl's face and kissing her on the cheek. I had inhibitions. So, with my former mentor's advice, I thought I had to at least hire a pretty 17-19 prostitute to practice sex, to break my inhibitions.
I made attempts to find such girl, but it didn't happen. Add to that that I'm almost broke now because I previously bought a motorcycle, the purpose of which is still to lay girls more easily.
Then a friend of mine met me 4 days before the New Year. He wanted to have some facial treatment. We looked for a good derma clinic, but we couldn't find one at that time. In my place though, massage houses often offer facial treatments as well. We did went to one such massage house and I persuaded him that we take the massage service as well.
The massage therapist looked older than me, her chubby figure isn't something I'd desire, she's absolutely not a hot babe. But anyway, she offered to give me a blow job at the time I felt I needed to experience sex the most. So I paid her. Then I realized I don't have that much inhibitions. I made her do a lot of things, but still they didn't make me more horny.
I regret that experience for a few days. Technically, I'm no longer a virgin, though still, I haven't inserted it to a vagina. Looking back though, what the fuck is sex?! And why had I put so much importance on my own virginity? Social conditioning shits!
I never thought that getting girls is so hard until I turned 28, when I experienced lots rejections from girls. I did pickup arts, but I couldn't escalate beyond touching the girl's face and kissing her on the cheek. I had inhibitions. So, with my former mentor's advice, I thought I had to at least hire a pretty 17-19 prostitute to practice sex, to break my inhibitions.
I made attempts to find such girl, but it didn't happen. Add to that that I'm almost broke now because I previously bought a motorcycle, the purpose of which is still to lay girls more easily.
Then a friend of mine met me 4 days before the New Year. He wanted to have some facial treatment. We looked for a good derma clinic, but we couldn't find one at that time. In my place though, massage houses often offer facial treatments as well. We did went to one such massage house and I persuaded him that we take the massage service as well.
The massage therapist looked older than me, her chubby figure isn't something I'd desire, she's absolutely not a hot babe. But anyway, she offered to give me a blow job at the time I felt I needed to experience sex the most. So I paid her. Then I realized I don't have that much inhibitions. I made her do a lot of things, but still they didn't make me more horny.
I regret that experience for a few days. Technically, I'm no longer a virgin, though still, I haven't inserted it to a vagina. Looking back though, what the fuck is sex?! And why had I put so much importance on my own virginity? Social conditioning shits!