When I started out, I started out using someone else's subliminals in high school. I was fascinated and intrigued, but I had a hard time believing they could work, and eventually, the music really turned me off after listening to it countless times. I gave up after what couldn't have been more than a week or two.
About a year after that, I started looking for help with a problem I was having. I needed to improve my grades. Having no money, I did what anyone else in my shoes would have done: I looked at what was listed as the script for the subliminals I had been using, and created a program for myself. That program was hardly subliminal -- I simply recorded myself speaking the statements, and then dubbed it onto a second tape (yes, those were the days before even CDs were popular) until the tape (a 90 minute tape, mind you) was filled.
Then I put the latest technology to work for me: a brand new auto-reverse tape player. This was around 1991 to 1992.
Well, I played that damned thing until my ears bled. I actually got so used to it after a while that I forgot about it; just sort of stopped noticing it. And then an interesting thing happened. I started getting scores of over 100% on my science tests. I was acing the tests and getting all the extra credit. (Science was one of my two best subject.) On my next report card, all my grades had gone up by one letter grade, too. What did I make myself? A program to improve my memory.
A few years later, I decided I needed more help. I was having trouble in college, so I made myself the first rudimentary version of what is now Become An Excellent Student. I used it to help me with focus, paying attention, overcoming social anxiety, and improving my grades. It worked too. I managed to overcome the problems I had, and eventually graduate college with a 2 year degree.
When I was contemplating going back to college for my 4 year degree, I was worried about not being able to repay my student loan. What if I made some mistake and got a degree that nobody would hire me with? What if the economy crashed and nobody was hiring regardless? So I started looking for ways to make money. At this same time, I was also getting so tired of being shit on by all my employers that I decided to quit my job and find a way to make money on my own.
One day a few weeks later, it crossed my mind that I could sell the programs I had been making for myself and friends in the past. They'd been popular with family and friends. The only problem was, they were audible and quite frankly, annoying. Most people didn't use them for long enough to see results. I had to make them quiet. I remembered the subliminals I had gotten started with, and started looking for ways to make subliminals.
During my search, I discovered a problem. None of the subliminals we bought worked because we got tired of listening to the music. So I had to find a way to make it silent, or something people wouldn't mind listening to. Then I remembered that some of the subliminals I had been using were nothing but silence. Could that be my solution? Was that something I could find a way to do?
Long story short, I found a way to create ultrasonic subliminals. But once I did that, I was faced with yet another problem. Namely, *I* couldn't bring myself to believe they could work.
How could I possibly sell these things to other people if they didn't work? I couldn't. That would be not only shameful, but financial suicide. And so I created a test program for myself and began using it. It was the first version of Absolute Self Confidence.
I forgot it was playing. Completely forgot. I had it playing on speakers placed on either side of my pillows. Well, about two weeks later, I suddenly found myself feeling amazingly good. My confidence was through the roof. It was so high that I was doing things I had never dreamed of doing before. It was no problem, either! My friend stood slack jawed watching me, and asked me, "Who are you, and what have you done with Shannon?" Several more times, he expressed amazement.
Remember... I was literally doing things I absolutely could not have brought myself to do before that.
I was sold. So I created the first program for sale -- Poetry of the Silent Eros Volume 1. I put it up on eBay for $5.00 and it was bidded up to $17.00. Then I sold another copy... and another, and finally I was starting to get competition. Feedback was really good, too. Good feedback + competition = great product. And so it began.
I relate all this to share with you the fact that I now how hard it can be to believe these could work. I didn't just magically decide they work. I know they work because I have tested them hundreds of times, and have thousands of satisfied customers, literally worldwide. And it's been five years now, we have been steadily growing.
Faith is not required.
So squash the ANTS and keep going, guys. It really works.
About a year after that, I started looking for help with a problem I was having. I needed to improve my grades. Having no money, I did what anyone else in my shoes would have done: I looked at what was listed as the script for the subliminals I had been using, and created a program for myself. That program was hardly subliminal -- I simply recorded myself speaking the statements, and then dubbed it onto a second tape (yes, those were the days before even CDs were popular) until the tape (a 90 minute tape, mind you) was filled.
Then I put the latest technology to work for me: a brand new auto-reverse tape player. This was around 1991 to 1992.
Well, I played that damned thing until my ears bled. I actually got so used to it after a while that I forgot about it; just sort of stopped noticing it. And then an interesting thing happened. I started getting scores of over 100% on my science tests. I was acing the tests and getting all the extra credit. (Science was one of my two best subject.) On my next report card, all my grades had gone up by one letter grade, too. What did I make myself? A program to improve my memory.
A few years later, I decided I needed more help. I was having trouble in college, so I made myself the first rudimentary version of what is now Become An Excellent Student. I used it to help me with focus, paying attention, overcoming social anxiety, and improving my grades. It worked too. I managed to overcome the problems I had, and eventually graduate college with a 2 year degree.
When I was contemplating going back to college for my 4 year degree, I was worried about not being able to repay my student loan. What if I made some mistake and got a degree that nobody would hire me with? What if the economy crashed and nobody was hiring regardless? So I started looking for ways to make money. At this same time, I was also getting so tired of being shit on by all my employers that I decided to quit my job and find a way to make money on my own.
One day a few weeks later, it crossed my mind that I could sell the programs I had been making for myself and friends in the past. They'd been popular with family and friends. The only problem was, they were audible and quite frankly, annoying. Most people didn't use them for long enough to see results. I had to make them quiet. I remembered the subliminals I had gotten started with, and started looking for ways to make subliminals.
During my search, I discovered a problem. None of the subliminals we bought worked because we got tired of listening to the music. So I had to find a way to make it silent, or something people wouldn't mind listening to. Then I remembered that some of the subliminals I had been using were nothing but silence. Could that be my solution? Was that something I could find a way to do?
Long story short, I found a way to create ultrasonic subliminals. But once I did that, I was faced with yet another problem. Namely, *I* couldn't bring myself to believe they could work.
How could I possibly sell these things to other people if they didn't work? I couldn't. That would be not only shameful, but financial suicide. And so I created a test program for myself and began using it. It was the first version of Absolute Self Confidence.
I forgot it was playing. Completely forgot. I had it playing on speakers placed on either side of my pillows. Well, about two weeks later, I suddenly found myself feeling amazingly good. My confidence was through the roof. It was so high that I was doing things I had never dreamed of doing before. It was no problem, either! My friend stood slack jawed watching me, and asked me, "Who are you, and what have you done with Shannon?" Several more times, he expressed amazement.
Remember... I was literally doing things I absolutely could not have brought myself to do before that.
I was sold. So I created the first program for sale -- Poetry of the Silent Eros Volume 1. I put it up on eBay for $5.00 and it was bidded up to $17.00. Then I sold another copy... and another, and finally I was starting to get competition. Feedback was really good, too. Good feedback + competition = great product. And so it began.
I relate all this to share with you the fact that I now how hard it can be to believe these could work. I didn't just magically decide they work. I know they work because I have tested them hundreds of times, and have thousands of satisfied customers, literally worldwide. And it's been five years now, we have been steadily growing.
Faith is not required.
So squash the ANTS and keep going, guys. It really works.