06-09-2011, 11:33 AM
thank you and yer right Destiny, its cyberland and even with the best intentions things can STILL be misunderstood ',Mis-heard" or just plain Missed, got cha,now. Understand now. and I apoligize if I stepped on yer toes,but it did "look" like jugemental out casting. so now were clear and its cool,on boths sides. very good.
the subject of foreskin removal is a very painful and touchy subject if you dont have the right foundation with someone,be cuz were talking about a violation here. its intersting becuz Ive doen and been certified in Rebirthing- a wholistic healing process that goes very deep all the way back to the birth,womb,and beyound in some cases...and all the repressed memories come forth includng in some men's cases the foreskin removal... and yes it is painful. all part of birth trauma
IN addtion to the foreskin restorational subliminal,I
d like to see one entitled "Releasing and Healing Birth Trauma",people have healed all kinds of issues thru this process and discovered great peace,love within and without, and deeper connedctions to spirit,themselves and others. Be a great title fer those Bold enuff and strong enuff to face and heal such foundational truma's ." Birth without Violence" By Dr. Fredrick Le'Boyer.
the subject of foreskin removal is a very painful and touchy subject if you dont have the right foundation with someone,be cuz were talking about a violation here. its intersting becuz Ive doen and been certified in Rebirthing- a wholistic healing process that goes very deep all the way back to the birth,womb,and beyound in some cases...and all the repressed memories come forth includng in some men's cases the foreskin removal... and yes it is painful. all part of birth trauma
IN addtion to the foreskin restorational subliminal,I
d like to see one entitled "Releasing and Healing Birth Trauma",people have healed all kinds of issues thru this process and discovered great peace,love within and without, and deeper connedctions to spirit,themselves and others. Be a great title fer those Bold enuff and strong enuff to face and heal such foundational truma's ." Birth without Violence" By Dr. Fredrick Le'Boyer.