02-08-2016, 03:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 07:31 PM by Superbad12.)

The results I've experienced from FYPJ have been useful and gratifying. I began listening because of my, at the time, troubled mind. (Events in my life were getting me down.) Within the first 2-3 minutes I was experiencing a prominent shift in mood. A soothing and calm-alleviation type of feeling; it reminded me of the happy feeling I had as a toddler after a good cry and a parent was there to be reassuring. Very relaxing when you're tense.
Now before I began to play the sub, my nerves were a bit shot. Playing the sub. brought me to a realization that I could identify the exact areas in my body that were filled with a 'pain'. The subliminal seemed to firstly, target those 'spots'. This felt like a process where something was gradually working at it. It started immediately actually and just continued to intensify. This is the first time in my life I had the sensation of 'being healed' with no conscious effort on my part. Maybe my brain knew that I needed that before I could really be an effective job hunter.
By the way, I think it handled what, in the book "Power of Now", refers to as 'pain bodies'.
Now job wise, (the thing you might be reading this to find out.) the effectiveness of the subliminal surprised me because before I actually vocalized anything to my friends, I received a call from my friend asking if I wanted a job with the company he worked for. (This happened during day 2 of FYPJ). At the moment he called me, I was actually in the middle of thinking about what to do. Also, FYPJ happened to be playing in the background. It was honestly a nice surprise, I had no trouble saying yes. This job is a 40,000 a year job, so not bad for day 2.
A few days later I was slightly bothered that he still hadn't sent me the link so I decided to listen to FYPJ. It only took 5 minutes of FYPJ before I got a text from him that said 'Sorry it took so long to get in touch, he's still looking for the link'. The link got to my phone 10 minutes later.
I applied and the company called me back the same day.
I was still super stressed so I didn't return their call for a few days.
This company has orientation before the interview, and this happens every two weeks, during hiring seasons.
I don't have my car running right now, but my mom was so excited for me that she offered to take me. The weird thing is(first negative experience during the sub. not blaming the sub) the gps said we would arrive 15 minutes early, But she didn't trust the gps and goes some weird opposite direction route, and I am 5 minutes late to orientation. They didn't let me do it because being late.
From the time listening to the sub up until that first orientation date, I probably received word about job offers like at least 5 times. Sometimes from random run in's with people I knew, sometimes with a random person who's place of work I happened to be at. Which was really cool because I never even brought job searching up in the conversation, everyone else always did.
The other thing I wanted to mention. Is that I've been using the ultra-sonic and using the speakers from my phone while away from my computer. Because of this, sorry to say, the people in my house have been exposed to the sub and not knowing it. This has had rapid affects on everyone in my house. Someone who hasn't had a job in years randomly got a job after 3 days of being exposed unknowingly by me. I feel like a jerk typing that but is it so bad, because they're ecstatic just having the job they want. The other person in the house was openly saying he wasn't feeling like searching for a job. (he's 18 and just got fired after 3 years, so I'm really proud of him) but now he is bringing it up to me and his girlfriend and family.
Also interesting to mention, anytime I listen to FYPJ, nobody in my family bothers' me about choosing a good career. Anytime I have been off the sub, which was just for a few days, the subject came up more and more. They always bring up careers until I'm in a place with full benefits; just because they love me.
One final note, is I think it's pretty wise to have a current income while using the sub. and just using it to find the next thing because with all the opportunities it gives you, YOU have to decide to put yourself out there. This sub seems to just open the door, and help you give off the "hire-able vibe". Just thought it was safe to make that a point too.
I appreciate your interest in reading this! Good luck to everyone, and hopefully to me as well!

Escape reality--Create reality--Accept someone else's reality: Hmm.. which way to go