04-02-2010, 03:02 PM
New Subliminal Program Tiltes/Ideas suggestions
" Healing the Child Within" including allow and/or helping the parts of us that nedd to finish growing up,grow up/and or expand,be freer in our being-ness. Many never had the space to 'be" themselves or had a voice,ect. so it can be wide ranging,come to think of it Shannon,this could easily be a 6 stage set,at least 6 stages. Hummmmm???
Second title Sugesstion is: "Awaken Consciousness" cuz there soooo many soooo many sleeping people. and it'd help those that are already partially to very awake in consciousness, to STAY FULLY AWAKE in a more less, sleeping world. Frank Zappa used to call them "Pajama People"
and of course wrote the tune by the same name.
3rdly) Prana: Deep,Connected Breathing" connected breathing,prana as its known in the east,life force ,da breath of Life...can literllay change,enhance and heal parts of yr life,why not have title to do just that,connected circular breathing,deceptively simple and profound,please consider this a new title. thank you blessings and light,Keith.
" Healing the Child Within" including allow and/or helping the parts of us that nedd to finish growing up,grow up/and or expand,be freer in our being-ness. Many never had the space to 'be" themselves or had a voice,ect. so it can be wide ranging,come to think of it Shannon,this could easily be a 6 stage set,at least 6 stages. Hummmmm???
Second title Sugesstion is: "Awaken Consciousness" cuz there soooo many soooo many sleeping people. and it'd help those that are already partially to very awake in consciousness, to STAY FULLY AWAKE in a more less, sleeping world. Frank Zappa used to call them "Pajama People"
and of course wrote the tune by the same name.
3rdly) Prana: Deep,Connected Breathing" connected breathing,prana as its known in the east,life force ,da breath of Life...can literllay change,enhance and heal parts of yr life,why not have title to do just that,connected circular breathing,deceptively simple and profound,please consider this a new title. thank you blessings and light,Keith.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"