04-07-2014, 01:01 PM
Hello good people, this might be a long one. 
I’m kind of new to this subs thing. I’ve tried lots of those Binaural tracks and similar technologies but never got a damned thing out of it. I remember putting anti-stress and sleep tracks playing just to feel the opposite effect along with irritability. Then I saw great reviews about the BrainEV audios. I tried it and also didn’t get anything out of it by the third month. Some days ago, when I was about to finish the third month I found this site because I saw a pirated track of one of the products on sale here. I did some research and ended up on this website. Immediately I saw there were free audios available and decided to try them.
I opted for the ASC 5.0 and this where all the freakiness started.
So, I put my headphones on and after some 15 minutes I start feeling a small change in my head, like it’s active, working or something. Well, even if this is the only thing the audio does it’s still more than all the other crap I’ve tried before.
I kept playing the ASC audio in my headphones and after some time I could really feel something different in my head. I couldn’t explain what but I could feel something.
Nighttime comes and like usually before going to bed I roll a joint with weed + salvia divinorum. I use weed to make me sleep and I use Salvia to upregulate the Opiate receptors and the Dopamine receptors in the Nucleus accumbens. Kind of what low dose Naltrexone does. Anyway, after I smoked the joint and put on the headphones all kinds of freakiness started to happen:
First I started to have many difficulties reading a book, it was like I couldn’t focus well because my mind was busy processing some other thing. Then that feeling of active brain grew exponentially as the minutes went by. My head felt like was going to explode. Then I start feeling this immense power growing inside me. I could feel there was something different in my head but couldn’t describe what. The only explanation I have is brain overload with a kind of “I don’t-give-a-fuck, I own everything.” attitude.
I think to myself, “ok, this needs some further testing”. Next day I decided to go out and buy the Logitech Z623 2.1 Speakers that were on my wish list for some time. I used it to test ASC during sleep.
I smoked the end-of-day joint and went to bed while speakers are playing the silent track. Instead of falling asleep I started getting more and more annoyed, my brain feels more and more active with every minute that goes by. I started to grab my head with both my hands like being really annoyed by something. I started to roll from one side of the bed to the other while still grabbing my head, completely annoyed by something. This goes on and on, getting worse by the minute until I completely lost it and scream, “I fuc**** heard it already!!!! Shut the fu** up damnit!!! LOL Then I realized what I had just said and it really freaked me out. Who was I responding to? Why does this only happen when I use salvia? I’ve tried it the third day with only weed and the effects from the audio get a bit stronger but nothing like when I add Salvia. Could it be that Salvia, that unique substance in the world gets you more in touch with the subconscious, gets you access to it? If Salvia really does this I have to try the audios with the King “Iboga/Ibogaine”.
But even freakier is the effect I get while on weed+salvia from of the Z623 speakers. There’s this spot right in the middle of speakers where I position myself and they present this brutal 3D effect (the speakers are on the sides of a table but the sound looks like is coming exactly from the middle, between the speakers (really amazing effect). Well, it turns out that that spot amplifies the effects of the audio 10x, to the point that I need to turn it off soon because my head feels like it’s going to literally explode if I continue to listen to the audio 30 more seconds. WOW, I don’t know if the audio gives any confidence but it sure screws with your head. lol
So, either I’ve lost it completely and I’m imagining everything or these audios are really doing something. I’m still a big sceptic because no other similar products have worked before for me and the internet world is scam after scam. Sometimes I keep wondering if the audios aren’t just annoying my ears and brain with some weird frequency and the rest is just my imagination or wanting a product to finally work for me.
The real problem I see with continue testing the ASC is only one:
I already have all the self-confidence I need, I’m already what others consider an “Alpha male”. My problem is consistency mostly because of lack of sleep and mood changes. I have no motivation, mood or energy to use my confidence most of the time. When I have energy, motivation and feel really happy I’m unstoppable, I’ll do things only Aaron Sleazy can. Guys like “Mystery” look like wussies next to me when I’m at my best, I mean that only in terms of dominance and relentless escalation into something sexual very quickly.
So, my questions are:
Should I be using ASC at all? I don’t see anything about motivation in the script nor anything about using my imagination to imagine and reach new and more difficult objectives every day. All I see is an audio trying to brute force self confidence in to me senselessly which is not exactly what I need (btw, how can it give self-confidence without touching our fears first? I don’t get it, normally that only leads to overcompensation or mind problems).
I don’t even know if it can give more confidence than what I already have so maybe I’m wasting my time? I will probably never know if the audio gave me self-confidence because my self-confidence is too high and varies from day to day or period to period because of what I mentioned before about lack of sleep, etc. I also don’t feel stressed at all or have cancer so that I can test the other free 5G audios, so how do I really test the technology?
I would probably be interested in the Woman Magnet if it had a sleep aid at least and only after I have proof the technology really works.
I’m sleeping only 4 to 5 hours per day, nearly reaching 450 days now. I’ve used to be the kind of person that would look like a zombie if he slept 7 hours or less just one day. Now I’m sleeping only 4 or 5 hours for more than a year and still I have the strength to start teaching seduction to others. I’ve changed tremendously just by myself, it’s actually unbelievable. You are what you think and eat right?
So, any suggestion? I know I cannot use Woman Magnet before the Alpha Male and the Alpha Male itself only interests me on some points that I’m lacking, most of what the product offers I already have. I seem to be on a dead end here, no interesting product to test and the others that interest me are $500, wow. See my problem? I’m even afraid to try the “Emotional_Pain_Relief_And_Healing_Aid” for fear of making me too calm and take the rest of my energy away. I have that pirated track of LTU 3.0. That audio seems to treat some interesting inner problems but I read that it has copyright or something. Dead end everywhere I turn to.
Perfect for me would be some audio that produces the same effect as hearing for example “Eminem – Till I collapse” or the last two minutes of “Fungus Funk – Microcosmos” at very high volume only. Both of these tracks put me instantly in a state of: controlled aggression + motivation + supreme self-confidence + endless energy. Even my skin crawls. Problem is, that mental state only lasts 10 minutes tops. :/
Any of you more experienced folks has any advice for me?
Ps: When I’m on my computer I use “foobar2000” to play the silent track but also use “aimp3” to play my favorite music at the same time. There’s no problem with this right? Listening to the same 2 masked subliminal tracks gets boring after a while.

I’m kind of new to this subs thing. I’ve tried lots of those Binaural tracks and similar technologies but never got a damned thing out of it. I remember putting anti-stress and sleep tracks playing just to feel the opposite effect along with irritability. Then I saw great reviews about the BrainEV audios. I tried it and also didn’t get anything out of it by the third month. Some days ago, when I was about to finish the third month I found this site because I saw a pirated track of one of the products on sale here. I did some research and ended up on this website. Immediately I saw there were free audios available and decided to try them.
I opted for the ASC 5.0 and this where all the freakiness started.
So, I put my headphones on and after some 15 minutes I start feeling a small change in my head, like it’s active, working or something. Well, even if this is the only thing the audio does it’s still more than all the other crap I’ve tried before.
I kept playing the ASC audio in my headphones and after some time I could really feel something different in my head. I couldn’t explain what but I could feel something.
Nighttime comes and like usually before going to bed I roll a joint with weed + salvia divinorum. I use weed to make me sleep and I use Salvia to upregulate the Opiate receptors and the Dopamine receptors in the Nucleus accumbens. Kind of what low dose Naltrexone does. Anyway, after I smoked the joint and put on the headphones all kinds of freakiness started to happen:
First I started to have many difficulties reading a book, it was like I couldn’t focus well because my mind was busy processing some other thing. Then that feeling of active brain grew exponentially as the minutes went by. My head felt like was going to explode. Then I start feeling this immense power growing inside me. I could feel there was something different in my head but couldn’t describe what. The only explanation I have is brain overload with a kind of “I don’t-give-a-fuck, I own everything.” attitude.
I think to myself, “ok, this needs some further testing”. Next day I decided to go out and buy the Logitech Z623 2.1 Speakers that were on my wish list for some time. I used it to test ASC during sleep.
I smoked the end-of-day joint and went to bed while speakers are playing the silent track. Instead of falling asleep I started getting more and more annoyed, my brain feels more and more active with every minute that goes by. I started to grab my head with both my hands like being really annoyed by something. I started to roll from one side of the bed to the other while still grabbing my head, completely annoyed by something. This goes on and on, getting worse by the minute until I completely lost it and scream, “I fuc**** heard it already!!!! Shut the fu** up damnit!!! LOL Then I realized what I had just said and it really freaked me out. Who was I responding to? Why does this only happen when I use salvia? I’ve tried it the third day with only weed and the effects from the audio get a bit stronger but nothing like when I add Salvia. Could it be that Salvia, that unique substance in the world gets you more in touch with the subconscious, gets you access to it? If Salvia really does this I have to try the audios with the King “Iboga/Ibogaine”.
But even freakier is the effect I get while on weed+salvia from of the Z623 speakers. There’s this spot right in the middle of speakers where I position myself and they present this brutal 3D effect (the speakers are on the sides of a table but the sound looks like is coming exactly from the middle, between the speakers (really amazing effect). Well, it turns out that that spot amplifies the effects of the audio 10x, to the point that I need to turn it off soon because my head feels like it’s going to literally explode if I continue to listen to the audio 30 more seconds. WOW, I don’t know if the audio gives any confidence but it sure screws with your head. lol
So, either I’ve lost it completely and I’m imagining everything or these audios are really doing something. I’m still a big sceptic because no other similar products have worked before for me and the internet world is scam after scam. Sometimes I keep wondering if the audios aren’t just annoying my ears and brain with some weird frequency and the rest is just my imagination or wanting a product to finally work for me.
The real problem I see with continue testing the ASC is only one:
I already have all the self-confidence I need, I’m already what others consider an “Alpha male”. My problem is consistency mostly because of lack of sleep and mood changes. I have no motivation, mood or energy to use my confidence most of the time. When I have energy, motivation and feel really happy I’m unstoppable, I’ll do things only Aaron Sleazy can. Guys like “Mystery” look like wussies next to me when I’m at my best, I mean that only in terms of dominance and relentless escalation into something sexual very quickly.
So, my questions are:
Should I be using ASC at all? I don’t see anything about motivation in the script nor anything about using my imagination to imagine and reach new and more difficult objectives every day. All I see is an audio trying to brute force self confidence in to me senselessly which is not exactly what I need (btw, how can it give self-confidence without touching our fears first? I don’t get it, normally that only leads to overcompensation or mind problems).
I don’t even know if it can give more confidence than what I already have so maybe I’m wasting my time? I will probably never know if the audio gave me self-confidence because my self-confidence is too high and varies from day to day or period to period because of what I mentioned before about lack of sleep, etc. I also don’t feel stressed at all or have cancer so that I can test the other free 5G audios, so how do I really test the technology?
I would probably be interested in the Woman Magnet if it had a sleep aid at least and only after I have proof the technology really works.
I’m sleeping only 4 to 5 hours per day, nearly reaching 450 days now. I’ve used to be the kind of person that would look like a zombie if he slept 7 hours or less just one day. Now I’m sleeping only 4 or 5 hours for more than a year and still I have the strength to start teaching seduction to others. I’ve changed tremendously just by myself, it’s actually unbelievable. You are what you think and eat right?

So, any suggestion? I know I cannot use Woman Magnet before the Alpha Male and the Alpha Male itself only interests me on some points that I’m lacking, most of what the product offers I already have. I seem to be on a dead end here, no interesting product to test and the others that interest me are $500, wow. See my problem? I’m even afraid to try the “Emotional_Pain_Relief_And_Healing_Aid” for fear of making me too calm and take the rest of my energy away. I have that pirated track of LTU 3.0. That audio seems to treat some interesting inner problems but I read that it has copyright or something. Dead end everywhere I turn to.

Perfect for me would be some audio that produces the same effect as hearing for example “Eminem – Till I collapse” or the last two minutes of “Fungus Funk – Microcosmos” at very high volume only. Both of these tracks put me instantly in a state of: controlled aggression + motivation + supreme self-confidence + endless energy. Even my skin crawls. Problem is, that mental state only lasts 10 minutes tops. :/
Any of you more experienced folks has any advice for me?
Ps: When I’m on my computer I use “foobar2000” to play the silent track but also use “aimp3” to play my favorite music at the same time. There’s no problem with this right? Listening to the same 2 masked subliminal tracks gets boring after a while.