01-21-2014, 06:50 PM
Awesome! Nice update.
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
01-21-2014, 06:50 PM
Awesome! Nice update.
01-25-2014, 09:13 PM
Day 41
I'm feeling more comfort and happiness towards exercising. You might be under the impression from my previous posts that the experience has been intense towards getting back into shape. It was, and I was working out as if I had something to prove to myself and everyone else. I have now let that go. I'm clear on committing to the process of exercising and eating right. The two have been complimenting each other very well and i'm receiving compliments from others on my progress. Instead of having a great focus on the end result i'm enjoying my everyday activities, thinking about the result here and there. The attitude i've maintained at the moment is releasing as well as being my self. I'm attracting more and more circumstances that turn out to be "right" for me and produce a healthy balance of energy towards all areas of my life, which lead to more contentment. For example, i'll be taking this fitness test soon and I viewed a video for it online. It gave me great confidence knowing that I will be able to pass the test with my current physical capabilities. I'm also finding enjoyment with my motivation to do other things and I don't go over board with one or the other. Everything is just, right. I'm sure as the days go on more positivity will entire my life, but I will keep you guys posted on the results. I'm also hoping that this program will receive a power boost from an upgrade to 5G. Thanks Fonzy
01-29-2014, 06:10 AM
Day 44
Been feeling amazing recently, finally taking control of my life again. In regards to subliminals and my inner resistance. Any ego that was in me before has left and I feel free like the wind. I found a few sites for you guys to help you along the process. http://www.eftstatements.com/articles/ef...ssa-cason/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_F...Techniques I haven't been able to go to the gym in the past two days because of sickness. But i've never felt so in control of my abilities before. I'm exactly what i've envisioned myself to be, all I have to do is press play. Tremendous love is the word I would use for the state I am in, I accept myself and live one step at a time instead of getting anxious about the future. I feel amazing being my charming, charismatic self. I use my previous experience with improving my grades, confidence, NSFM, and anything practical to my advantage in everyday situations. Like that song goes, "I did it my, way". ![]() I used to have a very gluttonous lifestyle. I would take on any reason to go out and eat at a restaurant or drink then have a fatty meal at the end of a night. After clubbing and what not, but now when I think about vegetables and exercise I am happy. I never had a problem with working out in the past but I would have put going out and socializing a priority over the gym. Now the world is my playground ![]() Going to the gym today, just feel like improving as time goes on. To end the post i've done a weigh in and am down another 2lbs. Getting there ![]()
01-29-2014, 11:31 AM
01-29-2014, 03:45 PM
Today I was feeling this weird sensation within me. When I was at the gym and kept my head straight, aligned with my neck not looking up or down many positive occurrences began happening lol. Women that were associates, friends at most began giving me compliments. I never once shook my head up and down, or looked down, or looked up. If anything just side to side (including eye movement) and people started to open up to me. It was a relief feeling a kick of motivation today as i've been having a cold for the past few days. I got a lot done and went to the gym. One thing I noticed different about me from before was that I didn't like moving from place to place for little reasons. If I got up and went out to do something somewhere it had to be according to that, I thought things weren't good enough for me. That's gone now and I just feel at peace, doing was I am inspired too. I had a drive test today for driving a company vehicle (because I am 21) and I used the same head technique I described earlier and it was a great success, I had a great time with the instructor. Can't wait to see where this takes me.
Thanks Fonzy
Day 49
Wooo made it over the halfway point for this program! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyways I've made a lot of progress in controlling my appetite and I actually notice my metabolism being at a higher rate than a couple months ago. I've found a video on aiming when releasing blocks in your energy system. This method has produced a lot of peace and positivity in my inner being. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si8qKrDAbIU The video explains that when you focus on the feeling you are noticing it as well as your method of releasing, wether it's affirming or tapping. You notice the statement has gone through when you can say "peace" then send a positive feeling toward the area that you've released, or the physical sign of exhaling a deep breath. I'm glad i've taken the time to put energy into my health and improve the part of my life I feel is my strongest personality trait. Taking this new body and mind state into the next quarter will definitely serve me in bringing my life to even higher levels of positivity. Thanks Fonzy
02-04-2014, 09:21 PM
Bro to be honest your results as well as perhaps some influence from AOS has motivated me to get off my ass and work out more as well. I'm definitely glad I did. You're absolutely right, when you eat better and work out more I think feeling good comes natural.
You mentioned the mid section, I've found that natural herbs like guarana has helped me out plus I also do some dancing to help work that area out. It hasn't set in completely but the cuts are coming. I tell ya, the chase for that elusive six-pack is a long hard race indeed. LOL. Anyway glad to hear from you again bro, keep up the good work.
I'm excited and inspired by your results Fonzy. I have a suspicion that working with EFT and tapping on your resistance as it comes up from the sub has created more rapid and smoother results with thism technology.
It sounds like u also read and explore other self development. Kudos for you for making personal growth and radiant health a priority! Now what I really want to know is more about your use of EFT. I understand u utilize Faster EFT. I understand the concept have used regular EFT with positive results and am exploring Faster EFT. Watching the u tube vids, exploring the website and other practitioner sites as well. Do u dedicate an allotted time for EFT, do u tap in the moment when issues arise? Have u worked with any practitioners, do u ever tap in your mind, without doing the actual physical tapping? Any tips or advise u could give on how u tap specifically with resistance that comes up from using the subs would be appreciated. (02-04-2014, 09:21 PM)K-Train Wrote: Bro to be honest your results as well as perhaps some influence from AOS has motivated me to get off my ass and work out more as well. I'm definitely glad I did. You're absolutely right, when you eat better and work out more I think feeling good comes natural. Thank you man, i've definately noticed more results from exercising while also staying in control of my metabolism. I think it's important to have your physical health as a positve trait to serve you in anything that has to be done. Especially when attracting women as well. Yeah i'm really looking forward to those cuts, the first half of my journey was this program was to actually get to a point where I genuinely look forward to go to the gym. Now that i'm much more regular in exercising and enjoying myself when I do so i'll try alternative ways of being fit haha some people have already mentioned to me to try zumba. (02-09-2014, 07:00 PM)Mz. Gem Wrote: I'm excited and inspired by your results Fonzy. I have a suspicion that working with EFT and tapping on your resistance as it comes up from the sub has created more rapid and smoother results with thism technology. Hey Mz. Gem nice to see you on this again. Those are a lot of good questions. I'll write down my steps for you. 1. In my head or out loud affirm/say to myself "I love to exercise and go to the gym!" or "Resistance to loving exercise and going to the gym... How I know I have this problem?". 2. Identify the resistance that comes up. 3. Focus on the resistance, then with that in mind focus on tapping a meridian point ( I usually feeling the tip of my thumb and index finger touching as this is most discreet). Then notice both the tapping of meridian and the area of resistance. Then just notice the tapping of the meridian ( This is the point where I come out of the "resistance" feeling.) 4. I continue step three in order until I have a full out yawn or can take a deep breath. You might like to include saying "let it go" while focusing on the resistance or doing the process. 5. When I have a full out yawn I know the statement has fully gone through and progress is made, I can feel the resistance breaking off and letting go. After I have the full out yawn or deep breath I say "peace" and feel positive. Then I mentally send a positive feeling to the resistance area. I know it sounds a bit funny, the releasing i've been doing throughout the day whenever i've had some time has made me feel much happier in every area of my life and has made me feel mch more positive towards my goals. Basically whenever I am sitting down somewhere or lying in bed or driving, any situations i've been with myself. I know sometimes the solutions to lifes issues feels as if you have to work harder but I'm sure we are all here (using subs) to improve ourselves and lives so that we accomplish more much simpler and enjoy. I'm not the type to sit in one spot and try to tap for hours, but I know the method I do allows me to release anytime throughout the day and get results effortlessly which motivates me to do more. The more I release using the steps above when I feel and urge to do so the better I feel. A few days ago I was doing 16 releases a day and now i'm doing MUCH more. When you release towards a certain area in your life you feel more positive towards it and the message your subconscious is receiving from subliminals accepts it then translates it in a much more powerful way. Hence the pronounced results from mixing the two. Imagine you have the ultimate resource to plant positive and the resource to release negatives, the world is at your fingertips. I personally focus on emotional health as first priority, then success, then physical health, then pleasure. I gotta thank Geodude for bringing up the FEFT in his ASC and AM journal. When I saw his ASC journal I knew this was quite affective. I've used his connection Franco and he gave me a coaching (practitioner) session. I have done a lot of research on FEFT All the knowledge about releasing resistance i've finally found a way to release constantly throughout the day, when I feel like and wherever. Which always gives great satisfaction because i'm making instant changes internally. And the great thing about releasing is that the resistance is than gone forever! You just keep on going up level by level when you release. Being more at peace with what is around you, attracting more positive. And the next morning, when you wake up, you'll feel like a totally new and amazing person. I also using natural grounding, watch 20 min video from youtube per day to improve my relationship and overall feeling toward females more. I appreciate my girlfriend even more because she even looks like one of the asian girls in those videos haha. I can release to any part I have a thought towards of my life. As you continue to release the inner negativity goes away and you then know key areas to aim on that make dramatic. The more practice the better, and you will see it in your life! Hope that helped. Day 56 Oh shit this program just hit me BIG TIME. I've been testing out what levels of volume listening to the sub on headphones would affect me best. I just came to the realization that if you were at peace and enjoyed listening to them louder, that's great because you're accepting the sub at a very high level and will have massive affects. I've really noticed myself sweating during a work out and feeling like how I would from when I exercising in the past. The time's I would bike with a sweater on to cut weight for a boxing match. That is coming back to me. A realization i've made with the time from using the sub is that all we have to do is press play but we also have a choice to do some concious inner changes so that we can accept the subliminal as much as possible. This is the second 4G program which i've noticed is setting a great foundation for my perspective towards exercise for the rest of my life. I have been really enjoying myself this past week mostly because I am exercising the best ways that make me content. I went to my girlfriends Christmas party that was hosted by the retailer she is employed by. I had a blast, first of in regards to the sub I was one of the most active people in the banquet hall as I participated in games and had a lot of action on the dance floor. I actually broke a sweat. In regards to the releasing to other areas of my life I saw BLATANT results as I won a raffle, won the center piece prize at my table and made it to the final in one of the games. Felt great knowing I was being my authentic amazing self. Everyone was genuinely happy. I looked very good in a formal suit I had to wear that night as well. A lot of the over working I thought I had to do in order to achieve my goals are drifting away as I am realizing much faster ways to get to where I am aiming to be with the enjoyment and motivation of exercise. I downloaded this app on my phone called "my fitness pal" and it allows me to track all the calories I intake per day, my calories I burn during exercises and even measures metabolism. I've been eating 5 small meals 3 hours apart each day which have allowed me to enjoy my overall progress much more. I'm noticing results in school, the females I interact with, money, and more in my life, for my journals sake i'll keep it specified to physical health. Happy to say that things are going great. Thanks Fonzy
Day 62
Lol finally got the hang of this, 4G feels like it's improving me as every minute passes. Feeling fuckin amazing and would love to go and exercise right about now ![]() I've started aiming in the area underneath my conscious where I recognize a "darkness" ( as close to a subconscious as possible). I'm going to experiment with this and comment on it later. This is clearing the energy system closest to the first initial area that receives the message from the subliminal. So while this is very clear the script that is being accepted and translated to change is great. The feeling similar to gratitude, when you are looking within and having a deep appreciation towards what is around you. Will update you as soon as I can. Thanks Fonzy
02-21-2014, 06:49 PM
Day 68
It's been a tough time so far. I've been dealing with a lot of mental and emotional issues in regards to what is working for me and what is against. The results i've seen from the past two months have been coming from my own will, pushing myself to be better. Even though i've felt a small foundation of "Exercise Motivation and Enjoyment". Nothing nearly as powerful as what I expected from using it for the first day. I've resorted back to using gratitude, conscious affirmations (I'm grateful for x because of ...) which has given me an attitude of appreciation towards the positive things in my life. This has complimented well with my own efforts to produce results and i've noticed it to bring out what I recognize is so more conscious affects from the sub. This is great ![]() When it comes to releasing, I can say that when I first heard about FEFT and the idea of combining it with subliminals it sounded like a god send. I used tapping, the Sedona method, and releasing with a coach to try and improve results with subliminals. What it really did was clear my conscious mind and provided fleeting moments of happiness (which is great for visualization and conscious affirmations). I spent hours, even days releasing, thinking I would get a huge hit from the sub. I even did the process while I was listening to the subliminal. I thought the issue was then, aiming... I had to aim at the dark emotions, release them and I would start feeling the subliminal more? I respect releasing consciously for the fact that it can help with visualization, fears, phobias. My main concern was would it positively effect the subliminals I am listening to! The end result is just being more clear headed, i'm beginning to think FEFT just pushes energy systems around which can't be good for the growth of your subconscious accepting the script and causing changes to your life. The one thing FEFT did give me though is a new appreciation to the "process" of doing things. One of the reasons why I listen to subliminals is because it does all the work for me, it will make me a pro at being motivated and enjoy exercise just by listening to it every night (with some effort put into the actual process). When looking towards the big picture I would rather have an ongoing increase towards that area of my life and get better day by day. This means waking up early in the morning, and putting action towards all the areas in my life to feel grateful towards. Instead of relying on a key formula that is supposed to give you huge results. If someone knows what the formula is, please let me know ![]() The product description- To exercise, you must have sufficient motivation. This program works to give you that motivation by re-framing exercise from a subject that has negative connotations into something that is fun and enjoyable. It also encourages you to exercise in ways that you enjoy. This has been achieved greatly as i've noticed a huge amount of peace when going to the gym and exercising. I'm glad i've reached heights with this area of my life. I've always been interested in exercising and enjoyed it. I now love spending time at the gym or exercising wherever. For those that are obese and have a fear of exercising this program is for you. Thanks Fonzy |
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