09-06-2010, 05:41 PM
Friday and Saturday i was hanging out with of friend of mine in a bigger town then the one i currently live in. We had hit the mall they have there and well i had lots of pent up nervous energy Friday and it showed in how i walked and talked with people.
Saturday was better i was in a really good move despite lack of sleep and being groggy i had lots of women checking me out. I chatted when i needed to but didn't really approach anyone but i did return gazes back confidently. I even had a good looking woman that worked at the Sam goody's in the mall "bump" into me and she had a big ol smile and kept flicking her hair.
All and all it was a fun weekend
Saturday was better i was in a really good move despite lack of sleep and being groggy i had lots of women checking me out. I chatted when i needed to but didn't really approach anyone but i did return gazes back confidently. I even had a good looking woman that worked at the Sam goody's in the mall "bump" into me and she had a big ol smile and kept flicking her hair.
All and all it was a fun weekend