10-19-2013, 10:00 AM
Hello there!
I have done the alpha male training set from the beginning of this year to mid July.
Reason being: Last year I hit an all-time low personally and felt like I have no more life within me.I had a shitty job, barely friends and no other hobbies than sitting in front of the computer. Barely the guy I have been several years ago when I recorded music, wrote poems, stories and explore life. I knew I had to do something so I learned meditation from a good teacher with experience.
That made me look into myself a little bit gave me huge relaxation and joy and I found out that I danced to the tune of outside impulses rather than dancing after my own. I also had some experience with mental training from some years ago, but I wanted something different. I had the idea to record some masked self talk scripts and listen to them the whole day, but I found the process too tedious and really did not want to invest this time. So I searched the internet and found this shop among others, but I decided to check the alpha male recordings.
The AM 5 description did not really fit what I wanted - and still want - but came close. Because of my situation and goals I rather gave a freck about the "women pursuing the alpha"-stuff in the description but I wanted the other things mentioned. I wanted myself and my life to be my own creation.
I wanted to create my own business, ideas, friend-circle and create an environment of like minded people, kind of like a tribe, in a sense. I wanted to express myself, not in a egoistic sense, but really in a sense of shaping my talents by going to their limits and doing something with my talents that might help or contribute to other people or the society ( well, a busines or something ).
I wanted to be growth and create growth wherever I am. Ok, enough of the fluffy idealism, lol
Here are the results ( be aware that my meditation practice has done its part too):
Within the first half of the first stage, there was certainty, that I will no longer be stepped on in my job. Either people are friendly and contribute as I contribute or I either will create unpleasant feelings for the person stepping on me or I will just retreat and no longer contribute, which will be a problem, as the project at hand will just collapse. Still, what I did at the job was a success, and I did all that was necessary and more.
The following stage 2 brought out a lot of unpleasant feelings, and made me realize how many people were trying to play games with me. I started going to the gym. End of stage 2 and beginning stage 3 made me explore my unpatient anger zone a little bit, but this made me just realize that I have to change a lot in my life or I will just burst into flames.
Stage 4 was a bit better - I started jogging again. I got really impatient with the incapabilities of my boss. Either this guy had to go or me. Better me, because I did not like the job anyways and he deserved it
Stage 5 was worst of all. Still I socialized more with other people than anytime before. But I reached the low with my job and metality during this stage. It was clear that I *had* to leave. There was no other possibility. So I decided to let my contract run out ( and buy BASE at the end of AM5 ).
Stage 6 was better, I liked that. I reconnected to old friends, went out with them and decided that I move to the place they live. 2 weeks later stage 6 ended and I applied for a new job about 4 weeks later. I got the job without having to write a resume or anything else, I got that just by talking to the new boss. The new job was at the location I decided to move before, so basically I got what I wanted.
All in all AM 5 was a success for me, partly because I needed to make that change and wanted it.
Still I am still an employee but really want to do my own thing. I have a few options, but I'd like to have some support with a sub that helps me reached the life I envision for myself. I still am undecided what kind of program I should use. The alpha is great, but I need to become a more active builder of my life and environment I live in. Of course, I want to earn some decent money too- but not at the expense of being stepped on. Rather I'd like to be self-employed and create things that people need and have use for.
See Ya
I have done the alpha male training set from the beginning of this year to mid July.
Reason being: Last year I hit an all-time low personally and felt like I have no more life within me.I had a shitty job, barely friends and no other hobbies than sitting in front of the computer. Barely the guy I have been several years ago when I recorded music, wrote poems, stories and explore life. I knew I had to do something so I learned meditation from a good teacher with experience.
That made me look into myself a little bit gave me huge relaxation and joy and I found out that I danced to the tune of outside impulses rather than dancing after my own. I also had some experience with mental training from some years ago, but I wanted something different. I had the idea to record some masked self talk scripts and listen to them the whole day, but I found the process too tedious and really did not want to invest this time. So I searched the internet and found this shop among others, but I decided to check the alpha male recordings.
The AM 5 description did not really fit what I wanted - and still want - but came close. Because of my situation and goals I rather gave a freck about the "women pursuing the alpha"-stuff in the description but I wanted the other things mentioned. I wanted myself and my life to be my own creation.
I wanted to create my own business, ideas, friend-circle and create an environment of like minded people, kind of like a tribe, in a sense. I wanted to express myself, not in a egoistic sense, but really in a sense of shaping my talents by going to their limits and doing something with my talents that might help or contribute to other people or the society ( well, a busines or something ).
I wanted to be growth and create growth wherever I am. Ok, enough of the fluffy idealism, lol

Here are the results ( be aware that my meditation practice has done its part too):
Within the first half of the first stage, there was certainty, that I will no longer be stepped on in my job. Either people are friendly and contribute as I contribute or I either will create unpleasant feelings for the person stepping on me or I will just retreat and no longer contribute, which will be a problem, as the project at hand will just collapse. Still, what I did at the job was a success, and I did all that was necessary and more.
The following stage 2 brought out a lot of unpleasant feelings, and made me realize how many people were trying to play games with me. I started going to the gym. End of stage 2 and beginning stage 3 made me explore my unpatient anger zone a little bit, but this made me just realize that I have to change a lot in my life or I will just burst into flames.
Stage 4 was a bit better - I started jogging again. I got really impatient with the incapabilities of my boss. Either this guy had to go or me. Better me, because I did not like the job anyways and he deserved it

Stage 5 was worst of all. Still I socialized more with other people than anytime before. But I reached the low with my job and metality during this stage. It was clear that I *had* to leave. There was no other possibility. So I decided to let my contract run out ( and buy BASE at the end of AM5 ).
Stage 6 was better, I liked that. I reconnected to old friends, went out with them and decided that I move to the place they live. 2 weeks later stage 6 ended and I applied for a new job about 4 weeks later. I got the job without having to write a resume or anything else, I got that just by talking to the new boss. The new job was at the location I decided to move before, so basically I got what I wanted.
All in all AM 5 was a success for me, partly because I needed to make that change and wanted it.
Still I am still an employee but really want to do my own thing. I have a few options, but I'd like to have some support with a sub that helps me reached the life I envision for myself. I still am undecided what kind of program I should use. The alpha is great, but I need to become a more active builder of my life and environment I live in. Of course, I want to earn some decent money too- but not at the expense of being stepped on. Rather I'd like to be self-employed and create things that people need and have use for.
See Ya
Focus and push through. (Uncle B)