Ugh, this is making a change to Money Magnet very tempting.
UMS v2 Journal (current) || Overcoming Fear 5.75G Journal
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
Ugh, this is making a change to Money Magnet very tempting.
UMS v2 Journal (current) || Overcoming Fear 5.75G Journal
07-25-2023, 09:51 AM
(07-25-2023, 08:47 AM)Ampersnd Wrote: Ugh, this is making a change to Money Magnet very tempting. Don't do that. Get at LEAST 6 months of usage, and if Duke suggests more, do that. MM will be here waiting for you, rest assured.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-25-2023, 09:53 AM
Very interesting observation... when I'm running UMS v2, my sex drive tanks and I focus completely on achieving monetary wealth. On Money Magnet, however, my sex drive appears to be shining through in full force. I had missed this...
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-25-2023, 10:54 AM
(07-25-2023, 06:03 AM)Shannon Wrote: Last night, shortly after midnight, I felt some part of me telling me, "I need more." So instead of waiting for later in the day, I gave it a loop from 12:30-ish AM to 1:30-ish AM. Then I went to bed. Ree- Mark-Kah-Bull !! See My recent post in My MM Journal. you'll see exactly WHY I've said this... MM is something special !!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"
07-25-2023, 02:03 PM
(07-25-2023, 09:53 AM)Shannon Wrote: Very interesting observation... when I'm running UMS v2, my sex drive tanks and I focus completely on achieving monetary wealth. On Money Magnet, however, my sex drive appears to be shining through in full force. I had missed this... This is my experience too... I was surprised of that result considering that it seems that UMSv2 has the goal to achieve the result while keeping a balanced lifrestyle... I feel like I must be very close to move on from UMS as in the last 1-2 weeks, I have experienced a over abundance of female attention coming out of nowhere as if I was currently experiencing my next program choice through TDI...
07-25-2023, 06:47 PM
Shannon, is MM so far in tech from UMS that you would pick MM over UMS?
07-25-2023, 09:10 PM
(07-25-2023, 06:47 PM)AbundanceCH Wrote: Shannon, is MM so far in tech from UMS that you would pick MM over UMS? No. They do different things, and they are good for different reasons. In fact I suspect they can be alternated to enhance one another. As in, use UMS for one play through and then use MM for a while, and then repeat. Not sure yet, but I have some indications that that may be a good option. MM is good and newest tech and super powerful, but it's not UMS. And UMS is good, powerful, etc. but it's not MM. They each have different goals and uses, and one isn't necessarily better than the other. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-25-2023, 09:14 PM
(07-25-2023, 02:03 PM)lano1106 Wrote:(07-25-2023, 09:53 AM)Shannon Wrote: Very interesting observation... when I'm running UMS v2, my sex drive tanks and I focus completely on achieving monetary wealth. On Money Magnet, however, my sex drive appears to be shining through in full force. I had missed this... It does have that design, but it apparently needs adjustment. Quote:I feel like I must be very close to move on from UMS as in the last 1-2 weeks, I have experienced a over abundance of female attention coming out of nowhere as if I was currently experiencing my next program choice through TDI... Interesting. I have started noticing that people are treating me differently today. Chiropractor was in a hurry, which has never happened before. Then again, I have never been late before, so that might explain it. Male manager at Cracker Barrel went out of his way to come over and check on us and apologize that the eggs weren't done right the first time, which never happened before, and his body language said that he was focused on me... they weren't my eggs. Multiple servers and a hostess at CB were also acting differently tonight, seeming to be more interested in me. I wonder what's going on here... is this MM? Am I projecting some sort of wealth vibe that attracts them now?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-25-2023, 09:24 PM
(07-25-2023, 09:14 PM)Shannon Wrote:(07-25-2023, 02:03 PM)lano1106 Wrote: This is my experience too... I was surprised of that result considering that it seems that UMSv2 has the goal to achieve the result while keeping a balanced lifrestyle... Dang I Love it. Rockin' Rolla ! The Wealth Vibe attraction, sounds like Luck Magnifier is doing its thing as well interwoven with Money Magnito !!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"
07-26-2023, 06:40 AM
It's about an hour after breakfast and I am uncharacteristically tired right now. I could go back to sleep. I got up earlier than usual, but I didn't expect this level of tired.
Also noticed that I look different when I look at myself in the mirror. Better, younger, more handsome. Before I was starting to see the effects of age and exhaustion. Now I see the "me" I used to see in the mirror 10 years ago. What is this?! Some sort of self image belief adjustment or something? Is this real, or just my perception changing? I'm not sure what's going on here, but I like it! Very unexpected potential results from using MM. I didn't put a limit on what beliefs got changed, aside from that they were the beliefs that were preventing the user from being a Money Magnet. How does this have anything to do with becoming a Money Magnet? And have I accidentally stumbled on something that has to do with anti-aging? Or is this just how I view myself changing for some reason? The more I use this program, the more intrigued I become!
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-27-2023, 12:11 PM
When I told GF that I looked in the mirror and saw someone who looked different than before, she just rolled her eyes. I guess it's a self perception shift.
But I have noted that yet more restaurant staff and managers are treating me differently than usual. Today is my day on, and last night there was a part of me wanting it ASAP, but I could not do that without exposing GF, and she is very happy running OGSF. So I had to wait until I could go to my office and work. The experience this morning was that I was emotionally not feeling great this morning during breakfast; not terrible or depressed or anything like that, but not very good. That faded out while I was actually listening, but after listening, I feel bloated. This is apparently a way that some part of my primal awareness communicates some sort of discomfort with my conscious self. There is definitely some sort of belief being changed that is uncomfortable for me to change. But this discomfort is telling me that change is being made, and happening at very, very deep levels. That is a very good thing. I am, and have been since before I started Money Magnet, dealing with some uncomfortable changes that will have to take place within the next 2-3 months, and they affect my finances significantly. Money Magnet is currently trying to work against my inner child and/or my inner primal awareness on the fears this has caused to surface. That appears to be a significant part of why I'm not feeling good, and would likely be the case to some degree with or without it. But with it, the changes taking place are not just external, and that's added to the discomfort. These changes are necessary, and will have positive outcomes. I'm glad I have programs like UMS v2 and MM to help get me through this.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-28-2023, 12:27 PM
Well so far not much is exciting to report, but that was expected. The first thing that has to be done is the re-programming of those beliefs that hold you down and hold you back. A lo of these beliefs are coming from the deeper levels of your awareness, and usually are associated with very strong emotions, or are emotional in the nature of their awareness, which makes communicating with them somewhat difficult and time consuming.
This morning, I slept in and as I was drifting up to awake, I became aware at a low level of conscious awareness of my dreams. I realized that these dreams were dealing with changes that needed to take place for me to become a money magnet. Making changes, processing things, re-programming things. I don't remember much of them now, but I remember at one point, some subconscious part of me having the sudden realization that "I can be a Money Magnet!" It felt like that part of me had been stuck in the rut of it's previous thinking and beliefs, and it was sort of "pried up" out of that rut, looked around, and had this pleasant revelation. Most of my time is spent in my home office working, so I don't get out a lot for me to have a lot of experiences that might be more exciting to do with finding money or interesting things that the program might bring my way. I think right now, I'm mostly focused on the changing of beliefs and processing the emotional changes that result anyway. So not very exciting right now, but the program is at work, and I can see it in my emotional states, in my dreams and I am starting to see it in my thinking. Part of me wants to be impatient, but this is the sort of thing that has to be done at the right speed, because too fast and it shuts down and too slow and it gets shut down. MM will take you through these changes at the right speed. Just need to be patient.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-29-2023, 07:44 AM
Today, during and after my loop, I can tell that we have managed to work our way down to the rubber meeting the road, and now there is some part of me trying to resist. This part of me is most likely the part of me that has resisted everything else so far in this direction, but this time, it's struggling, at best. It took about 37 minutes of the loop for me to start feeling the projection of the grounding shield, and then at about 45 minutes I felt the program overpower it. It could be likened to a strongman trying to singlehandedly hold a dam in place and prevent it from collapsing, even as the water rises and rises. The program dominated it and began doing it's thing, and then as the loop ended, the part of me fighting it started taking more control again. It is currently about half an hour after the loop and it's struggling mightily to hold that dam up, but I can tell that this is taking everything it's got, and that it will eventually be overpowered by the parts of me trying to execute the program.
This is something I have never seen before. Never have I seen this part of me that tries to fight struggle so hard and so desperately to maintain it's stance and hold up it's resistance. That means that the program has already won, because it's just a matter of time now. And judging by how desperately it is struggling... not a lot of time either.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
07-30-2023, 07:29 AM
Yesterday while I was working, some interesting things happened. It was like experiencing the effects of a battle between two opponents, and I felt the program take over from my subconscious resistance, and then a little while later the resistant part took control again. Since then it has felt relatively stable, like they're deadlocked. People are still treating me differently, though. I got hugged and back rubbed from behind for a bit by one of the female servers I know at the place I sometimes go to for breakfast. Usually, she does that sort of thing to my GF, not me. Another stopped to talk to us twice. That's unusual, because she always gets in trouble for doing that.
I can feel the auric shield projecting. Usually on the "off" day, I don't.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness! |
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