First of all i want to introduce myself a shortly so you can see my progress in subject to my background because i think that the progress with DMSI is strongly dependend on it.
I am 29 years old and I am from Germany as you can see in the title.
So my language is not the best and i hope that you can understand me nevertheless.
I am a virgin and I have little to no experience with women at all.
In my youth I was a total computer nerd with overweight and with little to no self confidence.
Around six years ago I reduced my weight for around 40 kg (around 88 lbs) and till now raised my overall self confidence but not with women i find attractive.
I have really big struggles to appraoch women, if the situation is naturally and they show interest to me it is much better but this happened to me very rarely my hole Life.
Right now i would say, that I am a pretty average looking guy, 184 cm tall.
I was trying several subs in the past.
The first time around 2 year ago from other sources, but with no results.
Around 1,5 years ago I found Shannons shop and first tried some of the free subs.
It was the first time that I felt something changing with Emotional Pain Relief, but still no big results and also with BIATBW i had no real progress until I startet with DMSI 3.0.1 A...
Before i go into it i have to say, that i first startet with DMSI V 2.5 back in November and run it for around 1,5 month until i discovered on January 3rd that a new version was out...
But with 2.5 i had also little to no resulst.
On new years eve, there was a little incident in a heavy metal club.
In the Line for the Garderobe right before i wanted to leave, there was standing a cute girl in front of me. It took around 25 minutes in total so everybody in the line moved a little bit to the music, but i noticed that she began to play with her hair and at one time she made a step backwards so that her back was directly in touch with my front and i saw over her shoulders that she were playing with her hair even more heavily, so i very gently touched her thighs with my outside hand and gently stroke her and we both hold this postion for 5 to 10 seconds and she didn´t escaped it directly nor slapped me or something like this ^^
Around one Minute later directly at the garderobe I spoke to her and asked her for her number but she denied. It´s very likely that i asked her to carefully or perhaps she only wanted to play a little bit with me i am not that sure.
But around 5 Minutes later after I was on the toilet and went to the exit, she suddenly touched me on my arm because I diddn´t saw, that she was standing next to the exit, smiled at me and said goodbye. I was a bit confused with her behaviour smiled back and also said bye and left the club.
Perhaps i should mention that never in my hole life i had an incident like that...
But all in all i would say, that DMSI 2.5 brought to me no noticable change, but perhaps it was much more subconscious then i thought.
But now i think that it was totally my fault that it couldn´t work rightly because at this time i didn´t follow Shannons directions rightly.
I was hearing the loops on changing daytimes and not always had 24 hours between the sessions and mostly had interruptions while listening to the loops.
But as i started listening to DMSI 3.0.1 A i changed that.
Now i always listen to it in the evening, so i can do it also on workdays and since around 2 weeks i was able to always listen to the whole 3 loops without interupptions and i think it´s totally worth it.
So today I am at Day 19 on DMSI 3.0.1 A and i can clearly say, that it is working.
Not so fast and strong as for others here in the forum but there are many things changing within me.
In the first week I had some issues to sleep, but meanwhile i can sleep again normally. Especially in the first week right after starting the sub i began to have a very optimistic feeling inside myself that this will finally help me but still with no noticeable effects.
In the next week and until now i am experiencing that my self confidence is raising from day to day, especially at work.
Perhaps my low self confidence will be the biggest obstacle to overcome, but I`m seeing such fast progress with that lately.
And this really can´t be a coincidence.
Beside that I notice more and more that women are looking at me mostly with no special look but also that is totally new for me.
I also had on some days more eye contact with beautiful women then in one whole year in my past...
And I notice more and more something i want to call wandering eyes. When a woman in the city is walking past you and even is talking with a friend in this moment but while passing me here eyes are like drawn to my eyes and her concentration for a little moment is drawn to me.
But besides that i still got no clear IOI´s in my opinion, but the progress this time is very obvious to me.
But there is still a long way to go for me and especially for my self confidence i guess
There where also some other incident´s in the meantime but i want to write about them another time cause it´s not easy for me to write in english and now i am a little bit exhausted right now ^^
Ah and i also started to write a diary especially with focus on progress based on DMSI.
And in addition to DMSI I am trying an imagination technique.
For that i remember some situations in which i had contact with an attractive woman and try to feel every feeling i had in this situation and I also try to remember the sounds i heard and the smells and every small detail so that I am totally back in this situation.
Then if I have any bad feelings like that huge feeling to look away when i am looking at an attractive woman i concentrate at this feeling and start to accept it until it fades away...
After this I imagine the same situation but this time i change her behaviour to that i want to see from her and also change the feelings in my self in some positive to euphoric feelings but this is not that easy ^^
I also forgot to mention, that from day to day i have less and less problems to look at attractive girls and too look into her eyes and also the feeling to look away is lowering from day to day.
I am 29 years old and I am from Germany as you can see in the title.
So my language is not the best and i hope that you can understand me nevertheless.
I am a virgin and I have little to no experience with women at all.
In my youth I was a total computer nerd with overweight and with little to no self confidence.
Around six years ago I reduced my weight for around 40 kg (around 88 lbs) and till now raised my overall self confidence but not with women i find attractive.
I have really big struggles to appraoch women, if the situation is naturally and they show interest to me it is much better but this happened to me very rarely my hole Life.
Right now i would say, that I am a pretty average looking guy, 184 cm tall.
I was trying several subs in the past.
The first time around 2 year ago from other sources, but with no results.
Around 1,5 years ago I found Shannons shop and first tried some of the free subs.
It was the first time that I felt something changing with Emotional Pain Relief, but still no big results and also with BIATBW i had no real progress until I startet with DMSI 3.0.1 A...
Before i go into it i have to say, that i first startet with DMSI V 2.5 back in November and run it for around 1,5 month until i discovered on January 3rd that a new version was out...
But with 2.5 i had also little to no resulst.
On new years eve, there was a little incident in a heavy metal club.
In the Line for the Garderobe right before i wanted to leave, there was standing a cute girl in front of me. It took around 25 minutes in total so everybody in the line moved a little bit to the music, but i noticed that she began to play with her hair and at one time she made a step backwards so that her back was directly in touch with my front and i saw over her shoulders that she were playing with her hair even more heavily, so i very gently touched her thighs with my outside hand and gently stroke her and we both hold this postion for 5 to 10 seconds and she didn´t escaped it directly nor slapped me or something like this ^^
Around one Minute later directly at the garderobe I spoke to her and asked her for her number but she denied. It´s very likely that i asked her to carefully or perhaps she only wanted to play a little bit with me i am not that sure.
But around 5 Minutes later after I was on the toilet and went to the exit, she suddenly touched me on my arm because I diddn´t saw, that she was standing next to the exit, smiled at me and said goodbye. I was a bit confused with her behaviour smiled back and also said bye and left the club.
Perhaps i should mention that never in my hole life i had an incident like that...
But all in all i would say, that DMSI 2.5 brought to me no noticable change, but perhaps it was much more subconscious then i thought.
But now i think that it was totally my fault that it couldn´t work rightly because at this time i didn´t follow Shannons directions rightly.
I was hearing the loops on changing daytimes and not always had 24 hours between the sessions and mostly had interruptions while listening to the loops.
But as i started listening to DMSI 3.0.1 A i changed that.
Now i always listen to it in the evening, so i can do it also on workdays and since around 2 weeks i was able to always listen to the whole 3 loops without interupptions and i think it´s totally worth it.
So today I am at Day 19 on DMSI 3.0.1 A and i can clearly say, that it is working.
Not so fast and strong as for others here in the forum but there are many things changing within me.
In the first week I had some issues to sleep, but meanwhile i can sleep again normally. Especially in the first week right after starting the sub i began to have a very optimistic feeling inside myself that this will finally help me but still with no noticeable effects.
In the next week and until now i am experiencing that my self confidence is raising from day to day, especially at work.
Perhaps my low self confidence will be the biggest obstacle to overcome, but I`m seeing such fast progress with that lately.
And this really can´t be a coincidence.
Beside that I notice more and more that women are looking at me mostly with no special look but also that is totally new for me.
I also had on some days more eye contact with beautiful women then in one whole year in my past...
And I notice more and more something i want to call wandering eyes. When a woman in the city is walking past you and even is talking with a friend in this moment but while passing me here eyes are like drawn to my eyes and her concentration for a little moment is drawn to me.
But besides that i still got no clear IOI´s in my opinion, but the progress this time is very obvious to me.
But there is still a long way to go for me and especially for my self confidence i guess

There where also some other incident´s in the meantime but i want to write about them another time cause it´s not easy for me to write in english and now i am a little bit exhausted right now ^^
Ah and i also started to write a diary especially with focus on progress based on DMSI.
And in addition to DMSI I am trying an imagination technique.
For that i remember some situations in which i had contact with an attractive woman and try to feel every feeling i had in this situation and I also try to remember the sounds i heard and the smells and every small detail so that I am totally back in this situation.
Then if I have any bad feelings like that huge feeling to look away when i am looking at an attractive woman i concentrate at this feeling and start to accept it until it fades away...
After this I imagine the same situation but this time i change her behaviour to that i want to see from her and also change the feelings in my self in some positive to euphoric feelings but this is not that easy ^^
I also forgot to mention, that from day to day i have less and less problems to look at attractive girls and too look into her eyes and also the feeling to look away is lowering from day to day.