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DMSI 3.1 A - CHANGES - Printable Version

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RE: DMSI 3.1 A - CHANGES - Lucius - 03-27-2017

“Play and forget” is what has been recommended, and it’s what I've tried to follow. It will be good to see some outward tangible results but I can't complain as other changes are taking place.

I've not been able to remember the details of my dreams since I started this version. I do remember them just after I wake up, but then forget the details and just left with bits and pieces within five to ten minutes of being awake. This is a good thing as I do know the dreams were on the borderline of being a nightmare. For example, I remember one night I dreamed of walking along a pavement which had a set of steps, with a dog lying just at the top edge of the steps. As I walked down the steps, I remember the back of my neck being exposed to the dog, and I could feel it's breath on my neck as it growled. I woke up with my heart pounding, but the details of the dream quickly faded allowing me to go back to sleep. It may sound funny that I can recall that part even though I say I forget my dreams. I remember bits of dreams that really shook me like this one, but that's the only bit of the dream I can recall.

In another dream, I saw this huge fella walk into the room of a girl I’m interested in. He was half naked, and it brought up some insecurities within me that I'm not good enough to do same. I woke up feeling strong jealousy and rage, but this too quickly passed away. I remember that detail now, but without the nasty emotions I felt when I got up from the dream.

I don't know if this is DMSI related, but I've been producing loud heavy bass sounds through my ass for four days now. I've not changed my diet, and I don't feel sick in any way. It’s a good thing it doesn't stink as I average about three long farts every couple of hours.

I have gotten a glimpse of what people mean when they say they struggle with emotional eating. My food intake has increased, but I don't identify the feeling of hunger when I need food. Instead, I feel a mixture of emotions - fear, anger, frustration etc - and not the natural feeling of hunger I know. When I do eat something while in such states, I feel much, much better. Now, I try to eat something when I notice my emotions going wack for no conscious reason, and I feel better almost immediately.

I have noticed females go all girly on me on the phone, especially those I don't know personally. For example, I called my local GP surgery to book an appointment and the lady was talking to me with a tone of excitement as if she knew me personally. The same thing happened when I called my solicitor and a lady I've never talked to picked up the phone. These are professional institutions and I've never received such "happy" customer services from them before.

About two years ago, I volunteered for a charity with a girl whose name I had forgotten. She was pretty but I was not interesting in getting to know her better. Last November, I was with another friend who was also a volunteer and we started talking about her. We both forgot her name and I have been trying to remember her name ever since. Two days ago while lying in bed struggling to go to sleep, I lazily tried to remember her name again - and I did. Immediately that happened, I had a HARD boner. I don't understand what my subconscious was trying to communicate to me. If that's the LDS target then I'm more confused as she was not even among those I fancied banging. She is pretty, a 7/10 on my scale, but I hardly imagine us getting sexual.

Concerning the pheromone signature thingy, I don't think I can follow the recommendation of not having a shower daily. I'm black and have extremely dry skin and MUST moisturise after a shower. If not, within an hour I will end up looking like a real life character from Mad Max: FR. I could get a fragrance free moisturiser, but I feel like I still need to wash of the moisturiser with soap at most 24 hours later before applying a new coat. Will this affect my results with DMSI?